

janvier 2018

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が誕生日のUSAのPuzzler Sam Loyd 184111 の「Back from the Klondike」

歴史暦:古今東西 01/31 今日の出來事


1208/0131:北欧で「Battle of Lena」
 ends with a victory for Erik Knutsson against Sverker the Younger.

In the Battle of Lena Erik Knutsson defeats Sweden's King Sverker II, who then fled to Denmark. The battle is a part of long-standing power struggles of the sexes Erik and Sverker for the Swedish throne.

# The Battle of Lena occurred on January 31, 1208, and probably took place near Kungslena (58°14′N 13°50′E), which is located in the Tidaholm Municipality in Västergötland, Sweden. It was an important battle between the Danish-backed former Swedish King Sverker II of Sweden and Prince Eric, resulting in the complete victory of the latter.

Mariage entre Béatrice de Provence, comtesse de Provence et Charles Ier d'Anjou, le frère de Louis IX. Par ce mariage avec la fille de Raimond Bérenger IV de Provence, Charles devient comte de Provence (jusqu'en 1285).

{最初から顏を背けあってちゃ …… 、うまくいったのだらうか?

1435/0131:China[明]宣宗 宣德帝139935、崩去

Xuande (宣德帝) (Zhu Zhanji (朱瞻基), dit), empereur chinois de 1425 à 1435.

明宣宗宣德帝139935,明仁宗皇长子,永樂九年(1411年)立為皇太孫,數度隨成祖征討。洪熙元年(1425年)即位,年號 宣德,成為明朝第5位皇帝。宣德元年(1426年)平定高煦之亂,和其父明仁宗一样,比较能倾听臣下的意见,聽從閣臣楊士奇、楊榮、楊溥等建議,停止對交阯用兵,与明仁宗并称「仁宣之治」,宣宗时君臣关系融洽,经济也稳步发展。不過,他也開啟此後宦官干政的局面。

1504/0131:「Treaty of Lyon」
 France cedes Naples to Ferdinand II of Aragon.

# Charles VIII's successor, Louis XII reiterated the French claim. In 1501, he occupied Naples and partitioned the kingdom with Ferdinand of Aragon, who abandoned his cousin King Frederick. The deal soon fell through, however, and Aragon and France resumed their war over the kingdom, ultimately resulting in an Aragonese victory leaving Ferdinand in control of the kingdom by 1504.

1530/0131(享祿03/0103):日本の戰國大名 大友義鎭153087、誕生





1542/0131:スペイン人、欧州人として初めて Iguassu Falls を見る
The Spaniard Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca is the first European to discover the Iguassu Falls.




1565/0131(永禄07/1229):日本の戰國大名 池田輝政156513、誕生

・1579 村木村重が謀叛した有岡城戰に父とともに出陣。




1561/0131:キリスト教改革者 Menno Simons 149861、死去

a former Catholic priest from the Friesland region of the Low Countries who became an influential Anabaptist religious leader.
Simons was a contemporary of the Protestant Reformers and it is from his name that his followers became known as Mennonites.

Menno Simons' influence on Anabaptism in the Low Countries was so great that Baptist historian William Estep suggested that their history be divided into three periods: "before Menno, under Menno, and after Menno".
Menno is especially significant because of his coming to the Anabaptist movement in the north in its most troublesome days, and helping not only to sustain it, but also to establish it as a viable Radical Reformation movement.

1578/0131:Battle of Gembloux
El ejército español, bajo la dirección de Don Juan de Austria y Farnese, aplasta al ejército de 16 de las Diecisiete Provincias de los Países Bajos en la Batalla de Gembloux.

l'armée espagnole, sous la direction de Don Juan d'Autriche et Farnèse, écrase l'armée de 16 des Dix-Sept Provinces des Pays-Bas à la bataille de Gembloux.

Decisive Spanish victory

1580/0131:ポルトガル王 Henrique I de Portugal 151280、崩去

o Rei de Portugal e Algarves de 1578 até sua morte, além de cardeal da Igreja católica desde 1545. Era o quinto filho do rei Manuel I e sua segunda esposa Maria de Aragão e Castela, tendo servido entre 1562 e 1568 como regente de seu sobrinho neto o rei Sebastião.

{Since the date of birth and death was the same, I picked him up.

1606/0131:イングランド「Gunpowder Plot」
 Guy Fawkes is executed for plotting against Parliament and King James.

performance of Guy Fawkes, principal actor of the "Conspiration of powders".

