

mars 2018

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

歴史暦:古今東西 03/31 今日の出來事

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Today, on March 31st,
In 1596 René Descartes 159650 was born,
In 1685 Johann Sebastian Bach 168550 was born,
It is the day that Isaac Newton 164227 died in 1727.
In 1814, it was the day Paris fell into the army of the anti-French European Union and Napoléon Bonaparte 176921 was caught. Oh, and then, in 1889 the Eiffel Tower was completed.

0250/0331:Constantius Chlorus 025006、誕生

(Κωνστάντιος Χλωρός, Kōnstantios Khlōrós, literally "Constantius the Pale"), was Caesar, a form of Roman co-emperor, from 293 to 306.
He was the father of Constantine the Great and founder of the Constantinian dynasty.

0627/0331:アラブvsユダヤ「Battle of the Trench」
 Muhammad undergoes a 14-day siege at Medina (Saudi Arabia) by Meccan forces under Abu Sufyan.

also known as the Battle of the Confederates (Arabic: غزوة الاحزاب‎, Ghazwah al-Ahzab), was a 30-day-long siege of Yathrib (now Medina) by Arab and Jewish tribes. The strength of the confederate armies is estimated around 10,000 men with six hundred horses and some camels, while the Medinan defenders numbered 3,000.

 Sa volonté de mener à bien la deuxième croisade Après un sermon Bernard de König Ludwig VII Clairvauxs de la France a expliqué à Vezelay.

Bernard of Clairvaux preaches his famous sermon in a field at Vézelay, urging the necessity of a Second Crusade. Louis VII is present, and joins the Crusade.
Bernard of Clairvaux 109053:カトリック教會の聖人で、死後、教皇 Pius XII から Doctor Mellifluus(甘蜜博士 ?)と称号される。

Decreto de Alhambra que provoca la expulsión de judíos del Reino de Castilla y León.

Queen Isabella of Castile issues the Alhambra Decree, ordering her 150,000 Jewish and Muslim subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion.

Formazione della Lega di Venezia che mira a incitare Carlo VIII ad abbandonare Napoli.

Pope Alexander VI brings the Holy League of Venice, largely supported by the Roman-German King Maximilian I, against Louis XII of France. It includes the Holy Roman Empire, Spain, Milan and the Republic of Venice. The purported goal is resistance to the Ottoman Empire.

1519/0331:フランス王 Henri II 155947、誕生

Henri II est roi de France de 1547 à sa mort.
Le second fils de François Ier et de la reine Claude de France (la princesse de Louis XII). Catherine de Médicis de la famille Médicis était reine.

1536/0331:日本、室町將軍13 足利義輝153665、誕生

Ashikaga Yoshiteru was the 13th shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1546 to 1565 during the late Muromachi period of Japan.
He was the eldest son of the 12th shōgun, Ashikaga Yoshiharu 12足利義晴152146.

1549/0331:日本[戰國時代]大名 筒井順慶154984、誕生

Tsutsui Junkei、son of Tsutsui Junshō, and a daimyō 大名 of the province of Yamato 大和國.
Early in his career, Matsunaga Hisahide 松永久秀151077, one of the most powerful warriors of the region, defeated Junkei and took Tsutsui Castle.
By joining the forces of Oda Nobunaga 織田信長153482, Junkei defeated Hisahide at Mount Shigi in 1577.

1596/0331:フランス 思想家 René Descartes 159650、誕生

un mathématicien, physicien et philosophe français.
Il est considéré comme l’un des fondateurs de la philosophie moderne.
Il reste célèbre pour avoir exprimé dans son Discours de la méthode le cogiton — « Je pense, donc je suis » — fondant ainsi le système des sciences sur le sujet connaissant face au monde qu'il se représente.
En physique, il a apporté une contribution à l’optique et est considéré comme l'un des fondateurs du mécanisme.
En mathématiques, il est à l’origine de la géométrie analytique.
Certaines de ses théories ont par la suite été contestées (théorie de l’animal-machine) ou abandonnées (théorie des tourbillons ou des esprits animaux).
Sa pensée a pu être rapprochée de la peinture de Nicolas Poussin3 pour son caractère clair et ordonné. Le cogito marque la naissance de la subjectivité moderne.


1631/0331:イギリス 詩人 John Donne 157231、死去

an English poet and cleric in the Church of England.
He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets.
His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, satires and sermons.

≫ no man is an island

1685/0331:ドイツ 作曲家 Johann Sebastian Bach 168550、誕生

Johann Sebastian Bach, deutscher Komponist, Orgel- und Klaviervirtuose des Barock
ein deutscher Komponist, Kantor sowie Orgel- und Cembalovirtuose des Barocks.
In seiner Hauptschaffensperiode war er Thomaskantor zu Leipzig. Er ist der prominenteste Vertreter der Musikerfamilie Bach und gilt heute als einer der bekanntesten und bedeutendsten Musiker überhaupt.
Insbesondere von Berufsmusikern wird er oft als der größte Komponist der Musikgeschichte angesehen.
Seine Werke beeinflussten nachfolgende Komponistengenerationen und inspirierten Musikschaffende zu zahllosen Bearbeitungen.

A sermon on "The Nature of the Kingdom of Christ" by Benjamin Hoadly, the Bishop of Bangor, provokes the Bangorian Controversy.

1732/0331:オストリ 作曲家 Franz Joseph Haydn 173209、誕生

ein österreichischer Komponist zur Zeit der Wiener Klassik. Er war Bruder des Komponisten Michael Haydn und des Tenors Johann Evangelist Haydn.

première de Platée comédie lyrique de Jean-Philippe Rameau à la Grande Écurie de Versailles.

La comédie de ballet Platée de Jean-Philippe Rameau est créée au Grand Marstall de Versailles. L'occasion de la première est la célébration du mariage de Louis Ferdinand de Bourbon, du Dauphin de Viennois, fils du roi Louis XV, et de l'infante Maria Theresa Rafaela d'Espagne.

1727/0331:イギリス 科學者 Isaac Newton 164227、死去

an English mathematician, astronomer, theologian, author and physicist (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time, and a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published in 1687, laid the foundations of classical mechanics. Newton also made pathbreaking contributions to optics, and he shares credit with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz for developing the infinitesimal calculus.

Newton in a 1702 portrait by Godfrey Kneller

Isaac Newton は科學技術の近代を切り開いた文化英雄の一人に祭りあげられてゐるが、實際の彼は科學的精神をそなへた近代人といふよりは、多分に前時代的な(たとへば錬金術に凝るとか)の知性であった、といふことを明らかにしたのは、ニュウトンの自筆書類などを蒐集して研究した、あの高名な經濟學者、John Maynard Keynes 188346 であった。

これがニュウトンの紋章だって ―― まるで犬の骨じゃないか。こんなにケッサクな紋章はみたことがない。

1774/0331:American Revolutionary War:
 The Kingdom of Great Britain orders the port of Boston, Massachusetts closed pursuant to the Boston Port Act.

1811/0331:ドイツ 化學者 Robert Wilhelm Bunsen 181199、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker.
Er entwickelte zusammen mit Gustav Robert Kirchhoff die Spektralanalyse, mit deren Hilfe chemische Elemente hochspezifisch nachgewiesen werden können. Er perfektionierte den nach ihm benannten Bunsenbrenner und erfand das Bunsenelement und das Bunsen-Fotometer.

Together with Gustav Kirchhof, cesium was discovered in 1860 by spectroscopic method, rubidium was found in 1861

Les troupes de la Sixième Coalition entrent dans Paris.

The Russian Tsar Alexander I and Prussia's King Friedrich Wilhelm III move in as winners of the liberation wars against Napoleon Bonaparte in Paris.


 Le duc de Richelieu rétablit la censure sur la presse en France.

Duke of Richelieu restores censorship on the press in France.

1821/0331:日本の思想家 山片蟠桃174821、死去

un résident bien connu d'Osaka, .
Il est clerc de la bourse d'échange des marchands Masuya.
Il étudie le confucianisme auprès de Nakai Chikuzan et de son frère Nakai Riken, et l'astronomie auprès d'Asada Gōryū de l'école Kaitokudō du temps de son âge d'or.
En dépit de sa mauvaise vue, il consacre 18 ans de sa vie à écrire l'ouvrage intitulé Yumenoshiro 夢の代 qui ne comporte pas moins de 12 volumes. Dans ce livre, il soutient la théorie héliocentrique, critique l'âge des dieux et plaide en faveur de l'athéisme.
Il joue un rôle de pionnier dans l'émergence de la pensée moderne au Japon.

The massacre of the population of the Greek island of Chios by soldiers of the Ottoman Empire following an attempted rebellion, depicted by the French artist Eugène Delacroix.

The Massacre at Chios (1824) by Eugène Delacroix

1837/0331:イギリス 画家 John Constable 177637、死去

an English Romantic painter. He is known principally for his landscape paintings of Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home — now known as "Constable Country" — which he invested with an intensity of affection.
"I should paint my own places best", he wrote to his friend John Fisher in 1821, "painting is but another word for feeling".

Am Leipziger Gewandhaus wird Robert Schumanns 1. Sinfonie, die Frühlingssinfonie uraufgeführt. Dirigent des Gewandhausorchesters ist Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, das Werk wird vom Publikum sehr gut aufgenommen.

 Saxon flood reaches its peak in Dresden.

1850/0331:USA 古代生物學 Charles Walcott 185027、誕生

an American paleontologist, administrator of the Smithsonian Institution from 1907 to 1927, and geologist.
He is famous for his discovery in 1909 of well-preserved fossils in the Burgess Shale of British Columbia, Canada.
He was described by Stephen Jay Gould as "the finest symbol that I have ever encountered for the embodiment of conventional beliefs."

1854/0331(嘉永07/0303):日本[幕末] 黒船來航、日米和親条約、締結

The Commander of the "Black Ships" Matthew Calbraith Perry closes with the Japanese Shogun the convention of Kanagawa. The associated opening of the Japanese ports Shimoda and Hakodate for trade with the United States heralds the end of the Edo period in Japan.


1855/0331:イギリス 小説家 Charlotte Brontë 181655、死去

an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Brontë sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels have become classics of English literature. She first published her works (including her best known novel, Jane Eyre) under the pen name Currer Bell.

la Armada española bombardea la ciudad portuaria de Valparaíso en Chile en la Guerra Hispano-Sudamericana, causando daños severos a la ciudad.

1872/0331:ロシア バレエ興行師 Sergei Diaghilev 187229、誕生

un organisateur de spectacles, critique d'art, protecteur des artistes, impresario de ballet.
Créateur et impresario de génie, il fonde les Ballets russes d'où sont issus maints danseurs et chorégraphes qui ont fait l'art de la danse du XXe siècle.

1877/0331:フランス 經濟學 Antoine-Augustin Cournot 180177、死去

un mathématicien et philosophe français qui s'est intéressé notamment à la formalisation des théories économiques. Il est ainsi un des premiers à avoir formulé un modèle de l'offre et de la demande.


1838年 『富の理論の数学的原理に関する研究』("Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses")を出版

Shortly before the outbreak of the Russo-Ottoman War, the European powers sign the London Protocol.

1878/0331:USA ボクサー Jack Johnson 187846、誕生

an American boxer who, at the height of the Jim Crow era, became the first African American world heavyweight boxing champion (1908~15).
Among the period's most dominant champions, Johnson remains a boxing legend, with his 1910 fight against James J. Jeffries dubbed the "fight of the century."

1885/0331:ブルガリア生の画家 Jules Pascin 188530、誕生

「ジュウル パスキン」un peintre et dessinateur américain d'origine bulgare.

Portrait de Mimi Laurent (1927-1928)

1889/0331:A Paris, la Tour Eiffel,
 construite et baptisée du nom de Gustave Eiffel, est inaugurée à l'occasion de l'Exposition Universelle. La plus haute tour en treillis d'acier de l'époque, perçue par les habitants de Paris comme une «tache», serait restée stationnaire pendant seulement 20 ans.


 capital of the First Philippine Republic, is captured by American forces.

 Am Prager Nationaltheater wird Dvořáks auf slawischen Volksmythen basierende Märchenoper Rusalka uraufgeführt.

Beginn der Tangier-Krise.

1906/0331:日本の理論物理學者 朝永振一郎190679、誕生

Tomonaga Shin'ichirō was a Japanese physicist, influential in the development of quantum electrodynamics, work for which he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965 along with Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger.

 The Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States is established to set rules for college sports in the United States.

1908/0331:日本、 強姦殺人事件の容疑者として

 In Belfast, the keel laying of the RMS Titanic takes place. After the RMS Olympic is the second ship of the Olympic class, which goes under construction.

Titanic vor dem Stapellauf 1911

Serbia accepts Austrian control over Bosnia and Herzegovina.

After the German Reich demonstratively stood behind Austria-Hungary, Serbia recognizes the Austrian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Bosnian annexation crisis is considered an important milestone on the way to the First World War.

Beim Bau der Lötschberglinie durch die Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon-Bahn erfolgt in den Berner Alpen der Lötschbergtunnel-Durchstich.

1913/0331:ウインで、Skandalkonzert oder Watschenkonzert:
 bei einer Aufführung von Werken zeitgenössischer Komponisten mit Arnold Schönberg als Dirigent im Wiener Musikvereinssaal kommt es zu Tumulten, so dass das Konzert vorzeitig abgebrochen werden muss.

The Vienna Concert Society rioted during a performance of modernist music by Arnold Schoenberg, Alban Berg, Alexander von Zemlinsky, and Anton von Webern, causing a premature end to the concert due to violence; this concert became known as the Skandalkonzert.

1914/0331:メキシコ 文藝評論家 Octavio Paz 191498、誕生

Octavio Irineo Paz Lozano fue un poeta, ensayista y diplomático mexicano, premio nobel de literatura en 1990.
Se le considera uno de los más influyentes escritores del siglo XX y uno de los grandes poetas hispanos de todos los tiempos.

1944年にアメリカに留学、翌年にはパリに(この時、André Breton 189666 らの知遇を得る)。

1915/0331:日本の兵士 横井庄一191597、誕生

Yokoi Shōichi was a Japanese sergeant in the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) during the Second World War.
He was among the last three Japanese holdouts to be found after the end of hostilities in 1945, discovered in the jungles of Guam on 24 January 1972, almost 28 years after U.S. forces had regained control of the island in 1944.

The United States takes possession of the Danish West Indies after paying $25 million to Denmark, and renames the territory the United States Virgin Islands.

1918/0331:Massacre of ethnic Azerbaijanis
 is committed by allied armed groups of Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Bolsheviks. Nearly 12,000 Azerbaijani Muslims are killed.

1926/0331:イギリス 作家 John Robert Fowles 192605、誕生

an English novelist of international stature, critically positioned between modernism and postmodernism.

After leaving Oxford University, Fowles taught English at a school on the Greek island of Spetses, a sojourn that inspired The Magus, an instant best-seller that was directly in tune with 1960s "hippie" anarchism and experimental philosophy.
This was followed by The French Lieutenant's Woman (1969), a Victorian-era romance with a postmodern twist that was set in Lyme Regis, Dorset, where Fowles lived for much of his life. Later fictional works include The Ebony Tower, Daniel Martin, Mantissa, and A Maggot.

 The Motion Picture Production Code is instituted, imposing strict guidelines on the treatment of sex, crime, religion and violence in film, in the U.S., for the next 38 years.

An earthquake in Nicaragua destroys Managua; killing 2,000.

1932/0331:日本の映画監督 大島渚193213、誕生

Ōshima Nagisa est un cinéaste japonais.
Plusieurs de ses films font scandale au Japon ou en Europe, par leur aspect politique (Nuit et brouillard du Japon, Furyo) ou transgressif (L'Empire des sens).

 The Civilian Conservation Corps is established with the mission of relieving rampant unemployment in the United States.

アメリカで失業対策のための市民保全部隊 (CCC) を創設。

1936/0331:イタリアvsアビシニア「Battle of Mai Ceu」,
 in which the Italians commit war crimes through the massive dropping of mustard gas (Lost), finally decides to end the Italian-Abyssinian War in favor of Italy. Ethiopia becomes part of the colony of Italian East Africa.

 Japanese forces invade Christmas Island, then a British possession.

1943/0331:USA、Musical Oklahoma!
 by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein will be premiered at the New York Saint James Theater. The musical will continue uninterrupted on Broadway until 1948, setting a new record.

1945/0331:ドイツ 化學者 Hans Fischer 188145、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker und Mediziner.
Für seine Arbeiten „über den strukturellen Aufbau der Blut- und Pflanzenfarbstoffe und für die Synthese des Hämins“ wurde Fischer 1930 mit dem Nobelpreis für Chemie geehrt.


 A defecting German pilot delivers a Messerschmitt Me 262A-1, the world's first operational jet-powered fighter aircraft, to the Americans, the first to fall into Allied hands.



Following a referendum last year, the independent state of Dominion Newfoundland becomes Newfoundland and Labrador the youngest province in Canada.

Remington Rand delivers the first UNIVAC I computer to the United States Census Bureau.

1958/0331:In the Canadian federal election,
 the Progressive Conservatives, led by John Diefenbaker, win the largest percentage of seats in Canadian history, with 208 seats of 265.




1959/0331:14th Dalai Lama,
 crosses the border into India and is granted political asylum.



 The Beatles are with five singles in the squares 1-5 of the US hit parade - a previously unprecedented situation.

The Beatles、US-American hit parade で一位から五位までを獨占、無論前例なし。

 Coup d'état in Brazil establishes a military government, under the aegis of general Castelo Branco.

In Brazil, the military, with the support of the United States, is pleading against President João Goulart to prevent a land reform he is planning. General Humberto Castelo Branco becomes President. The military dictatorship in Brazil lasts until 1985.

 The Soviet Union launches Luna 10 which later becomes the first space probe to enter orbit around the Moon.


Ministry of Justice announced "the total population of Japan exceeded 100 million people"



Explorer 1 re-enters the Earth's atmosphere after 12 years in orbit.


1976/0331:USA 映像作家 Paul Strand 189076、死去

an American photographer and filmmaker who, along with fellow modernist photographers like Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Weston, helped establish photography as an art form in the 20th century. His diverse body of work, spanning six decades, covers numerous genres and subjects throughout the Americas, Europe, and Africa.

NewYork 1917

Femme 1916

White Fence, by Paul Strand. Published in Camera Work, No 49-50, 1917

15 years after Malta's independence, the last British troops leave the Mediterranean island.

1980/0331:USA アスリイト Jesse Owens 191380、死去

James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens was an American track and field athlete and four-time Olympic gold medalist in the 1936 Games.
Owens specialized in the sprints and the long jump and was recognized in his lifetime as "perhaps the greatest and most famous athlete in track and field history".

1983/0331:日本の映画男優 片岡千恵藏190383、死去

Kataoka Chiezō est un acteur japonais, actif au cinéma et dans le théâtre kabuki.
Il apparaît le plus souvent dans des films de chanbara.

After a fire on board crashes a Boeing 727 of the airline Mexicana de Aviación against a mountain near Mexico City. All 166 passengers die.


Georgian independence referendum, 1991: Nearly 99 percent of the voters support the country's independence from the Soviet Union.

The USS Missouri, the last active United States Navy battleship, is decommissioned in Long Beach, California.

Netscape releases Mozilla source code under an open source license.

 Création du groupe Renault-Nissan par achat réciproque d'actions entre le constructeur automobile français Renault et le japonais Nissan.


Nakamura Utaemon VI was a Japanese kabuki performer and an artistic director of the Kabuki-za in Tokyo.


「Universal Studio Japan」opens.

2004/0331:Iraq War in Anbar Province:
 In Fallujah, Iraq, four American private military contractors working for Blackwater USA, are killed after being ambushed.

2008/0331:USA 映画監督Jules Dassin 191108、死去

an American film director, producer, writer and actor. He was a subject of the Hollywood blacklist in the McCarthy era, and subsequently moved to France, where he revived his career.
Dassin quickly became better known for his noir films Brute Force (1947), The Naked City (1948), and Thieves' Highway (1949), which helped him to become "one of the leading American filmmakers of the postwar era.


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が誕生日の Vincent van Gogh 185390『ひまわり』 

歴史暦:古今東西 03/30 今日の出來事

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今日、三月三十日は、1746年のスペインに Francisco de Goya が生まれ、1853年のオランダに Vincent van Gogh が生まれた日だ。
狂氣の画家と云へば、私はこの二人を思ひ浮かべる。無論、狂氣を帶びた画家はいくらでもゐるが、この二人は狂氣をその極限まで表現し得た數少ない実例である。そして、彼等の繪は、人間の本性が狂氣を帶びたものであることを私などには納得させてくれるのである。 ……


Balkan Campaign: The Avars lift the siege at the Byzantine stronghold of Tomis. Their leader Bayan I retreats north of the Danube River after the Avaro-Slavic hordes are decimated by the plague.

1130/0330:Maimonides 113504、誕生

Moses ben Maimon (Hebrew: מֹשֶׁה בֶּן־מַיְמוֹן‬ Mōšeh bēn-Maymōn; Arabic: موسى بن ميمون‎ Mūsā bin Maymūn), commonly known as Maimonides ; Greek: Μαϊμωνίδης Maïmōnídēs; Latin: Moses Maimonides), and also referred to by the acronym Rambam‬, for Rabbeinu Mōšeh bēn Maimon, "Our Rabbi Moses son of Maimon"), was a medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher who became one of the most prolific and influential Torah scholars of the Middle Ages.

In his time, he was also a preeminent astronomer and physician. Born in Córdoba, Almoravid Empire (present-day Spain) on Passover Eve, 1135 or 1138, he worked as a rabbi, physician, and philosopher in Morocco and Egypt. He died in Egypt on December 12, 1204, whence his body was taken to the lower Galilee and buried in Tiberias.

Manuscript page by Maimonides. Judeo-Arabic language in Hebrew letters.

1282/0330:イタリア、Vespri siciliani = シチリアの晩禱

The people of Sicily rebel against the Angevin king Charles I, in what becomes known as the Sicilian Vespers.

シシリイ人のフランスのシャルルダンジュウへの反亂、=Vespri siciliani シチリアの晩禱
とは、この暴動の時の合言葉「Morte alla Francia Italia anela(フランスに死を、これがイタリアの叫びだ)」の単語の頭文字が「MAFIA」、これが「マフィア」の由來となった、と俗説になってゐるほどにシチリアにとっては忘れがたい事件となった。が、この語源説は、合言葉自體が不自然な單語の並びであり、後世の Mafia 傳説を作るための造語であった可能性が強い。Mafia の語源はシチリア方言で「亂暴な態度」とイタリア語辞書ではなってゐる、とか。

Zu Beginn der Vesper am zweiten Osterfeiertag bricht in Palermo ein Aufstand gegen die Herrschaft von Karl I. von Anjou aus. Die sechs Wochen dauernde Sizilianische Vesper kostet alle Franzosen auf Sizilien das Leben und bringt Peter III. von Aragon auf den sizilianischen Thron.

un samedi saint, les Vêpres siciliennes : révolte à Palerme et dans toute l'île contre la domination angevine : 8 000 Français sont massacrés.
{フランスから見れば「八千人のフランス人が虐殺された」といふ一言が加はる。事件の全體から見れば「massacre」は使ってはならないだらう。かうして、歴史は手前勝手に書き變へられ、粉飾されていく。記事の或部分が一人歩きを始めて、後世への亡靈となって影響を及ぼしていく。歴史の呪ひ、民族の自覺、アイデンティティが確立していくのだが(確立できなればたちまち他國に呑みこまれて、悲慘な運命が待ってゐる。 ……

Edward I sacks Berwick-upon-Tweed, during armed conflict between Scotland and England.

In a criminal campaign against the governed by John Balliol Scotland, the English King Eduard I captured with his army, the city of Berwick -up-Tweed. There is a two-day massacre of the population.

 les héritiers du trône de France portent désormais le titre de dauphin.

1432/0330:Mehmed the Conqueror 143281、誕生

Mehmed II (Ottoman Turkish: محمد ثانى‎, Meḥmed-i sānī; Modern Turkish: II. Mehmet Turkish pronunciation:), commonly known as Muhammad al-Fatih the Conqueror (Turkish: Fatih Sultan Mehmet), was an Ottoman Sultan who ruled first for a short time from August 1444 to September 1446, and later from February 1451 to May 1481. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire.
Mehmed continued his conquests in Anatolia with its reunification and in Southeast Europe as far west as Bosnia.
Mehmed is considered a hero in modern-day Turkey and parts of the wider Muslim world. Among other things, Istanbul's Fatih district, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge and Fatih Mosque are named after him.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b6/Turkey-1290.jpg/1280px-Turkey-1290.jpg Roumeli Hissar Castle, built by Sultan Mehmed II between 1451 and 1452

 In einem Ewige Richtung genannten Friedens- und Bündnisvertrag verständigen sich acht Orte der Schweizer Eidgenossenschaft mit dem Habsburger Herzog Sigismund von Tirol.

In an eternal direction named peace and alliance agreement, eight places of the Swiss Confederation agree with the Habsburg Duke Sigismund of Tyrol.

El rey Fernando II de Aragón y la reina Isabel I de Castilla declaran expulsar a los judíos de España independientemente de su conversión a católicos.

King Fernando II of Aragon and Queen Isabel I of Castile declare to expel Jews from Spain regardless of conversion to Catholic.

 la reconstruction de l'église Saint-Séverin est en voie d'achèvement ; a lieu à cette date la bénédiction de l'abside.

1707/0330:軍事思想家 Sébastien Le Prestre de Vauban 163307、死去

Sébastien Le Prestre, marquis de Vauban est un ingénieur, architecte militaire, urbaniste, ingénieur hydraulicien et essayiste français. Il est nommé maréchal de France par Louis XIV.

1746/0330:狂氣の画家 Francisco de Goya 174628、誕生

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes fue un pintor y grabador español.
Su obra abarca la pintura de caballete y mural, el grabado y el dibujo.
En todas estas facetas desarrolló un estilo que inaugura el Romanticismo.
El arte goyesco supone, asimismo, el comienzo de la pintura contemporánea y es precursor de las vanguardias pictóricas del siglo XX; por todo ello, se le considera uno de los artistas españoles más relevantes y uno de los grandes maestros de la historia del arte.

La familia de Carlos IV, 1800{この家族の肖像はもうほとんど戯画だ。さう感じたら、Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez 159960 が描いた『ラスメニナス』が想起された。兩者の、彼等が仕へる王室へのなんといふ眼差しの相違だらう。

Saturno devorando a un hijo (Museo del Prado).

1793/0330:アルゼンチン独裁 Juan Manuel de Rosas 179377、誕生

Juan Manuel de Rosas nacido como Juan Manuel José Domingo Ortiz de Rozas y López de Osornio fue un militar y político argentino que en el año 1829 ―tras derrotar al general Juan Lavalle― fue gobernador de la provincia de Buenos Aires llegando a ser, entre 1835 y 1852, el principal caudillo de la Confederación Argentina.