1606/0131:Guy Fawkes 157006、刑死

The Amsterdamer Wechselbank starts its business operations. Accepted cash of whatever currency, it credits well on bank-led accounts of its depositors.
Claims of their customers with each other compensates them cashless on their accounts. Lending and bill discounting are prohibited.

Warriors of the Tokugawa shogunate defeat some 20,000 insurgent peasants of the Shimabara insurgency, who then withdraw to Shimabara.




1729/0131:オランダの探檢家 Jakob Roggeveen 165929、死去

「ヤコブ ロッヘフェン」, explorateur néerlandais.
a Dutch explorer who was sent to find Terra Australis, but instead came across Easter Island (called Easter Island because he landed there on Easter Day).
He also encountered Bora Bora and Maupiti of the Society Islands and Samoa.
He planned the expedition along with his brother Jan Roggeveen, who stayed in the Netherlands.

1736/0131:イタリアの建築家 Filippo Juvarra 167836、死去

「フィリポ ユヴァラ」un architetto e scenografo italiano, uno dei principali esponenti del Barocco, che operò per lunghi anni a Torino come architetto di casa Savoia.

The first venereal diseases clinic opens at London Lock Hospital.

The London Lock Hospital opens the first clinic specializing in skin and venereal diseases in the British capital. Syphilis patients are their customers in their early years.

Rattachement de Nice à la France.

1797/0131:ドイツの作曲家 Franz Schubert 179728、誕生

ein österreichischer Komponist. Obwohl er schon im Alter von 31 Jahren starb, hinterließ er ein reiches und vielfältiges Werk.
Er komponierte rund 600 Lieder, weltliche und geistliche Chormusik, sieben vollständige und fünf unvollendete Sinfonien, Ouvertüren, Bühnenwerke, Klaviermusik und Kammermusik.


1799/0131:スヰスの Rodolphe Töpffer 179946、誕生

un pédagogue, écrivain, politicien et auteur de bande dessinée suisse, considéré comme le créateur et le premier théoricien de cet art.


1810/0131:ドイツの数学者 Ernst Eduard Kummer 181093、誕生

ein deutscher Mathematiker und Hochschullehrer, der sich vor allem mit Zahlentheorie, Analysis und Geometrie befasste.

1841/0131:USAのPuzzler? Sam Loyd 184111、誕生

an American chess player, chess composer, puzzle author, and recreational mathematician.

彼の有名な Back from the Klondike

This is one of Sam Loyd's most famous puzzles, first printed in the New York Journal and Advertiser, April 24, 1898 (as far as available evidence indicates). Loyd's original instructions were to:
Start from that heart in the center and go three steps in a straight line in any one of the eight directions, north, south, east or west, or on the bias, as the ladies say, northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest. When you have gone three steps in a straight line, you will reach a square with a number on it, which indicates the second day's journey, as many steps as it tells, in a straight line in any of the eight directions. From this new point when reached, march on again according to the number indicated, and continue on, following the requirements of the numbers reached, until you come upon a square with a number which will carry you just one step beyond the border, when you are supposed to be out of the woods and can holler all you want, as you will have solved the puzzle.

1846/0131:USA、After the Milwaukee Bridge War,
 Juneautown and Kilbourntown unify as the City of Milwaukee.

Die in Preußen eingeführte Verfassung sieht das Dreiklassenwahlrecht vor, das Wohlhabenden zu Stimmvorteilen bei den Wahlen von Abgeordneten verhilft.

The constitution introduced in Prussia provides for the three-class voting system, which gives the wealthy a voice advantage in the elections of deputies.

Launch of the SS Great Eastern, the largest transatlantic liner ever built in its day.

After a failed attempt on 3 November 1857, the launch of the British sailboat Great Eastern succeeds. The construction of Isambard Kingdom Brunel was to remain the world's largest ship for three decades.

1862/0131:日本の俳人 志太野坡186240、死去

「Noda Yaba」 寶井其角166107に俳諧を學んだあと松尾芭蕉164494に入門、蕉門十哲の一人に數へられ、「かるみ」第一と評された。

元禄十一年から十四年まで商用で長崎に滞在。一時江戸に戻るが、翌年から次の年にかけて本格的な筑紫(九州地方)行脚を開始。 長崎・田代・久留米・日田・博多などに旅寝しつゝ多くの弟子を獲得していった。

Alvan Graham Clark discovers the white dwarf star Sirius B, a companion of Sirius, through an 18.5-inch (47cm) telescope now located at Northwestern University.