La révolution mange ses propres enfants: Le Indulgenten, le bras modéré des Cordeliers à Georges Jacques Danton, Camille Desmoulins et Fabre d'Églantine être arrêté sous un Robespierre complot présumé par le comité de bien-être.

Gauss drafted the regular seventeen corners with compass and ruler only.

Carl Friedrich Gauß 177755、{昨日の記事にあった、Siebzehnneck とは「正十七角形」のことだったのか。ドイツ語はやたらと単語がくっついて新語となり、字書が役に立たなくなる。

私も定規とコンパスとをもてあそんだことがあったが、それはピタゴラスやアポロニウスの幾何學ではなく、Blaise Pascal 162362 の「繊細なる幾何學的精神」を意識して、現代抽象絵画の Piet Mondrian 187244 や Казимир Малевич 187835 に刺戟されたものであった。勿論、定規とコンパスによる作圖は彼等をまるで模倣したやうなものしかできず、すぐに止めてしまったが。私の興味と關心は以下のやうなものだ ―― 

1916, Compositie in lijn, Piet Mondrian 187244

1915, Black Circle, Казимир Малевич 187835

Napoléon nomme son frère Joseph Bonaparte roi de Naples.

 Les alliés sont aux portes de Paris. Les quarante mille hommes de l'empereur n'ont pu arrêter les cent soixante mille coalisés.
 Le 30 mars, Paris a armé sa garde nationale, les ouvriers ont demandé des armes et des fusils. Schwarzenberg a dû attaquer par Pantin et Romainville, tandis que Blücher était chargé de prendre Clichy et les hauteurs de Montmartre. Opposés à cent mille coalisés, les trente mille hommes du duc de Raguse n'ont pu que se soumettre. La capitulation est signée, Marmont doit faire évacuer ses troupes. Les royalistes essaient de provoquer une manifestation en faveur des Bourbons, mais seuls quelques aristocrates répondent à l'appel.

The armed forces of the sixth coalition under Karl Philipp zu Schwarzenberg and Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher storm the heights of Montmartre in the Battle of Paris. In the afternoon, the French defenders surrender under Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont. This allows the allies in the war against Napoleon to invade the capital.

 Murat publie à Rimini une proclamation dans laquelle il appelle les Italiens à se joindre à lui pour l'indépendance et la liberté.

Joachim Murat issues the Rimini Proclamation which would later inspire Italian unification.

Joachim Murat 176715 イタリア人、ナポレオンの妹と結婚して開運、ナポレオンの余得にありつく。
≫  Soldats! Faites votre devoir ! Droit au cœur mais épargnez le visage. Feu ! 
「兵士ら! 汝等が義務をはたせ! だが、顏は撃つな、胸を撃て! 撃て!」

1840/0330:イギリスのダンディ George Brummell 177840、死去

George Bryan "Beau" Brummell was an iconic figure in Regency England and for many years the arbiter of men's fashion.
At one time he was a close friend of the Prince Regent, the future King George IV, but after the two quarrelled, and Brummell got into debt, he had to take refuge in France. Eventually he died shabby and insane in Caen.

1805 caricature of Brummell by Richard Dighton

1842/0330:USA 軍醫、はじめてエテル麻酔で手術
Ether anesthesia is used for the first time, in an operation by the American surgeon Dr. Crawford Long.

1842/0330:フランス ロココ画家 Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun 175542、死去

née Louise-Élisabeth Vigée le 16 avril 1755 à Paris, et morte dans la même ville le 30 mars 1842, est une artiste peintre française, considérée comme une grande portraitiste de son temps. Elle a pu être comparée à Quentin de La Tour ou Jean-Baptiste Greuze.


1844/0330:フランス 詩人 Paul Verlaine 184496、誕生

un écrivain et poète français
Il s'essaie à la poésie et publie son premier recueil, Poèmes saturniens en 1866, à 22 ans.
Sa vie est bouleversée quand il rencontre Arthur Rimbaud en septembre 1871. Leur vie amoureuse tumultueuse et errante en Angleterre et en Belgique débouche sur la scène violente où, à Bruxelles, Verlaine blesse superficiellement au poignet celui qu'il appelle son « époux infernal » : jugé et condamné, il reste en prison jusqu'au début de 1875, renouant avec le catholicisme de son enfance et écrivant des poèmes qui prendront place dans ses recueils suivants : Sagesse (1880), Jadis et Naguère (1884) et Parallèlement (1889). Usé par l'alcool et la maladie, Verlaine meurt à 51 ans, le 8 janvier 1896, d'une pneumonie aiguë. Il est inhumé à Paris au cimetière des Batignolles (11e division).

One of the most important battles of the Dominican War of Independence from Haiti takes place near the city of Santiago de los Caballeros.

 Punjab is annexed to the British Empire of India.

1853/0330:狂氣の画家 Vincent van Gogh 185390、誕生

un peintre et dessinateur néerlandais. Son œuvre pleine de naturalisme, inspirée par l'impressionnisme et le pointillisme, annonce le fauvisme et l'expressionnisme.

1855/0330:Origins of the American Civil War
 "Border Ruffians" from Missouri invade Kansas and force election of a pro-slavery legislature.

The Treaty of Paris is signed, ending the Crimean War.

traité de Paris. Fin de la guerre de Crimée, neutralisation de la mer Noire et protection de l'Empire ottoman et des détroits. La Russie cède les bouches du Danube à l'Empire ottoman.

American Hymann Lippmann invented a "pencil with eraser".

1861/0330:Discovery of the chemical elements
 Sir William Crookes announces his discovery of thallium.

Alaska is purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, about 2-cent/acre ($4.19/km²), by United States Secretary of State William H. Seward.

1879/0330:フランス歴史画家 Thomas Couture 181579、死去

un peintre d'histoire français.
Aujourd'hui peu connu, il fut un peintre et un professeur important. Son œuvre la plus célèbre est intitulée Les Romains de la décadence

The Battle for Kushka triggers the Panjdeh Incident which nearly gives rise to war between the Russian and British Empire.

1886/0330:數學&論理學 Stanisław Leśniewski 188639、誕生

ein polnischer Philosoph, Mathematiker und Logiker.

 à vingt-neuf ans, André Antoine, employé aux écritures à la Compagnie du gaz, crée le Théâtre-Libre. Admirateur d'Émile Zola, ce jeune Limougeaud a pour ambition de montrer le « vrai » sur scène.

Proche d'Émile Zola, il prône un théâtre populaire et social, appliquant les principes du naturalisme à l'art dramatique et à la mise en scène. Il fait découvrir en France des auteurs tels que August Strindberg, Léon Tolstoï et Henrik Ibsen. Il monte également des pièces ou des adaptations de romans de Zola, Daudet, Balzac, puis Jules Renard (Poil de Carotte) et Henry Bernstein (Le Marché).
André Antoine 185843

André Antoine, debout, avec de gauche à droite :
inconnu, Émile Bernard, Vincent van Gogh (?), Félix Jobbé-Duval et Paul Gauguin (1887), photographie anonyme.
{このなかに、Vincent van Gogh 185390 や Paul Gauguin 184803 が寫ってゐるさうです。

1892/0330:美術史家 Erwin Panofsky 189268、誕生

a German-Jewish art historian, whose academic career was pursued mostly in the U.S. after the rise of the Nazi regime.
Many of his works are still in print, including Studies in Iconology: Humanist Themes in the Art of the Renaissance (1939), Meaning in the Visual Arts (1955), and his eponymous 1943 study of Albrecht Dürer.
Panofsky's ideas were also highly influential in intellectual history in general, particularly in his use of historical ideas to interpret artworks and vice versa.

His theorized Iconology has become the most important methodology alongside "style theory" for art historiography of the 20th century

1895/0330:フランスの作家 Jean Giono 189570、誕生

un écrivain français.
Un grand nombre de ses ouvrages ont pour cadre le monde paysan provençal. Inspirée par son imagination et ses visions de la Grèce antique, son œuvre romanesque dépeint la condition de l'homme dans le monde, face aux questions morales et métaphysiques et possède une portée universelle.

1899/0330:German Society of Chemistry
 issues an invitation to other national scientific organizations to appoint delegates to the International Committee on Atomic Weights.

1899/0330:USA、In Boston,
 Boston Fruit and Tropical Trading and Transport Company merge to form United Fruit Company, one of the largest banana producers in the world. Since 1990 the company is Chiquita Brands International.

 Sir Arthur John Evans discovers a large quantity of clay tablets at the site of Knossos, in the heart of Crete. (beginning of excavations on March 19th)

1903/0330:日本映画男優 片岡知恵藏190383、誕生

Kataoka Chiezō est un acteur japonais, actif au cinéma et dans le théâtre kabuki.
Il apparaît le plus souvent dans des films de chanbara.

Chiezō Kataoka et Isuzu Yamada dans Kokushi muso en 1932

poster for Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji (1955).

1905/0330:三段跳びで金メダル 織田幹雄190598、誕生

Oda Mikio a Japanese athlete and the first Japanese Olympic gold medalist. He was the first Asian Olympic champion in an individual event.

à Billancourt, Gabriel Voisin vole sur soixante mètres sur un biplan de sa fabrication, équipé d'un moteur de cinquante chevaux.

{さう云へば、私が一番よく識ってゐる飛行士は、フランス人の Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 190044 であった。操縱はうまくなかったやうだけど。

1909/0330:美術史家 Ernst Gombrich190901、誕生

an Austrian-born art historian who, after settling in England in 1936, became a naturalised British citizen in 1947 and spent most of his working life in the United Kingdom.
Gombrich was the author of many works of cultural history and art history, most notably The Story of Art, a book widely regarded as one of the most accessible introductions to the visual arts, and Art and Illusion, a major work in the psychology of perception that influenced thinkers as diverse as Carlo Ginzburg, Nelson Goodman and Umberto Eco.

1909/0330:USA、NYC「Queensboro Bridge」
 over the East River is opened for traffic. It connects the districts of Manhattan and Queens in New York City.

1912/0330:日本、明治の實業家 藤田傳三郎184112、死去


 Le sultan du Maroc signe avec la France le traité de Fès faisant de son pays un protectorat français.

Outburst of bloody March Events in Baku and other locations of Baku Governorate.

1919/0330:日本初の西洋舞踊家 高木徳子189119、死去

a Japanese dancer and actress in early silent films. She was the first female Japanese performer to appear in a film professionally, appearing in four shorts for the American-based Thanhouser Company between the years 1911 and 1914. After returning to Japan, she was Japan's first dancer to dance in toe shoes.


1920/0330:日本の演劇人 芥川比呂志192081、誕生

Akutagawa Hiroshi est un acteur japonais.

1925/0330:神祕思想の教育者 Rudolf Steiner 186125、死去

ein österreichischer Publizist, Esoteriker und Vortragsredner.
Er begründete die Anthroposophie, eine spirituelle Weltanschauung, die an die anglo-indische Theosophie Blavatskys, das Rosenkreuzertum, die Gnosis sowie die idealistische Philosophie anschließt und zu den neuen mystischen Konzeptionen der Einheit von Mensch und Welt aus der Zeit um 1900 gezählt wird.
Auf Grundlage dieser Lehre gab Steiner einflussreiche Anregungen für verschiedene Lebensbereiche, etwa Pädagogik (Waldorfpädagogik), Kunst (Eurythmie, anthroposophische Architektur), Soziales (Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus), Medizin (anthroposophische Medizin), Religion (die Christengemeinschaft) und Landwirtschaft (biologisch-dynamische Landwirtschaft).

Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published philosophical works including The Philosophy of Freedom. At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric spiritual movement, anthroposophy, with roots in German idealist philosophy and theosophy; other influences include Goethean science and Rosicrucianism.

1937/0330:USA 映画人 Warren Beatty 1937--、誕生

an American actor and filmmaker.
He has been nominated for fourteen Academy Awards – four for Best Actor, four for Best Picture, two for Best Director, three for Original Screenplay, and one for Adapted Screenplay – winning Best Director for Reds (1981).

1938/0330:言語學者 James David McCawley 193899、誕生

a Scottish-American linguist.


Der achte Prototyp des deutschen Jagdflugzeugs Heinkel He 100, die He 100 V8, erreicht eine Durchschnittsgeschwindigkeit von 746,61 km/h, was zu dieser Zeit den absoluten Geschwindigkeitsweltrekord bedeutet.


The Japanese install a Chinese puppet government in Nanjing.
Second Sino-Japanese War: Japan declares Nanking capital of a new Chinese puppet government, nominally controlled by Wang Jingwei.



1941/0330:Adolf Hitler
 informiert gut 200 oberste Heeresführer in einer einstündigen Rede über den totalen Weltanschauungskrieg gegen die UdSSR, einen rassenideologischen Vernichtungskrieg. Indem sie diesen Ausführungen zustimmt, ist die Wehrmacht unwiderruflich in die deutschen Kriegsverbrechen gegen Soldaten und Zivilisten bis 1945 eingebunden.

Adolf Hitler informs well 200 supreme army leaders in a one-hour speech about the total ideological war against the USSR, a racial ideological war of annihilation

Der erste Flug des weltweit ersten Düsenjägers He280 in Deutschland.

1944/0330:WWⅡ: 聯合國側、ブルガリアのソフィアを空爆
 Allied bombers conduct their most severe bombing run on Sofia, Bulgaria.


Out of 795 Lancasters, Halifaxes and Mosquitos sent to attack Nuremberg, 95 bombers do not return, making it the largest RAF Bomber Command loss of the war.

1945/0330:Eric Clapton 1945--、誕生

English rock and blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter.

 Soviet forces invade Austria and capture Vienna; Polish and Soviet forces liberate Danzig.