Le roman de Jules Verne, Cinq semaines en ballon, paraît en France.

{私もこんな Ballon に乘って「366日で古今東西、世界中の歴史」を一周する TimeTravel を敢行中、今日で十二分の一が終ります。と云ふか、二周目に入ってゐます。

1865/0131:American Civil War:
 The United States Congress passes the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery and submits it to the states for ratification.

1865/0131:American Civil War:
 Confederate General Robert Lee becomes general-in-chief.

1866/0131:ドイツの詩人 Friedrich Rückert 178866、死去

ein deutscher Dichter, Sprachgelehrter und Übersetzer sowie einer der Begründer der deutschen Orientalistik. Rückert beschäftigte sich mit mehr als 40 Sprachen und gilt als Sprachgenie.
彼はエルランゲン大学とベルリン大学の東洋学の教授でもあり、Johan Wolgang von Goethe 174932 の『西東詩集』以来、ドイツ文学に始まった東洋的要素を東洋の文学をドイツ語に翻訳することでさらに推進し、さうした下地のうへに彼の抒情詩を成立させた。

1833年に、彼は二人の子を相次いで亡くした。その体験が『亡き子を偲ぶ歌』になった。この哀切な詩に曲を付けたのが Gustav Mahler 186011 であった。

1868/0131:USA科學者 Theodore William Richards 186828、誕生

the first American scientist to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, earning the award "in recognition of his exact determinations of the atomic weights of a large number of the chemical elements."

1872/0131:USA冒險小説家 Zane Grey 187239、誕生

an American author and dentist best known for his popular adventure novels and stories associated with the Western genre in literature and the arts; he idealized the American frontier. Riders of the Purple Sage (1912) was his best-selling book.


In the US, the natives are ordered by the government in the Indian reservations.


{なぜか、Wikipedia English にこの項目を見付けられなかった。

1879/0131:ロシアの革命家 Boris Savinkov 187925、誕生

Борис Викторович Савинков
un écrivain et un révolutionnaire russe, l'un des dirigeants de l'Organisation de combat des SR, la « Brigade terroriste » du Parti socialiste révolutionnaire. Comme beaucoup de révolutionnaires partisans de la violence, il avait pris un pseudonyme : Viktor Ropchine
ロシアの革命家、政事家、作家、軍人、その他。 社会革命党(エスエル)の武装部門である社会革命党戦闘団の指導者の一人で帝政ロシア要人の暗殺に関与した。人類史上、もっとも複雜怪奇に生きた人物の一人。
Savinkov emigrated in 1920, but in 1924 he was lured back to the Soviet Union, was arrested and either was killed in prison or committed suicide.







1881/0131:USA化學者 Irving Langmuir 188157、誕生

an American chemist and physicist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1932 for his work in surface chemistry.

1953「事實でない事柄についての科學」を病的科學として定義した。pathological science 存在しない現象を多くの人々が觀察してしまふことで成り立つ分野。擬似科學よりも科學に近い位置づけ。

National funeral of Fyodor Dostoevsky, followed by 30,000 people.

Национальные похороны Федора Достоевского, а затем 30 000 человек.

 The first attempt at a Portuguese republican revolution breaks out in the northern city of Porto.



・以後、1898までの五年間で五十八册發行。同人は最初、藤村をはじめ、戸川秋骨187139・平田禿木187343 間もなく馬場胡蝶186940・上田敏187416が加はり、遲れて北村透谷186894が誘はれ、樋口一葉187296に田山花袋187230、その親友であった柳田國男187562も加はった。透谷が同人であったかは不明だが、彼の文章は多くこの雜誌に掲載された。{私は透谷を或作品の制作のために調べたことがあるので、比較的精しく識ってゐる。


1893 文學界

「文學界」は一同人雜誌に過ぎず、やうやく二十歳そこそこの青年の仕事で、當時のいはゆる識者にとっては兒戯に等しかったかもしれません。けれどそれだけに當代の一番鮮らしい芽生でした。新日本の靑年の自我覺醒にともなふ苦悶と幽愁と、さうしてその間に高く高く掲げられる理想と、美にあこがれる心と…… 相馬黒光187655『黙移』(1934)


Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay make the Royal Society official communication of their discovery of a new chemical element, argon.

William Ramsay and John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh announce the discovery of a new chemical element, the noble gas argon, which they have isolated from the air. From 1898 Ramsay discovered in the isolated argon, three other elements, the noble gases neon, krypton and xenon.

1897/0131:日本の啓蒙家 西周182997、死去

Nishi Amane est un philosophe japonais qui, durant l'ère Meiji, a aidé à importer la philosophie occidentale au Japon.

1862 津田眞道182903・榎本武揚183608らとともにオランダ留学、人文系を學ぶ。フリイメイソンに入會。
1865 歸國後、幕府の目付になり、徳川慶喜183713の側近となる。
1870 乞はれて明治政府に出仕、兵部省・文部省・宮内省などを歴任、軍人勅諭などの起草に關係。
1873 森有禮184789・福澤諭吉183501・加藤弘之183616・中村正直183291・西村茂樹182802・津田眞道182903らと『明六社』を結成、翌年から『明六雜誌』を發行。啓蒙家として西洋哲學を紹介。

Czechoslav Trade Union Association is founded in Prague.

Datu Muhammad Salleh is killed in Kampung Teboh, Tambunan, ending the Mat Salleh Rebellion.

A large earthquake off the coast of Colombia in South America, Magnitude 8.8 and many deaths due to the tsunami.

南米コロンビア沖で、Magnitude 8.8 の大地震、津波で死者多數。

 Germany is the first to make large-scale use of poison gas in warfare in the Battle of Bolimów against Russia.

 Germany announces that its U-boats will resume unrestricted submarine warfare after a two-year hiatus.

1918/0131:日本の映画女優 小暮實千代191890、誕生

「Kogure Michiyo」
{この人も、日本の戰後三大映画監督と世界中でみなされてゐる 黒澤明・小津安二郎・溝口健二の映画に出演してゐる。主演級で他には、田中絹代と香川京子、くらゐか?
・京マチ子もトリプルか(黒澤の『羅生門』に小津の『浮草』に溝口の『雨月物語』や『赤線地帶』それからこの三人もう一人私が加へるとしたら市川崑191508になるのだが、市川の映畫には『鍵』で出てゐて、グランドスラム達成はこの人だけか。田中絹代は?、さらにもう一人加へるなら木下恵介191298だが、 …… ほんたうに敗戰後の日本映画はすばらしい盛況であった。おそらく、戦後の日本文化を代表するのは、映画であり、その後の漫画だらう。すくなくとも文藝ではない。

A series of accidental collisions on a misty Scottish night leads to the loss of two Royal Navy submarines with over a hundred lives, and damage to another five British warships.

In the "Battle of the Isle of May" collide several British submarines of the K-class in the Scottish Firth of Forth, with two boats sinking and over one hundred sailors die.

1919/0131:USAプロ野球 Jackie Robinson 191972、誕生

Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson
an American professional baseball second baseman who became the first African American to play in Major League Baseball (MLB) in the modern era.

1919/0131:スコットランドで「Battle of George Square」
 takes place in Glasgow, Scotland.


1923/0131:USA作家 Norman Mailer 192307、誕生

an American novelist, journalist, essayist, playwright, film-maker, actor, and political activist.
His novel The Naked and the Dead was published in 1948 and brought him renown.
His best-known work is widely considered to be The Executioner's Song (1979) winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. Armies of the Night won the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction and the National Book Award.

Expulsion de Léon Trotski d'Union soviétique.

The deprived of Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union Leon Trotsky is sent together with other opposition to Alma-Ata in exile.

3M begins marketing Scotch Tape.

1933/0131:イギリス作家 John Galsworthy 186733、死去

an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.

In Mössingen findet der einzige größere Streik gegen die „Machtergreifung“ Adolf Hitlers statt.

In Mössingen the only major strike takes place against Adolf Hitler's "seizure of power".

1935/0131:日本の小説家 大江健三郎1935--、誕生

un écrivain japonais, lauréat du prix Nobel de littérature.
Ce dernier a consacré celui « qui, avec une grande force poétique crée un monde imaginaire où la vie et le mythe se condensent pour former un tableau déroutant de la fragile situation humaine actuelle. »

1937/0131:USA映画女優 Suzanne Pleshette 193708、誕生

an American actress and voice actress.
Pleshette started her career in the theatre and began appearing in films in the late 1950s and later appeared in prominent films such as Rome Adventure (1962) and Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds (1963).
「彼女の漆黒の髪と灰がかった青色の美しい眼は冷笑的な気品を持ち、低い声質は情熱的な響きを持っている」、時々、Nataly Wood とまちがへてゐたのを思ひだす。

Durch eine Verordnung zum Reichsbürgergesetz erlöschen die Approbationen für jüdische Apotheker, Zahnärzte und Tierärzte.