1947/0330:ブラックホラア作者 Arthur Machen 186347、死去

a Welsh author and mystic of the 1890s and early 20th century.
He is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction.
His novella The Great God Pan (1890; 1894) has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror, with Stephen King describing it as "Maybe the best horror story in the English language."

He is also well known for his leading role in creating the legend of the Angels of Mons.
WWⅠ中、イギリスの守護聖人である Saint George がベルギイの戦場に現れて、イギリス兵を助けたといふ彼の『The Bowman』がを、1914年9月29日『イヴニングニュウズ』に掲載されると、イギリス人はこれが実際にあった話だと思い込み、実際に Bowman を見たといふ話まで飛び交ふやうになり、マッケンは作り話であることを發表したが、噂はもう納まらなかった。

1949/0330:戰爭終って Cold War:
 A riot breaks out in Austurvöllur square in Reykjavík, when Iceland joins NATO.

 The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs is signed in New York City.

1965/0330:Vietnam War
 A car bomb explodes in front of the United States Embassy, Saigon, killing 22 and wounding 183 others.


TV animation "Star of the Giants" starts broadcasting. It becomes a trigger for "sports spiritual thing".

1972/0330:Vietnam War
 The Easter Offensive begins after North Vietnamese forces cross into the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of South Vietnam.

1974/0330:日本の超國家主義者 橘孝三郎189374、死去

Tachibana Kozaburō、a Japanese political activist and ultranationalist.
Tachibana came from a samurai family, although his father was a fabric merchant.
His politics were agrarian and anti-capitalist. He argued that radical, violent change was needed to cleanse ‘the world of national politics...poisoned by mammon and the gang of corrupt industrialists’.
He was involved in the assassination of Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi 犬養毅193232 during the May 15 Incident and was sentenced to life imprisonment, serving eight years


Deng Xiaoping proposed the "four basic principles" at the theoretical retreat of the CPC Central Committee.

Airey Neave, a British Member of Parliament, is killed by a car bomb as he exits the Palace of Westminster.
 The Irish National Liberation Army claims responsibility.

1981/0330:U.S. President Ronald Reagan is shot
 in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by John Hinckley, Jr.; three others are wounded in the same incident.

1982/0330:USA、Space Shuttle program:
 STS-3 Mission is completed with the landing of Columbia at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

1985/0330:日本の女流作家 野上彌生子188585、死去

Nogami Yaeko est une écrivaine japonaise de l'ère Shōwa.

1986/0330:USA 映画男優 James Cagney 189986、死去

James Francis Cagney Jr. was an American actor and dancer, both on stage and in film, though he had his greatest impact in film.
Known for his consistently energetic performances, distinctive vocal style, and deadpan comic timing, he won acclaim and major awards for a wide variety of performances

Vincent van Gogh's Sunflowers become the most expensive painting at public auction at Christie's in London, where it is sold in less than 5 minutes for a record £ 22.5 million, more than 220 million francs. This is the absolute record in the art market at auctions.

{Oddly, March 30th was the birthday of Vincent van Gogh 185390.

{敗戦後の經濟復興が絶頂に達しバブル状態になった日本の金滿ぶりを世界中に見せつけるやうな出来事であった。ロンドンのクリスティのオウクションで、日本がゴッホの『ひまはり』を58億円で落札した ―― このニュウスを聞いて私は、生前一枚も賣れなかった(一枚くらゐは賣れたのかな)ゴッホの繪が百年ほどのうちに史上最高の値段になったのに今昔の思ひをなし、どうしてゴッホの繪は現代人の心情をとらへたのだらうかと不思議な感じで思ったものであった。
私はゴッホの繪を見てゐると、剥き出しになったゴッホの魂を目の當たりにしてゐる痛々しさと、それ以上に彼の狂氣が乘り移ってくる氣配に冒されてくる。部屋に飾って毎日目にしてゐたら、氣がおかしくなってくるだらう。私にたとへゴッホの繪を手に入れるだけの財力があったとしても私はけっしてゴッホの繪は買はないだらう。たゞ、時々はやたらと見たくなる。先日紹介した Bud Powell の演奏のやうに。多分、私も病んでゐるのだ。抑壓してゐる狂氣のやうなものがかうした呪はれた藝術を求めるのだらう。あゝこんなふうに狂ってしまへたらと思はれたりもする。 ……

 Le président de la République François Mitterrand inaugure la pyramide du Louvre dont il a passé commande à l'architecte sino-américain Ieoh Ming Pei.


National Police Agency Director Koji Kunimatsu is shot at home. (Police Agency Minister Sniper Incident)

BMW buys the manufacturer Rolls-Royce.

Twelve gunmen attack the Manawan Police Academy in Lahore, Pakistan.

SpaceX conducts the world’s first reflight of an orbital class rocket.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Georges Seurat 185991『L'Enfant en blanc』

歴史暦:古今東西 03/29 今日の出來事

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-087/0329:中國[前漢]07皇帝 武帝-15987、崩去

Emperor Wu of Han, born Liu Che, courtesy name Tong, was the seventh emperor of the Han dynasty of China, ruling from 141–87 BC.
His reign lasted 54 years — a record not broken until the reign of the Kangxi Emperor more than 1,800 years later.
His reign resulted in a vast territorial expansion and the development of a strong and centralized state resulting from his governmental re-organization, including his promotion of Confucian doctrines.
In the field of historical social and cultural studies, Emperor Wu is known for his religious innovations and patronage of the poetic and musical arts, including development of the Imperial Music Bureau into a prestigious entity. It was also during his reign that cultural contact with western Eurasia was greatly increased, directly and indirectly.

0057/0329:中國[後漢] 01皇帝 光武帝-00557、崩去

Emperor Guangwu was an emperor of the Chinese Han dynasty, restorer of the dynasty in AD 25 and thus founder of the Later Han or Eastern Han (the restored Han Dynasty).
He ruled over parts of China at first, and through suppression and conquest of regional warlords, the whole of China was consolidated by the time of his death in 57.


 Vigilius becomes Bishop of Rome by Byzantine pressure, although Bishop Silverius is in office in Rome.
 After his death in November, the original antipope is generally accepted.

Paris is sacked by Viking raiders, probably under Ragnar Lodbrok, who collects a huge ransom in exchange for leaving.

 Ottoman Empire under Murad II captures Thessalonica from the Republic of Venice.

The city of Thessaloniki, which has belonged to Venice since 1423, finally becomes part of the Ottoman Empire after its conquest by Sultan Murad II.

1461/0329:Wars of the Roses: Battle of Towton:
 Edward of York defeats Queen Margaret to become King Edward IV of England.

Wars of the Roses: Battle of Towton
薔薇戦争とは、百年戰爭 Hundred Years' War 1337~53(イギリスvsフランス)の後、飽きもせず始まった。今度はイギリス内、イングランドで白い薔薇と赤い薔薇の組に分れて、三十年にもわたって演じられた權力の霸權闘争。期間は、1455~85(87の說もあり)の三十年間。百年戰爭からたてつづけにイギリスは百五十年間、戰爭状態を持續ないし繼續したわけだ。多分、この時にその後のジョンブルの鬪爭的精神が培はれたのであらう。
白薔薇のバッジを付けた組がヨウク家。赤の組はランカスタ家。ヨウク家には、 ……
最終的結果は、ランカスタ系の女系であるチュウダ家の Henry VII 145709 (彼に敗北したのがセクスピアの史劇で有名な Richard III 145285)がイングランドを手に入れ、敵方のヨウク家の王女を妃にして、チュウダ朝を創業した。その後を繼いだのが、例の Henry VIII 149147 で、その後を繼いだのが Elizabeth I 153303 。

この日の戦闘、Battle of Towton は季節外れ(かどうかはイギリスの氣象を識らないので解らないが三月末なのでさう云っておく)の大雪の降るなか、死傷者が二萬、おそらくは三萬に近く出た、イギリス国内ではもっとも酸鼻をきはめた戦闘となった。場所はヨウクシャのタウトン村とサクストン村のあひだの東西約20kmの高原。戰力まるで互角、しかも諸侯總出の天下分目の戦闘となったことが、この悲慘な數字となってしまった。

{YouTube を探したら The Battle of Towton (Britain's Bloodiest Battle Documentary) | Timeline といふ、そのものズバリのものが見付かった。

1500/0329:イタリア、Cesare Borgia
 è dato il titolo di capitano generale e Gonfaloniere dal padre Rodrigo Borgia dopo il ritorno dalle sue conquiste in Romagna.

Cesare Borgia is given the title of Captain General and Gonfalonier by his father Rodrigo Borgia after returning from his conquests in the Romagna.

ファレンティノ公チェザレボルジアが生まれた年には、あの彫刻家の Michelangelo Buonarroti 147564 や後に教皇 Leo X となる Giovanni de Medici 147521 が生まれて、イタリアルネサンスの後期を彩ることになる。

チェザレボルジアを來たるべき新時代の代表選手として持ちあげたのは、Niccolò Machiavelli 146927 の『君主論』であった。マキアベリはチェザレボルジアについて「その容姿、殊の外に美しく、堂々として武器を取れば勇猛果敢」と記してゐる(肖像畫を見たところでは私にはそれほどには感じられない)。


もっと後世のルネサンスの史家であった(私も愛讀した)Jacob Burckhardt 181897 は、「知に餓ゑて飽くことを識らず、人を破滅させることに悪魔的な喜びを感じる男」と彼には珍しいほどの強い嫌惡感で斷じてゐる。

現在殘ってゐるチェザレボルジアの肖像畫はすべて後世のもので(彼の肖像畫の類はすべて政敵によって燒却された)、唯一、實際の彼を描いたものとしてレオナルドの素描が殘ってゐた。どんなものだらうか。マキアベリの筆とレオナルドの筆と。私はレオナルドのはうを信じる。ちなみに Cesare Borgia 147507 は三十二歳で死んだ。

The city of Salvador da Bahia, the first capital of Brazil, is founded.

Treaty of Saint-Germain is signed returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629.

1658/0329:日本の儒學者 室鳩巣165834、誕生

Muro Kyūsō or Muro Naokiyo (直清) was a Neo-Confucian scholar and an official of the Tokugawa shogunate during the rule of Tokugawa Yoshimune.
Muro was responsible for the reintroduction of orthodox neo-Confucianist thought into government and societal life, attempting to reverse the growth of unorthodox views that were becoming popular during this time. He was also an author of Neo-Confucianist works, such as the Shundai Zatsuwa, although much of his work would only be known posthumously.


1769/0329:ナポレオンの將軍 Nicolas Jean-de-Dieu Soult 176951、誕生

un militaire et homme d'État français.
Fait maréchal d'Empire le 19 mai 1804, il est considéré par Napoléon, après la bataille d'Austerlitz (1805) à laquelle il contribue de manière décisive, comme « le premier manœuvrier de l'Europe ».

1772/0329:スヱデン 思想家 Emanuel Swedenborg 168872、死去

a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, mystic and founder of Swedenborgianism.[3] He is best known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell (1758).

Signature of the treaty of alliance and friendship between Poland-Lithuania and Prussia.

1792/0329:スヱデン王 Gustav III of Sweden 174692、暗殺

King of Sweden from 1771 until his assassination in 1792. He was the eldest son of King Adolf Frederick of Sweden and Queen Louise Ulrika (a sister of King Frederick the Great of Prussia),

King Gustav III of Sweden dies after being shot in the back at a midnight masquerade ball at Stockholm's Royal Opera 13 days earlier. He is succeeded by Gustav IV Adolf.




この父の死から十一年後となる同じ三月二十九日、グズタフ四世はクウデタにより王位を剥奪され、幽閉の身となり(その後もっと悲慘なことになり)、政事は叔父の Karl Johan(Karl XIII)が攝政となって掌握した。

1809/0329、King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicates after a coup d'état. At the Diet of Porvoo, Finland's four Estates pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia, commencing the secession of the Grand Duchy of Finland from Sweden.

1794/0329:フランス 思想家 Nicolas de Condorcet 174394、死去

Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, marquis de Condorcet, est un mathématicien et homme politique français, représentant des Lumières.
Il est célèbre pour ses travaux pionniers sur la statistique et les probabilités, son analyse des modes de scrutin possibles - le « paradoxe de Condorcet » - ainsi que par son action politique, tant avant la Révolution que sous celle-ci.
Siégeant parmi les Girondins, il propose ainsi des réformes du système éducatif ainsi que du droit pénal.
La Convention nationale ordonne son arrestation en 1793, et emprisonné en 1794, on le trouve mort dans sa cellule deux jours après son incarcération.

Carl Friedrich Gauß ermittelt mit Zirkel und Lineal eine Konstruktionsmethode für das Siebzehneck.

Gauss uses a compass and ruler to determine a construction method for the seventeen-corner.


Construction is authorized of the Great National Pike, better known as the Cumberland Road, becoming the first United States federal highway.

Die zweite, überarbeitete Fassung des Fidelio von Ludwig van Beethoven wird am Theater an der Wien in Wien uraufgeführt. Auch dieser zweiten Fassung ist kein Publikumserfolg beschieden.

 King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicates after a coup d'état.
 At the Diet of Porvoo, Finland's four Estates pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia, commencing the secession of the Grand Duchy of Finland from Sweden.

Friedrich Koenig receives a patent for his crucible printing machine. The model is developed by him a few months later to the press.

1826/0329:ドイツ社会主義者 Wilhelm Liebknecht 182600、誕生

einer der Gründerväter der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SPD).

Great Bosnian uprising: Bosniaks rebel against Turkey.

1847/0329:Mexican–American War:
 United States forces led by General Winfield Scott take Veracruz after a siege.

Niagara falls dry for 30 hours due to an upstream ice accumulation.

Sepoy Mangal Pandey of the 34th Regiment, Bengal Native Infantry mutinies against the East India Company's rule in India and inspires the protracted Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.

In British India dissatisfaction flares up in British auxiliaries. Sepoy Mangal Pandey shoots at a British officer in his regiment, Pandey's comrades refuse the order to help British officers. The event is one of the harbingers of the September 10 Sepoy rebellion.


Song Jingshi and other leaders led the Black Flag Army Uprising.

In a treaty, the major powers Britain, Russia and Austria agree with Greece on the connection of the Republic of the Ionian Islands to Greece, which the people wanted.

1865/0329:American Civil War:
 Federal forces under Major General Philip Sheridan move to flank Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee as the Appomattox Campaign begins.

1867/0329:USA プロ野球投手 Cy Young 186755、誕生

an American Major League Baseball pitcher.
During his 22-season baseball career (1890–1911), he pitched for five different teams. Young established numerous pitching records, some of which have stood for over a century.
Young compiled 511 wins, which is most in Major League history and 94 ahead of Walter Johnson, second on the list.

Queen Victoria gives Royal Assent to the British North America Act which establishes the Dominion of Canada on July 1.

The British Parliament passes the Constitutional Law of 1867, the first of many British North America Acts to form the basis of the Constitution of Canada.

Royal Albert Hall opens in London's Kensington district by Queen Victoria. It will be hosting major events in the future.

1879/0329:Anglo-Zulu War: Battle of Kambula:
 the British defeat the Zulu under Ntshingwayo Khoza in the Zulu War, making up for the catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Isandhlwana.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's "Lyrical Scenes" Eugen Onegin, after the same-named version of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, was premiered at the Maly Theater in Moscow.

«Лирические сцены» Петра Ильича Чайковского Евгений Онегин по одноименному роману в стихах Александер Пушкин состоится премьера в Малом театре в Москве.

John Pemberton brews the first batch of Coca-Cola in a backyard in Atlanta.

1891/0329:点描派の画家 Georges Seurat 185991、死去

Georges-Pierre Seurat est un peintre et dessinateur français, pionnier de la technique de chromo-luminarisme, ou peinture optique, appelée plus couramment pointillisme, divisionnisme ou néo-impressionnisme. Peintre de genre, figures, portraits, paysages animés, paysages, peintre à la gouache, dessinateur.

Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte (1884-1886)

Sous-bois à Pontaubert,




1895/0329:ドイツ 文學的思想家 Ernst Jünger 189598、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Offizier, Dandy und Insektenkundler. Er ist vor allem durch seine Kriegserlebnisbücher wie In Stahlgewittern, phantastische Romane und Erzählungen und verschiedene Essays bekannt.
In seinem elitären, antibürgerlichen und nationalistischen Frühwerk, das der sogenannten Konservativen Revolution zugerechnet wird, bekämpfte Jünger die Weimarer Republik entschieden.
Obwohl er der NSDAP nicht beitrat und deren rassistische Ideologie ablehnte, galt er nach 1945 als intellektueller Wegbereiter des Nationalsozialismus und gehört zu den umstrittensten Autoren Deutschlands.



1899/0329:ソ連祕密警察 Lavrenti Beria 18995、誕生

(ლავრენტი პავლეს ძე ბერია), homme politique soviétique.
российский революционер, советский государственный и партийный деятель, генеральный комиссар госбезопасности (1941), Маршал Советского Союза (1945), Герой Социалистического Труда (1943), лишённый этих званий в 1953 году в связи с обвинениями в организации массовых «сталинских репрессий».
a Soviet politician of Georgian ethnicity, Marshal of the Soviet Union and state security administrator, chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus (NKVD) under Joseph Stalin during World War II, and promoted to deputy premier under Stalin from 1941. He later officially joined the Politburo in 1946.

1902/0329:フランス 小説家 Marcel Aymé 190267、誕生

un écrivain, dramaturge, nouvelliste, scénariste et essayiste français.
Écrivain prolifique, il a laissé deux essais, dix-sept romans, plusieurs dizaines de nouvelles, une dizaine de pièces de théâtre, plus de cent soixante articles et des contes.

During the German South Polar Expedition, Erich von Drygalski sighted the extinct volcano Gaußberg in Antarctica as the first human being in a captive balloon.

1909/0329:日本の文藝家 花田清輝190974、誕生

Hanada Kiyoteru est un essayiste et critique littéraire japonais de l'ère Shōwa.

1911/0329:US Army、コルト M1911、採用
The M1911.45 ACP pistol becomes the official U.S. Army side arm.

1912/0329:イギリス 南極探檢家 Robert Falcon Scott 186812、遭難

a British Royal Navy officer and explorer who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions: the Discovery Expedition (1901~04) and the ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition (1910~13).

On the first expedition, he set a new southern record by marching to latitude 82°S and discovered the Polar (Antarctic) Plateau, on which the South Pole is located. ↓

On the second venture, Scott led a party of five which reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912, less than five weeks after Roald Amundsen's Norwegian expedition. On their return journey, Scott's party discovered plant fossils, proving Antarctica was once forested and joined to other continents.
A planned meeting with supporting dog teams from the base camp failed, despite Scott's written instructions, and at a distance of 150 miles from their base camp and 11 miles from the next depot, Scott and his companions perished.

The Observation Hill cross, erected in 1913 as a memorial to Scott and his party

Acquittement de Raoul Villain, l'assassin de Jean Jaurès.

Bei den ersten Reichspräsidentenwahlen der Weimarer Republik erhält Karl Jarres (DVP) die meisten Stimmen, verfehlt aber die absolute Mehrheit. Im daher nötigen zweiten Wahlgang, der rund einen Monat später stattfindet, gewinnt Paul von Hindenburg gegen Wilhelm Marx und Ernst Thälmann.

Karl Jarres (DVP) receives the most votes in the first presidential elections of the Weimar Republic, but misses an absolute majority. In the therefore necessary second ballot, which takes place about a month later, Paul von Hindenburg wins against Wilhelm Marx and Ernst Thälmann.

Nach dem Reichstagsbrand beschließt der deutsche Reichstag die Lex van der Lubbe, ein rückwirkendes Gesetz, um den mutmaßlichen Brandstifter Marinus van der Lubbe zum Tode verurteilen zu können.

After the Reichstag fire, the German Reichstag decides the Lex van der Lubbe, a retroactive law, in order to condemn the alleged arsonist Marinus van der Lubbe to death.

The premiere of the film Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse by Fritz Lang after a novel by Norbert Jacques is banned by the Filmprüfstelle Berlin because of "endangering public order and security". The premiere of the film finally takes place on 21 April in Budapest.

Im Deutschen Reich findet eine Reichstagswahl statt, bei der die Nationalsozialisten nach offiziellem Ergebnis 98,8 Prozent der Stimmen erhalten.

In Germany, Adolf Hitler receives 99% of the votes in a referendum to ratify Germany's illegal remilitarization and reoccupation of the Rhineland, receiving 44.5 million votes out of 45.5 million registered voters.

1939/0329:日本の詩人 立原道造191439、死去

Tachihara Michizō est un architecte et poète japonais.
Il meurt de tuberculose à l'âge de 24 ans avant d'avoir pleinement pu exercer chacune de ses deux activités.
Michizō Tachihara cherche à trouver un moyen pour un poète urbain de se libérer des coutumes traditionnelles tout en restant « moderne ».

1940/0329:ボサノバの娘 Astrud Gilberto 1940--、誕生

, nascida Astrud Evangelina Weinert (Salvador, 29 de março de 1940), é uma cantora brasileira de bossa nova , MPB e jazz de fama internacional.

 British Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy forces defeat those of the Italian Regia Marina off the Peloponnesian coast of Greece in the Battle of Cape Matapan.

The Bombing of Lübeck is the first major success for the RAF Bomber Command against Germany and a German city.

Totentanz=Danse macabre=死の舞踏 とは、Lübecker Totentanz

1943/0329:ギリシア 作曲者 Vangelis 1943--、誕生

Evángelos Odysséas Papathanassíou (Ευάγγελος Οδυσσέας Παπαθανασίου) is a Greek composer of electronic, progressive, ambient, jazz, and orchestral music.
He is best known for his Academy Award–winning score for the film Chariots of Fire, composing scores for the films Blade Runner, Missing, Antarctica, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, and Alexander, and the use of his music in the PBS documentary Cosmos: A Personal Voyage by Carl Sagan.

 Last day of V-1 flying bomb attacks on England.

The German 4th Army is almost destroyed by the Soviet Red Army.

The Red Army penetrates at Klostermarienberg for the first time on formerly Austrian territory.

1945/0329:WWⅡ、Massacre of Deutsch Schützen-Eisenberg.

l’assassinat d'environ 60 travailleurs forcés juifs dans la ville de Deutsch Schützen-Eisenberg.

In Southern Burgenland, around 60 forced laborers were murdered in a German massacre in one of the numerous final phase crimes.

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, one of Mexico's leading universities, is founded.

Malagasy Uprising against French colonial rule in Madagascar.

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage.

The New York, Ontario and Western Railway makes its final run, the first major U.S. railroad to be abandoned in its entirety.

Am Schauspielhaus Zürich werden die Theaterstücke Biedermann und die Brandstifter und Die große Wut des Philipp Hotz von Max Frisch uraufgeführt.

Arturo Frondizi, the president of Argentina, is overthrown in a military coup by Argentina's armed forces, ending an 11½ day constitutional crisis.

In the trial for the My Lai massacre in front of a US military court, the jury, after a 13-day consultation, finds the responsible officer, William Calley, guilty of killing 22 civilians.



The jurors of a jury in Los Angeles condemn Charles Manson and three members of his "family" to death in the gas chamber for the murder of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, a judgment that is confirmed but never enforced.
Bien que Charles Manson n'ait pas été lui-même présent sur les lieux des meurtres, il sera déclaré coupable le 25 janvier 1971 pour avoir dirigé les assassins, et condamné le 29 mars à la peine de mort. Cette sentence est commuée en une peine de prison à vie après l'annulation par la Cour Suprême des peines capitales jugées avant 1972.

Charles Milles Manson 1934:1969/0809、R ポランスキ夫人で当時妊娠八ヶ月だった女優のS テイト、他五人の無差別殺害を教唆、

1973/0329:Vietnam War、アメリカの完全撤退
 The last United States combat soldiers leave South Vietnam.
 Operation Barrel Roll, a covert American bombing campaign in Laos to stop communist infiltration of South Vietnam, ends.

1974/0329:USA、NASA's Mariner 10 becomes the first space probe to fly by Mercury.

The US space probe Mariner 10 passes as the first terrestrial missile the planet Mercury and transmits more than 2,000 images of the planet.

1982/0329:カルミナブラナ作曲 Carl Orff 189582、死去

ein deutscher Komponist und Musikpädagoge.
Sein bekanntestes Werk ist die szenische Kantate Carmina Burana, die zu einem der populärsten Chorwerke des 20.Jahrhunderts wurde.

オルフは自分の音楽劇を『世界劇』(„Welttheater“ „Theatrum Mundi“) と呼んだ。

The Canada Act 1982 receives the Royal Assent from Queen Elizabeth II, setting the stage for the Queen of Canada to proclaim the Constitution Act, 1982.


A murder case that female high school students packed concrete was discovered.

The Czechoslovak parliament is unable to reach an agreement on what to call the country after the fall of Communism, sparking the so-called Hyphen War.

1998/0329:In Lisbon,
 the Ponte Vasco da Gama is released for traffic. The building spans the Tagus River and is the longest bridge in Europe with a length of over 17 kilometers.

1999/0329:USA、Dow Jones Industrial Average
 closes above the 10,000 mark (10,006.78) for the first time, during the height of the dot-com bubble.

2001/0329:JazzMJQ John Lewis 192001、死去

an American jazz pianist, composer and arranger, best known as the founder and musical director of the Modern Jazz Quartet.

In reaction to the Passover massacre two days prior, Israel launches Operation Defensive Shield against Palestinian militants, its largest military operation in the West Bank since the 1967 Six-Day War.

In a second phase of NATO eastern enlargement, the former Warsaw Pact countries Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia join NATO after Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary on 12 March.

2004/0329:禁煙、In Ireland,
 the world's first state-enforced ban on smoking enters into force. It applies to all workplaces including pubs and restaurants.


Death penalty for a criminal who burned a women's college student in Mishima City.

 Quatrième éclipse solaire totale du XXIe siècle.

2009/0329:映画音樂作曲者 Maurice Jarre 192409、死去

a French composer and conductor, "one of the giants of 20th-century film music" who was "among the most sought-after composers in the movie industry" and "a creator of both subtle underscoring and grand, sweeping themes, not only writing for conventional orchestras... but also experimenting with electronic sounds later in his career".

Jarre is best known for his film scores, particularly for his collaborations with film director David Lean. Jarre composed the scores to all of Lean's films from Lawrence of Arabia (1962) on.
Jarre was nominated for nine Academy Awards, winning three in the Best Original Score category for Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Doctor Zhivago (1965), and A Passage to India (1984), all of which were directed by David Lean.

Two suicide bombers hit the Moscow Metro system at the peak of the morning rush hour, killing 40.

At least 36 people are killed when a 16-floor building collapses in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The first same-sex marriages in England and Wales are performed.

The United Kingdom invokes Article 50, beginning the formal process of Brexit.