Approvals for Jewish pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians expire through a decree on the Reich Citizenship Law.

1942/0131:イタリア映画女優 Daniela Bianchi 1942--、誕生

un'attrice ed ex modella italiana.
Giunge alla fama internazionale nel 1963, quando è scelta come coprotagonista nel secondo capitolo della saga di James Bond, A 007, dalla Russia con amore di Terence Young.

 Allied forces are defeated by the Japanese at the Battle of Malaya and retreat to Singapore.


 German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus surrenders to the Soviets at Stalingrad, followed 2 days later by the remainder of his Sixth Army, ending one of the war's fiercest battles.

1944/0131:フランスの作家 Jean Giraudoux 188244、死去

un diplomate français,
Brillant étudiant et soldat décoré pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, il occupe des fonctions diplomatiques et administratives tout en écrivant des romans (Suzanne et le Pacifique en 1921, Siegfried et le Limousin en 1922) avant de se diriger vers le théâtre après sa rencontre avec le comédien Louis Jouvet qui mettra en scène et interprétera ses œuvres principales.
Il est aujourd'hui surtout connu pour son théâtre qui compte des pièces célèbres comme Amphitryon 38 (1928), La guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu (1935), Électre (1937), Ondine (1939), ou encore La Folle de Chaillot jouée en 1945 après sa mort.

 American forces land on Kwajalein Atoll and other islands in the Japanese-held Marshall Islands.

During the battle for the Marshall Islands, the American forces manage to land on the Atoll Kwajalein and subsequently expand it into an important operational and supply base in the Pacific War.

 During the Anzio campaign the 1st Ranger Battalion (Darby's Rangers) is destroyed behind enemy lines in a heavily outnumbered encounter at Battle of Cisterna, Italy.

US Army private Eddie Slovik is executed for desertion, the first such execution of an American soldier since the Civil War.

米陸軍二等兵の Slovik が脱走、敵前逃亡罪で銃殺刑となる。南北戰爭以來、初めての處置。

 About 3,000 inmates from the Stutthof concentration camp are forcibly marched into the Baltic Sea at Palmnicken (now Yantarny, Russia) and executed.

 The end of fighting in the Battle of Hill 170 during the Burma Campaign, in which the British 3 Commando Brigade repulsed a Japanese counterattack on their positions and precipitated a general retirement from the Arakan Peninsula.

1946/0131:ユウゴスラビア、ソ連憲法を模造して新憲法を制定Yugoslavia's new constitution, modeling that of the Soviet Union, establishes six constituent republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia).

The Democratic Republic of Vietnam introduces the đồng to replace the French Indochinese piastre at par.

1947/0131:USAプロ野球 Nolan Ryan 1947--、誕生

During a major league record 27-year baseball career (1966, 1968–1993), he pitched for four different teams: the New York Mets, California Angels, Houston Astros, and Texas Rangers.
He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1999.



Recognition of the State of Israel by the United States.

United States President Harry Truman announces a program to develop the hydrogen bomb.


1953/0131:ヨウロパ「North Sea flood」
 causes over 1,800 deaths in the Netherlands and over 300 in the United Kingdom


"Simplified Chinese Character Scheme" and the State Council's Resolution on the Simplification of Chinese Characters announced in the "People's Daily". The first batch of simplified characters will be implemented throughout the country on the following day, for a total of four batches of simplified versions of the program.

1954/0131:日本の傳統工藝家 香取秀眞187454、死去

「KaTori HotsuMa」日本の鋳金工藝作家、歌人。彼は学問としての金工史を確立し、研究者としても優れた。
He is a Japanese casting craft 鑄金工藝 artist and poet.
He established the history of goldsmithing as an academic and was excellent as a researcher. He received the first Order of Culture as a craftsman of art in Japan.

1954/0131:USA電氣工學發明者 Edwin H Armstrong 189054、死去

an American electrical engineer and inventor, best known for developing FM (frequency modulation) radio and the superheterodyne receiver system. He held 42 patents and received numerous awards, including the first Medal of Honor awarded by the Institute of Radio Engineers (now IEEE), the French Legion of Honor, the 1941 Franklin Medal and the 1942 Edison Medal.