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歴史暦:古今東西 03/28 今日の出來事

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今の日本を、日本人を見てゐると心底さう思はれてくる。國内の、云はば小さなコップのなかの騷動に国会が、報道が、そして國民がその事一つに熱中して、今、日本のすぐ近くで暴發寸前に醸成されてゐる狀況については「見ざる聞かざる云はざる」のノウテンキぶり。トグロを巻いたウンチを囲んで、背中を丸めて興味津々、その背中をドンと揺すぶる衝撃波、 ―― ま、さうなってみないと慌てない、慌てられないのが日本人だけど、ほんたうに心底心配になってきます。


the Swiss people begin their migration (see war of the Gauls).

Roman emperor Caligula accepts the titles of the Principate, entitled to him by the Senate.

The Praetorian Guard slays the Roman emperor Pertinax. Successor is Didius Julianus, who bid for the job highest bidder. After a few weeks he also dies a violent death.

ユリアヌスは Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 012180 の生母であった Domitia Lucilla Minor の引き立てによって出世したと云はれてゐる。
0162には法務官に叙任され、また軍務もモゴンティアクムに指揮官として赴任し、0170から五年間、ガリア・ベルギカ総督を務めた。その任期中に、 Publius Helvius Pertinax 012693 皇帝の共同執政官に就任。

賢帝 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus 012180 の歿後、その愚息のコモンドゥスが單獨皇帝にになり、その時、彼は謀叛を疑はれたが、却って訴へたはうが處罰された。彼はその後も各地の総督を歴任した。



近衛兵によって暗殺された時、彼が最後に洩らしたのは "But what evil have I done? Whom have I killed?"「私が何をしたといふのだ?、私が誰を殺したといふのだ?」だったさうである。


The Third Council of Constantinople imposed the anathema on Pope Honorius I, who died in 638, because he tolerated the doctrine of monotheletism now regarded as heresy.

{このロウマ教皇についてもロウマ皇帝同樣、遠く極東の門外漢の私にはフシギな持續力だ。いまだに續いてゐる。たとへ救世主とはいへ、中近東の異國の神をいただいて、その後二千年、その神を戴きつづける西洋人の魂を私はどうにも理解しきれない。このヨウロパ本土にとっては異神の支配のもとで、本來の神々が時々地靈となって跋扈跳梁する …… 西洋史を眺めてゐるとそんなふうに見えてくることがよくある。

 Première apparition des Vikings aux portes de Paris, début du siège de la ville.

In the Battle of Ferrybridge during the Wars of the Roses for the English throne, Yorkists and Lancastrians break up without a decision. Already the next day the battle of Towton takes place.

1515/0328:スペイン 聖女 Teresia Abulensis 151582、誕生

Teresa de Cepeda y Ahumada, más conocida como Santa Teresa de Jesús o simplemente Santa Teresa de Ávila fue una monja, fundadora de la Orden de Carmelitas Descalzos —rama de la Orden de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo—, mística y escritora española.

1584/0328:ロシアの雷帝 Ivan IV Vasilyevich 、崩去

(Иван Грозный / Ivan Groznyi)
Sire, the Grand Duke of Moscow and All Russia since 1533, the first tsar of all Russia (since 1547, except 1575-1576, when "the Grand Duke of All Russia" was nominally Simeon Bekbulatovich).
the Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547, then Tsar of All the Russias until his death in 1584. The last title was used by all his successors.

{彼のことについては、私は Sergueï Eisenstein 189848 の映画でよく識ったつもりでゐます。そして、イヴァンこそがロシア人の本性(信仰深さと殘忍さなど)を作りだしたやうな氣がしてゐます。

1592/0328:學校教育の思想家 John Amos Comenius 159270、誕生

is considered the father of modern education.
Comenius was a Czech philosopher, pedagogue and theologian from the Margraviate of Moravia.
He served as the last bishop of Unity of the Brethren and became a religious refugee and one of the earliest champions of universal education, a concept eventually set forth in his book Didactica Magna.
As an educator and theologian, he led schools and advised governments across Protestant Europe through the middle of the seventeenth century.



The Marathas under Baji Rao I attack and defeat the Mughals in the Battle of Delhi

1750/0328:南米初の獨立革命家 Francisco de Miranda 175016、誕生

Sebastián Francisco de Miranda y Rodríguez, conocido como Francisco de Miranda fue un político, militar, diplomático, escritor, humanista e ideólogo, español y venezolano, considerado El Precursor de la Emancipación Americana contra el Imperio español.

He is also considered a pioneer of Simón Bolívar 178330. Miranda aimed at independence from Spanish empire and integration of Ispano America but failed, caught in Spain in 1812 and died in prison in 1816.

1757/0328:フランス王暗殺者 Robert-François Damiens 171557、処刑

Robert François Damiens ou Damier, né le 9 janvier 1715 à La Thieuloye, près d'Arras (Pas-de-Calais) et mort le 28 mars 1757 à Paris, condamné par la Justice pour avoir tenté d'assassiner le roi Louis XV, fut la dernière personne, en France, à subir l'écartèlement, supplice réservé au régicide sous l'Ancien Régime.

Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco.

The Spaniard Juan Bautista de Anza is the first European to reach the Bay of San Francisco by land with his expedition and hoists the Spanish flag at what is now Fort Point to incorporate the area into the viceroyalty of New Spain. As a result, he begins with the construction of a military base with mission station.

1795/0328:Partitions of Poland:
 The Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, a northern fief of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, ceases to exist and becomes part of Imperial Russia.


The American Nathaniel Briggs receives the first US patent for a washing machine. His invention resembles a washboard with a crank.

A 1876 advertisement published in Argentina.


1799/0328:バセドウ病發見 Carl von Basedow 179954、誕生

ein deutscher Arzt. Discovery of Graves' disease.


 Signature du traité de Florence.

 un traité signé entre la France et le royaume de Naples le 28 mars 1801 mettant fin aux hostilités entre ces deux nations durant la guerre de la Deuxième Coalition.

Der deutsche Astronom H.W.Olbers entdeckt den Asteroiden Pallas, den er zunächst als Planeten einstuft.

Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid ever to be discovered.

2 Pallas orbit with inner solar system and positions on Jan 1, 2018

1809/0328:フランスvsスペイン「Peninsular War」
 France defeats Spain in the Battle of Medellín.

1814/0328:War of 1812: In the Battle of Valparaíso,
 two American naval vessels are captured by two Royal Navy vessels of equal strength.

The US frigate Essex is being fought during the British-American War after a successful Pacific pirate haul in Chilean territorial waters by a British frigate band, Phoebe and Sloop Cherub, and has to surrender after a lossy battle.

1820/0328:フランス&オランダ「Traité de Courtrai
 fixant la frontière entre la France et les Pays-Bas (devenue depuis la frontière entre la France et la Belgique).

First concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, founded by Otto Nicolai.

Am Ostermontag begründet Hofkapellmeister Otto Nicolai mit dem Wiener Hofopernorchester die Tradition der Philharmonischen Konzerte.

1854/0328:Crimean War:
 France and Britain declare war on Russia.

Great Britain and France declare war on Russia under Tsar Nicholas I, having already signed a war aid agreement with the Ottoman Empire in the Crimean War on 12th March.

1860/0328:First Taranaki War: Battle of Waireka begins.


1862/0328:American Civil War:
 In the Battle of Glorieta Pass, Union forces stop the Confederate invasion of the New Mexico Territory. The battle began on March 26.

On the third day of the Battle of the Glorieta Pass, the Union forces of the Northern States succeed in destroying the supply of the already confident Confederate Army. This will stop the Confederate's advance into the New Mexico Territory and decide on the New Mexico campaign of the American Civil War for the Union.

1868/0328:ロシアソ連の作家 Maxime Gorki 186838、誕生

(Алексей Максимович Пешков)
русский и советский писатель, прозаик, драматург. Один из самых значительных и известных в мире русских писателей и мыслителей.



1871/0328:オランダの指揮者 Willem Mengelberg 187151、誕生

ein niederländischer Dirigent und Komponist.

La Commune de Paris est officiellement établie à Paris.

The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.


1881/0328:ロシア作曲家 Modeste Moussorgski 183981、死去

(Модeст Петрович Мусоргский), compositeur russe
русский композитор, член «Могучей кучки».

И. Е. Репин. Портрет композитора М. П. Мусоргского

Paul Carl Beiersdorf receives the patent for the production of painted plaster. This is considered the founding date of Beiersdorf AG.

1883/0328:中國[清]「Tonkin Campaign」
 French victory in the Battle of Gia Cuc.

 In Berlin wird unter Federführung von Carl Peters die Gesellschaft für deutsche Kolonisation mit dem Ziel gegründet, in Ostafrika deutsche Ackerbau- und Handelskolonien zu gründen.


Jin Yujun was assassinated by an assassin sent by the North Korean government in Shanghai.



Sven Hedin 186552 により古代の東西を結んだ Silk Road の遺跡が発見される。この年、彼は古代都市の桜蘭と干上がったオプノウルの湖床を發見「さまよへる湖」を直觀した。

{私だって ―― もっと規模壯大に、古今東西、世界史のタイムトラヴェルだ。


1902/0328:日本 落語家 三代目桂三木助190261、誕生


彼は当時まではとりわけて注目もされていなかった 三遊亭園朝183900 の作とされる『芝濱』を独自に掘り下げ、練り上げて名作に仕上げた。

Henri Fabre, pionnier de l'aviation française, réussit à Marseille le premier vol avec hydravion. Au second essai, il vole avec Hydravion à environ 600 mètres.

Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane, the Fabre Hydravion, after taking off from a water runway near Martigues, France.


Onoe Shōroku, un acteur japonais qui fut l'un des plus importants interprètes de pièces classiques de kabuki.

1913/0328:山口組三代目 田岡一雄191381、誕生

Taoka Kazuo was one of the most prominent yakuza godfathers.
Known as the "Godfather of Godfathers", Taoka was third kumicho of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's largest yakuza organization, from 1946 to 1981.

1914/0328:チェコ 作家 Bohumil Hrabal 191497、誕生

a Czech writer, regarded by many Czechs as one of the best writers of the 20th century.

1920/0328:Palm Sunday tornado
 outbreak of 1920 affects the Great Lakes region and Deep South states.


1921/0328:イギリス映画男優 Dirk Bogarde 192199、誕生

Sir Derek Jules Gaspard Ulric Niven van den Bogaerde
a British actor and writer who recorded numerous theatrical hits between the 1950s and 1970s.
As a highlight of his acting career, he considered his starring role in Death in Venice (1971) by Luchino Visconti 190676.


1928/0328:フランス 数学者 Alexandre Grothendieck 192614、誕生

Il est resté longtemps apatride tout en vivant principalement en France ; il obtient la nationalité française en 1971.
Il est considéré comme le refondateur de la géométrie algébrique et, à ce titre, comme l'un des plus grands mathématiciens du XXe siècle.
Il était connu pour son intuition extraordinaire et sa capacité de travail exceptionnelle. La médaille Fields lui a été décernée en 1966.


1930/0328:日本のキリスト者 内村鑑三186130、死去

Uchimura Kanzō was a Japanese author, Christian evangelist, and the founder of the Nonchurch Movement (Mukyōkai) of Christianity in the Meiji and Taishō period Japan.
He is often considered to be the most well-known Japanese pre-World War II pacifist.

Constantinople is officially named Istanbul after the city has long been known to the population as such. Furthermore, the capital Angora is now referred to as Ankara.


The Republic of China's National Army launched the "second round of reclamation" to the Red Army

1934/0328:USA 環境學者 Lester Russel Brown 1934--、誕生

He is a United States environmental analyst, founder of the Worldwatch Institute, and founder and former president of the Earth Policy Institute, a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C.
The Washington Post reported him as "one of the most influential thinkers in the world."

 Der Propagandafilm Triumph des Willens von Leni Riefenstahl über den Reichsparteitag der NSDAP vom Vorjahr hat in Berlin Premiere.

The propaganda film Triumph of the Will of Leni Riefenstahl on the Reich Party Rally of the NSDAP from the previous year has its premiere in Berlin.

1936/0328:ペルの作家 Mario Vargas Llosa 1936--、誕生

un escritor peruano que cuenta también con la nacionalidad española desde 1993. Considerado uno de los más importantes novelistas y ensayistas contemporáneos,

Adolf Hitler weist bei einem Gespräch den Führer der Sudetendeutschen Partei, Konrad Henlein, an, der tschechoslowakischen Regierung gegenüber Forderungen zu erheben, denen sie nicht entsprechen kann. Die angeschürte Krise über das Sudetenland endet im Herbst im Münchner Abkommen.

In a conversation Adolf Hitler instructs the leader of the Sudeten German party, Konrad Henlein, to make demands on the Czechoslovak government which she can not comply with. The stoked crisis over the Sudetenland ends in the autumn in the Munich Agreement.


The Republic of China Reform Government was established in Nanjing.

Rendición de Madrid a las fuerzas del General Franco.

Francisco Franco conquers the Spanish capital of Madrid with the help of the "fifth column" and thus ends the civil war in the country. Spain is henceforth completely under the control of the Francoist regime.


1941/0328:イギリス 作家 Virginia Woolf 188241、入水自殺

an English writer who is considered one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century and a pioneer in the use of stream of consciousness as a narrative device. Born in an affluent household in Kensington, London, she attended the King's College London and was acquainted with the early reformers of women's higher education.

Virginia Woolf et sa sœur Vanessa jouant au cricket.


 Britain's Mediterranean Fleet sinks three heavy cruisers and two destroyers of Italy's Regia Marina.

1942/0328:USA 思想家 Daniel Dennett 1942--、誕生

American philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist whose research centers on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science.

 A British combined force permanently disables the Louis Joubert Lock in Saint-Nazaire in order to keep the German battleship Tirpitz away from the mid-ocean convoy lanes.

 Naissance des Francs-tireurs et partisans (FTP).

1943/0328:ロシア 音樂家 Sergueï Rachmaninov 187343、死去

(Сергей Васильевич Рахманинов)русский композитор, пианист, дирижёр.
, compositeur et pianiste russe

1946/0328:Cold War:
 The United States Department of State releases the Acheson–Lilienthal Report, outlining a plan for the international control of nuclear power.

{Hot な戰爭が終ったら、今度は Cold な戰爭が始まる。

1951/0328:First Indochina War:
 In the Battle of Mạo Khê, French Union forces, led by World War II hero Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, inflict a defeat on Việt Minh forces commanded by General Võ Nguyên Giáp.


In 1959: Zhou Enlai, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, signed the State Council order to dissolve the Tibetan local government (Gaoxia). The Tibet Autonomous Region's preparatory committee exercised the authority of the Tibetan local government and called on the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to quell the rebellion while implementing democratic reforms.
The State Council of the People's Republic of China dissolves the government of Tibet.



Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds Commences in the Cinemas of the USA.

On Good Friday, an earthquake off Alaska triggers a tsunami all over the US West Coast. There are 107 deaths in Alaska, four in Oregon, and eleven in California.

After an earthquake, the dam breaks at El Cobre, Chile. At the dam break, the city is buried, at least 200 people are killed.

Brazilian high school student Edson Luís de Lima Souto is killed by military police at a protest for cheaper meals at a restaurant for low-income students.


1969/0328:US大統領 Dwight David Eisenhower 189069、死去

an American Army general and statesman who served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961.

An earthquake strikes western Turkey at about 23:05 local time, killing 1,086 and injuring 1,260.

The earthquake of Gediz of magnitude 7.4 in the province of Kütahya in western Turkey destroys the city of Gediz and claims about 1,100 deaths. Around 80,000 people become homeless.

1974/0328:フランス 映画女優 Françoise Rosay 189174、死去

(Françoise Gilberte Bandy de Nalèche, dite), est une actrice française.
Sa carrière cinématographique s'est étendue sur plus de soixante ans, faisant d'elle un personnage légendaire dans le cinéma français.


Je n'ai pas du tout envie de vivre centenaire. Ce ne serait pas poli. I do not want to live a hundred years at all. It would not be polish.


Nicolae Ceauşescu takes over the office of President in Romania in addition to his position as State Council Chairman. The necessary constitutional amendment will not be made up until the following year.

 Accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station.

A coolant leak at the Three Mile Island's Unit 2 nuclear reactor outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania leads to the core overheating and a partial meltdown.

{この事故をもとにして映画『The China Syndrome.』ができた、とばかり思ってゐたら、逆に、この映画が公開された十二日後にこのゲンパツ事故が起こった、のであった。

1985/0328:愛の画家 Marc Chagall 188785、死去

российский и французский художник белорусско-еврейского происхождения.
In 1900, he entered a four-year public school. Ossip Zadkine 189067 aiming for a sculptor was in this classmate at the time, and both aimed at an artist

1987/0328:Maria Augusta von Trapp、死去

eine österreichische Sängerin und Schriftstellerin, die nach dem „Anschluss“ Österreichs an das „Dritte Reich“ in die USA emigrierte und 1944 die amerikanische Staatsbürgerschaft beantragte.

She wrote The Story of the Trapp Family Singers which was published in 1949. The story served as the inspiration for the 1956 West German film The Trapp Family, which in turn inspired the Broadway musical The Sound of Music (1959) and the 1965 film of the same name.



1994/0328:パリの不条理劇作者 Eugène Ionesco 190994、死去

un dramaturge et écrivain roumano-français.
Il passe une grande partie de sa vie à voyager entre la France et la Roumanie ; représentant majeur du théâtre de l'absurde en France, il écrit de nombreuses œuvres dont les plus connues sont La Cantatrice chauve (1950), Les Chaises (1952), Rhinocéros (1959) et Le roi se meurt (1962).

1994/0328:In South Africa,
 African National Congress security guards kill dozens of Inkatha Freedom Party protesters.

1996/0328:ドイツ 隱喩学創始者 Hans Blumenberg 192096、死去

a German philosopher and intellectual historian.
He studied philosophy, German studies and the classics (1939–47, interrupted by World War II) and is considered to be one of the most important German philosophers of the century.
Blumenberg created what has come to be called 'metaphorology 隱喩學', which states that what lies under metaphors and language modisms, is the nearest to the truth (and the farthest from ideologies).

His last works, especially "Care Crosses the River" (Die Sorge geht über den Fluss), are attempts to apprehend human reality through its metaphors and involuntary expressions. Digging under apparently meaningless anecdotes of the history of occidental thought and literature, Blumenberg drew a map of the expressions, examples, gestures, that flourished in the discussions of what are thought to be more important matters. Blumenberg's interpretations are extremely unpredictable and personal, all full of signs, indications and suggestions, sometimes ironic. Above all, it is a warning against the force of revealed truth, and for the beauty of a world in confusion.


A stone avalanche kills about 380 people in Afghanistan.

1999/0328:Kosovo War:
 Serb paramilitary and military forces kill 146 Kosovo Albanians in Izbica.



An earthquake shakes northern Sumatra with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VI (Strong), leaving 915–1,314 people dead and 340–1,146 injured.

Massive protests are mounted against France's First Employment Contract law, meant to reduce youth unemployment.

Lors d'une journée nationale de protestation, trois millions de Français descendent dans la rue pour exprimer leur mécontentement face au Contrat première embauche. Le projet de loi a pour but de permettre le licenciement de salariés de moins de 26 ans en France sans justification et sans avertissement dans les deux premières années de la relation de travail.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World
今日が命日の Maurits Cornelis Escher 189872『Drawing Hands』1948

歴史暦:古今東西 03/27 今日の出來事

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1306/0327:Robert Bruce declared Scottish throne.

Robert I 127429:was King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329. Robert was one of the most famous warriors of his generation, and eventually led Scotland during the First War of Scottish Independence against England. He fought successfully during his reign to regain Scotland's place as an independent country and is today revered in Scotland as a national hero.

Pope John XXII issues his In Agro Dominico condemning some writings of Meister Eckhart as heretical.

In der Bulle In agro dominico verurteilt Papst Johannes XXII. 28 Lehrsätze von Meister Eckhart als häretisch oder als teils häresieverdächtig (irrig, nicht mit der Rechtgläubigkeit vereinbar). Damit endet das Inquisitionsverfahren gegen Eckhart, der vor Veröffentlichung der Bulle gestorben ist.

1446/0327:en France,
 une ordonnance royale place l'université sous la juridiction du Parlement.

Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León reaches the northern end of The Bahamas on his first voyage to Florida.

(Amérique du Nord) : le jour des Rameaux, Pascuas floridas, l'Espagnol Juan Ponce de León aborde une nouvelle terre à laquelle il donne le nom de Floride. Au retour, il organise la déportation et la réduction en esclavage des Amérindiens Taïnos de l'archipel des Lucayes (Bahamas).

1574/0327:日本の戰國大名 武田信虎149474、死去

Takeda Nobutora was a Japanese daimyō (feudal lord) who controlled the Province of Kai 甲斐, and fought in a number of battles of the Sengoku 戰國 period.
He was the father of the famous Takeda Shingen 武田信玄152173, who was originally named Harunobu 晴信, along with two other sons, Nobushige 信繁 and Nobukado 信廉.

絹本著色武田信虎像 武田信廉筆

イエズス会巡察使 A.ヴァリニャノが黒人「弥助」を同道して織田信長に謁見

The Jesuit patrol mission Alessandro Valignano gathered blacks named "Yasuke" and audiences with Nobunaga Oda 織田信長153482.

1625/0327:Charles I becomes King of England, Scotland and Ireland as well as claiming the title King of France.

1679/0327:オランダ 画家 Abraham Mignon 164079、死去

ein deutsch-niederländischer Maler.

Früchtestillleben von Abraham Mignon (um 1650)

1770/0327:イタリア 画家 Giambattista Tiepolo 169670、死去

un pittore e incisore italiano, cittadino della Repubblica di Venezia. È uno dei maggiori pittori del Settecento veneziano.

1785/0327:ブルボン最後の王 Louis XVII 178595、誕生

Louis-Charles de France , second fils de Louis XVI et de Marie-Antoinette, duc de Normandie, dauphin de France à partir de 1789, puis prince royal de 1791 à 1792.
Après la mort de son père, en 1793, et suivant l’ordre dynastique, il est reconnu comme titulaire de la couronne de France sous le nom de Louis XVII par les puissances coalisées et par son oncle, futur Louis XVIII, alors qu'il est détenu à la prison du Temple.

Il serait mort en captivité en 1795, à l’âge de dix ans, sans avoir jamais régné, mais l'éventualité de sa survie alimente encore l'attention des historiens.

1797/0327:フランス文人 Alfred de Vigny 179763、誕生

un écrivain, romancier, dramaturge et poète français.
Figure influente du romantisme, il écrit parallèlement à une carrière militaire entamée en 1814 et publie ses premiers poèmes en 1822.
Avec la publication de Cinq-Mars en 1826, il contribue au développement du roman historique français. Ses traductions versifiées de Shakespeare s'inscrivent dans le drame romantique, de même que sa pièce Chatterton (1835).
Son œuvre se caractérise par un pessimisme fondamental, et une vision désenchantée de la société. Il développe à plusieurs reprises le thème du paria, incarné par le poète, le prophète, le noble, Satan ou bien le soldat.
Sa poésie est empreinte d’un stoïcisme hautain, qui s’exprime en vers denses et dépouillés, souvent riches en symboles, annonçant la modernité poétique de Baudelaire, Verlaine et Mallarmé.

1809/0327:パリの改造 Georges Eugène Haussmann 180991、誕生

「オスマン」Georges Eugène Haussmann a été préfet de la Seine du 23 juin 1853 au 5 janvier 1870.
À ce titre, il a dirigé les transformations de Paris sous le Second Empire en approfondissant le vaste plan de rénovation établi par la commission Siméon qui vise à poursuivre les travaux engagés par ses prédécesseurs à la préfecture de la Seine Rambuteau et Berger.


1809/0327:Peninsular War:
 A combined Franco-Polish force defeats the Spanish in the Battle of Ciudad Real.

1814/0327:米英戰爭=War of 1812:
 In central Alabama, U.S. forces under General Andrew Jackson defeat the Creek at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.


à Paris, le Conseil d'État relève Napoléon de sa déchéance, qui forme un gouvernement avec Carnot à l'Intérieur, Davout à la Guerre, Caulaincourt aux Affaires étrangères et Fouché à la Police.


Auguste Brunet et Jean-Baptiste Cochot déposent le brevet de la scie circulaire 回転鋸.
Les premières scies circulaires, actionnées par l’eau, ne coupaient que le bois.

1817/0327:スヰス生物学者 Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli 181791、誕生

Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli was a Swiss botanist.
He studied cell division and pollination but became known as the man who discouraged Gregor Mendel from further work on genetics.
He rejected natural selection as a mechanism of evolution, favouring orthogenesis driven by a supposed "inner perfecting principle".


1836/0327:USA 軍人 James Fannin 180536、処刑

James Walker Fannin Jr. was a 19th-century U.S. military figure in the Texas Army and leader during the Texas Revolution of 1835–36.
After being outnumbered and surrendering to Mexican forces at the Battle of Coleto Creek, Colonel Fannin and nearly all his 344 men were executed soon afterward at Goliad, Texas, under Santa Anna's orders for all rebels to be executed.

Texas Revolution: On the orders of General Antonio López de Santa Anna, the Mexican army massacres 342 Texas POWs at Goliad, Texas.

1845/0327:レントゲン写真の Wilhelm Röntgen 184523、誕生

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen war ein deutscher Physiker.
Er entdeckte am 8. November 1895 im Physikalischen Institut der Universität Würzburg die nach ihm benannten Röntgenstrahlen; hierfür erhielt er 1901 bei der Vergabe der ersten Nobelpreise den ersten Nobelpreis für Physik.
Seine Entdeckung revolutionierte unter anderem die medizinische Diagnostik und führte zu weiteren wichtigen Erkenntnissen des 20. Jahrhunderts, z. B. der Entdeckung und Erforschung der Radioaktivität.

First medical X-ray by Röntgen of his wife's hand

1847/0327:ドイツ 化學者 Otto Wallach 184731、誕生

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger.
Wallach war organischer Chemiker und hat mehrere Reaktionen zum Aufbau heterozyklischer Verbindungen und von Farbstoffen entdeckt.
Wallach hat in der Terpenchemie grundlegende Arbeiten zur Strukturaufklärung und der Synthese dieser Stoffklasse geleistet.


1854/0327:Crimean war:
 Great Britain declares war on the Russian empire.

1857/0327:イギリス 統計學 Karl Pearson 185736、誕生

an English mathematician and biostatistician.
He has been credited with establishing the discipline of mathematical statistics.
He contributed significantly to the field of biometrics, meteorology, theories of social Darwinism and eugenics.
Pearson was also a protégé and biographer of Sir Francis Galton.





President Andrew Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act of 1866. His veto is overridden by Congress and the bill passes into law on April 9.

The first international rugby football match, when Scotland defeats England in Edinburgh at Raeburn Place.

In Prague, the premiere of the opera Two Widows by Bedřich Smetana takes place with very little success, which is why he decides to revise it.

1875/0327:フォウビズムの画家 Albert Marquet 187547、誕生

un peintre post-impressionniste français

1906, Fécamp (The Beach at Sainte-Adresse),

1916, Port of Marseilles,

1879/0327:USA 写真家 Edward Steichen 187973、誕生

a Luxembourgish American photographer, painter, and art gallery and museum curator.

Portrait of Auguste Rodin by Steichen, 1900

Picture by Steichen of Brâncuși's studio, 1920

Isadora Duncan in the Parthenon, Athens, 1921

1880/0327:à Paris, ゾラの『ナナ』連載
 l'éditeur Charpentier vend dès le premier jour cinquante-cinq mille exemplaires du nouveau roman d'Émile Zola, Nana.

1884/0327:USA、A mob in Cincinnati, Ohio,
 attacks members of a jury which had returned a verdict of manslaughter in what was seen as a clear case of murder; over the next few days the mob would riot and eventually destroy the courthouse.

1886/0327:ドイツ 建築家 Ludwig Mies van der Rohe 188669、誕生

ein deutsch-amerikanischer Architekt.

Farnsworth House, Plano/Illinois 1950/51

Seagram Building, New York City 1958

彼は、Le Corbusier 188765、Frank Lloyd Wright 186759 とともに近代建築の三大巨匠、またはこれらに、Walter Gropius 188369 を加えて、四大巨匠とみなされてゐる。

「Less is more」
「God is in the detail」


1886/0327:ソ連の指導者 Sergey Kirov 188634、誕生

Sergei Mironovich Kirov was a prominent early Bolshevik leader in the Soviet Union.
Kirov rose through the Communist Party ranks to become head of the party organization in Leningrad.

On 1 December 1934, Kirov was shot and killed by a gunman at his offices in the Smolny Institute. Many historians place the blame for his assassination on Joseph Stalin and believe the NKVD organized his execution, but conclusive evidence for this claim remains lacking.


 Geronimo, Apache warrior, surrenders to the U.S. Army, ending the main phase of the Apache Wars.

1893/0327:知識社界學者 Karl Mannheim 189347、誕生

ein Soziologe und Philosoph österreichisch-ungarischer Herkunft, jüdischer Religion, deutscher und britischer Staatsbürgerschaft und kosmopolitischer Gesinnung.

Károly Manheim in the original spelling, was a Hungarian-born sociologist, influential in the first half of the 20th century and one of the founding fathers of classical sociology as well as a founder of the sociology of knowledge. He is most known for his book Ideology and Utopia published in 1929 where he argues that ideologies are the true nature of any given society and in trying to achieve utopia, these ideologies affect theories of philosophy and even history.

思想の存在被拘束性を乗り越えて真理に近づくためには、全体的視野から歴史を見ようとする、を自由に浮動する知識人になるべきだとした。{つまり、私が云ふところの「歴史の天使」による「世界史」認識の Globalistだ。


大衆社会の危険性について論じた『変革期における人間と社会』は、後の Erich Fromm 190080 などの大衆社会論に大きな影響を及ぼした。の流れに大きな影響を与えた。
 イデオロギとユウトピア 1929

1899/0327:草創期の映画女優 Gloria Swanson 189983、誕生

Gloria May Josephine Swanson was an American actress and producer best known for her role as Norma Desmond, a reclusive silent film star, in the critically acclaimed 1950 film Sunset Boulevard.

 Emilio Aguinaldo leads Filipino forces for the only time during the Philippine–American War at the Battle of Marilao River.

Der zweite Abschnitt der Brockenbahn, der Schmalspureisenbahnlinie auf den Brocken, wird durch die Nordhausen-Wernigeroder Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft eröffnet.

Guglielmo Marconi manages the first wireless telegraphic service across the English Channel.

日露戦争: 第二回旅順口閉塞作戦。広瀬武夫中佐が戦死。



1904明治37、日露戦争において旅順港閉塞作戦に従事。3月27日、第2回の閉塞作戦で閉塞船福井丸を指揮していたが、敵駆逐艦の魚雷を被彈。撤退時に広瀬は、自爆用の爆薬に点火させるために船倉にやった杉野孫七上等兵曹が戻ってこないことに気付いた。広瀬は杉野救助のため単身沈み始めた福井丸に戻り、船内を三度までも捜索したが、杉野の姿は見つけられなかった。やむを得ず救命ボウトに乗り移ろうとした直後、頭部にロシア軍砲弾の直撃を受け、即死した。 五日後、彼の遺体は福井丸の船首付近に浮かんでゐるのが発見され、ロシア軍により埋葬された。

Cherry seedlings Tokyo City gave to the United States were planted on the banks of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.


 at the 11th Congress of the Bolshevik Party, held in Moscow (27 March to 2 April), in the presence of Lenin. Stalin, who, having been the People's Commissar of the Nationalities, has just been appointed political commissar of the Armies during the struggle against the whites, is, with the help of Zinoviev, elected general secretary of the party. This technical post, which was considered to be of little importance, enabled Stalin, the first director of Pravda, to control the recruitment of party cadres.

1923/0327:スコットランド 化學者 James Dewar 184223、死去

a Scottish chemist and physicist.
He is probably best known today for his invention of the vacuum flask, which he used in conjunction with extensive research into the liquefaction of gases.
He was also particularly interested in atomic and molecular spectroscopy, working in these fields for more than 25 years.

1923/0327:日本の作家 遠藤周作192396、誕生

Endō Shūsaku est un écrivain japonais, connu pour avoir écrit avec le point de vue de sa foi catholique.
Avec Junnosuke Yoshiyuki, Shōtarō Yasuoka, Junzō Shōno, Hiroyuki Agawa, Ayako Sono et Shumon Miura, Endō est catégorisé comme un « écrivain de la troisième génération », le troisième groupe d'écrivains majeurs apparus après la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

1924/0327:日本の女優 高峰秀子192410、誕生

Takamine Hideko est une actrice et essayiste japonaise.
Elle débute au cinéma dès son enfance et devient extrêmement populaire au point qu'on la compare à Shirley Temple.
Elle poursuit sa carrière à l'âge adulte et reste une des actrices les plus populaires du cinéma japonais jusqu'aux années 1960.
Parmi ses films les plus importants, Carmen revient au pays de Keisuke Kinoshita et Nuages flottants de Mikio Naruse. Son autobiographie Une vie au turbin (渡世日記, Tosei nikki) a reçu le prix du Club des essayistes du Japon en 1976.

1924/0327:JazzSinger、Sarah Vaughan 192490、誕生

, chanteuse de jazz américaine

1926/0327:日本の歌人 島木赤彦187626、死去


# 赤彦の歌論の中心をなしてゐるのは「鍛錬道」と言はれてゐる。「一心集中」と言はれることもあるが、これらは表裏一体のものである。これらの歌論はまた 彼の万葉集批評などにもあり、いわく「万葉集の作者は、どんな事柄に對しても苟も歌ふとなれば、何處迄も眞面目に正面から其の事柄に向き合つている。そうして一心をそれに集中してゐる。其處から力が生れてくる」「永久の徹底は、常住の鍛錬であり、常住の鍛錬は終生の苦行である」、などと言ふのが彼の歌論{といふより歌道だらう。

みづうみの氷は解けてなほ寒し三日月の影波にうつろふ 『太虚集』

信濃路はいつ春ならん夕づく日入りてしまらく黄なる空の色 『柿蔭集』


1927/0327:ソ連 チェリスト Mstislav Rostropovitch 192707、誕生

, violoncelliste et chef d'orchestre russe

1927/0327:ドイツ 作家 Martin Walser 1927--、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Bekannt wurde Walser durch seine Darstellung innerer Konflikte der Antihelden in seinen Romanen und Erzählungen
Franz Kafka 188324の影響下から、歴史的社界的な人間關係での個人的な現実をリアリスティックに

1928/0327:日本の小説家 田辺聖子1928--、誕生

Tanabe Seiko、une écrivain japonaise

In Geneva, Japan and Germany prefer to leave the League of Nations rather than to respect the clauses of the Treaty of Versailles.

Reginald Oswald Gibson and Eric Fawcett manage the industrial production of polyethylene, but the process does not become commercially interesting until seven years later.

Second Sino-Japanese War: The Battle of Taierzhuang begins, resulting several weeks later in the war's first major Chinese victory over Japan.


Adolf Hitler fordert Polen auf, die Annexion von Danzig durch Deutschland zu akzeptieren.

Himmler befiehlt den Bau eines Konzentrationslagers in Auschwitz.

 Alfred Hitchcock's first Hollywood film Rebecca premieres in Los Angeles after the eponymous novel by Daphne du Maurier starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine.
 He is received by critics and audiences alike and will be the only Hitchcock film to receive an Oscar for Best Picture.

 Prince Paul of Yugoslavia is overthrown by a coup d'état, following a pact with Adolf Hitler.

 Yugoslavian Air Force officers topple the pro-Axis government in a bloodless coup.

Battle of the Komandorski Islands: In the Aleutian Islands the battle begins when United States Navy forces intercept Japanese attempting to reinforce a garrison at Kiska.

連合国軍側は(Battle of the Komandorski Islands)と呼ぶ。

1945/0327:WWⅡ、日米戰爭「Operation Starvation」,
 the aerial mining of Japan's ports and waterways begins. Argentina declares war on the Axis Powers.


1945/0327:WWⅡ、USA アイゼンハワ元帥、西部戦線での勝利宣言
General Dwight Eisenhower declares that the Allies are victorious on the Western Front.

1955/0327:In Pakistan、
The state of emergency is proclaimed.

 Nikita Khrushchev becomes Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union

American history at a magnitude of 9.2 strikes Southcentral Alaska, killing 125 people and inflicting massive damage to the city of Anchorage.

Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who was the first man in space, kills himself at the controls of a MIG-15 training plane.


Jim Drake and Hoyle Schweitzer file the patent for windsurfing.

1969/0327:USA、NASA launches spacecraft Mariner 7 towards Mars.

1972/0327:フシギなる画家 Maurits Cornelis Escher 189872、死去

a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.

Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins.

1977/0327:飛行機事故、Tenerife airport disaster:
 Two Boeing 747 airliners collide on a foggy runway on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, killing 583 (all 248 on KLM and 335 on Pan Am). Sixty-one survived on the Pan Am flight. This is the worst aviation accident in history.

The Norwegian oil platform Alexander Kielland collapses in the North Sea, killing 123 of its crew of 212.

1981/0327:中國 作家 茅盾189681、死去

Mao Dun was the pen name of Shen Dehong (沈徳鴻), a 20th-century Chinese novelist, cultural critic, .
He is one of the most celebrated left-wing realist novelists of modern China.
His most famous works are Ziye 子夜, a novel depicting life in cosmopolitan Shanghai, and Spring Silkworms. He also wrote many short stories.

He adopted "Mao Dun" (矛盾), meaning "contradiction", as his pen name to express the tension in the conflicting revolutionary ideology in China in the unstable 1920s. His friend Ye Shengtao changed the first character from 矛 to 茅, which literally means "thatch".

1981/0327:in Poland、
 The Solidarity movement stages a warning strike, in which at least 12 million Poles walk off their jobs for four hours.

A car bomb explodes outside Russell Street Police HQ in Melbourne, Australia, killing one police officer and injuring 21 people.


The first session of the Eighth National People's Congress elected Jiang Zemin as Chairman of the People’s Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China. Rong Yiren was Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China.
Jiang Zemin is appointed President of the People's Republic of China.

Italian former minister and Christian Democracy leader Giulio Andreotti is accused of mafia allegiance by the tribunal of Palermo.

The Food and Drug Administration approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, the first pill to be approved for this condition in the United States.

1999/0327:Kosovo War:
 An American Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk is shot down by a Yugoslav SAM, the first and only Nighthawk to be lost in combat.

2002/0327:映画監督 Billy Wilder 190602、死去

Samuel "Billy" Wilder was an Austrian-American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and journalist whose career spanned more than five decades.
He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age.
With The Apartment, Wilder became the first person to win Academy Awards as producer, director, and screenwriter for the same film.

Studio publicity photo of Billy Wilder and Gloria Swanson.
{偶然だけど、Gloria Swanson は今日が誕生日だった。

2002/0327:イスラエルで「Passover massacre」
 A Palestinian suicide bomber kills 29 people at a Passover seder in Netanya, Israel.

2002/0327:フランスで「Nanterre massacre」
 In Nanterre, France, a gunman opens fire at the end of a town council meeting, resulting in the deaths of eight councilors; 19 other people are injured.

2006/0327:SF作家 Stanislas Lem 192106、死去

Stanisław Herman Lem (Polish pronunciation: [staˈɲiswaf ˈlɛm] ) was a Polish writer of science fiction, philosophy, and satire, and a trained physician.
Lem's books have been translated into 41 languages and have sold over 45 million copies.
From the 1950s to 2000s, he published many books, both science fiction and philosophical/futurological. He is best known as the author of the 1961 novel Solaris, which has been made into a feature film three times. In 1976, Theodore Sturgeon wrote that Lem was the most widely read science fiction writer in the world.

Translations of his works are difficult due to passages with elaborate word formation, alien or robotic poetry, and puns.

2007/0327:日本の藝人 植木等192607、死去

Ueki Hitoshi was a Japanese actor, comedian, singer, and guitarist.
He won six awards for acting. His film credits stretch from 1960 to 1995.

1961年、「Crazy Cats」の一員として、テレビ番組『シャボン玉ホリデー』に出演し、コントでの演技や歌、「お呼びでない?…こりゃまた失礼いたしました!!!」などのギャグで、爆発的な人気を得て。

The dam forming Situ Gintung, an artificial lake in Indonesia, fails, killing at least 99 people.

Philippines signs a peace accord with the largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, ending decades of conflict.

Al-Shabab militants attack and temporarily occupy a Mogadishu hotel leaving at least 20 people dead.

A suicide blast in Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore claims over 70 lives and leaves almost 300 others injured. The target of the bombing are Christians celebrating Easter.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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