1955/0131:USA YMCA指導者 John Raleigh Mott 186555、死去

a long-serving leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).
He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for his work in establishing and strengthening international Protesta
His best-known book, The Evangelization of the World in this Generation, became a missionary slogan in the early 20th century.[

1956/0131:イギリスの文藝家 Alan Alexander Milne 188256、死去

an English author, best known for his books about the teddy bear Winnie-the-Pooh and for various poems.
Milne was a noted writer, primarily as a playwright, before the huge success of Pooh overshadowed all his previous work.
Milne served in both World Wars, joining the British Army in World War I, and was a captain of the British Home Guard in World War II.

Eight people on the ground in Pacoima, California are killed following the mid-air collision between a Douglas DC-7 airliner and a Northrop F-89 Scorpion fighter jet.

The first successful American satellite detects the Van Allen radiation belt.

Van Allen は人名。

1961/0131:USA「Project Mercury」
 Mercury-Redstone 2: Ham the Chimp travels into outer space.

Chimp Ham goes into space with NASA's Mercury Redstone 2 mission from Cape Canaveral. He spends about six minutes in weightlessness and goes down a little later with his capsule intact in the Atlantic.

The Soviet Union launches the unmanned Luna 9 spacecraft as part of the Luna program.

Vietnam War: Viet Cong guerrillas attack the United States embassy in Saigon, and other attacks, in the early morning hours, later grouped together as the Tet Offensive.


Nauru gains independence from Australia.

1971/0131:USA「Apollo program」
 Apollo 14: Astronauts Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, and Edgar Mitchell, aboard a Saturn V, lift off for a mission to the Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon.

The Winter Soldier Investigation, organized by the Vietnam Veterans Against the War to publicize war crimes and atrocities by Americans and allies in Vietnam, begins in Detroit.

1973/0131:ノルヱイの經濟學者 Ragnar A K Frisch 189569、死去

a Norwegian economist and the co-recipient of the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969 (with Jan Tinbergen). He is known for being one of the founders of the discipline of econometrics, and for coining the widely used term pair macroeconomics/microeconomics in 1933.








An explosives-filled truck rams into the gates of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in Colombo, killing at least 86 people and injuring 1,400.

Suicide bombings of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam hit Sri Lankan Central Bank and Colombo high-rise with 88 trucks and about 1,000 injured.

"Final Fantasy VII" . It becomes a detonator for spreading Sony PlayStation.

1999/0131:日本のプロレスラ ジャイアント馬場193899、死去

Baba Shōhei, best known by his ring name Giant Baba (ジャイアント馬場 Jaianto Baba), was a Japanese professional wrestler and co-founder of All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW) that, along with Antonio Inoki, became one of the most famous Japanese wrestlers of his era, with a popularity in Japan comparable to Hulk Hogan's in the United States.


東急百貨店日本橋店(旧 白木屋)が開業から336年で閉店。

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crash: An MD-83, experiencing horizontal stabilizer problems, crashes in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Point Mugu, California, killing all 88 aboard.

In the Netherlands, a Scottish court convicts Libyan Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and acquits another Libyan citizen for their part in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988.

In Kenya, at least 113 people are killed and over 200 injured following an oil spillage ignition in Molo, days after a massive fire at a Nakumatt supermarket in Nairobi killed at least 25 people.

映画『Avatar』becomes the first film to gross over $2000000000(合ってるかな?2billion) worldwide.

A winter storm hits North America for the second time in the same month, causing $1.8 billion in damage across the United States and Canada and killing 24 people.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

今日が命日の Georges de La Tour 159352 Adoration_des_bergers

歴史暦:古今東西 01/30 今日の出來事


The Second Temple of Jerusalem finishes construction.

On the Campus Martius in Rome, the Solarium Augusti and the Peace Altar Ara Pacis are inaugurated.


0757/0130(天平勝寶09/0106):日本の政治家 橘諸兄068457、薨去

Tachibana no Moroe est un prince impérial japonais et un membre officiel à la cour de l'empereur Shōmu 045聖武首070156 et de l'impératrice 046孝謙071870.
Il est le père de Tachibana no Naramaro 橘奈良麻呂072157.


Poland and the Holy Roman Empire conclude the Peace of Bautzen.



1118/0130:日本天皇 080高仁116181、崩御



Charles VI convoque les états généraux en France.

États généraux エタジェネロ=三部会(étaient une assemblée extraordinaire réunissant les trois ordres (les états) de la société : la noblesse 貴族, le clergé 僧職 et le tiers-état 第三階級±ブルジョワ.)

An estimated 200 square miles (51,800 ha) along the coasts of the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary in England are destroyed by massive flooding, resulting in an estimated 2,000 deaths.

Eighty Years' War: The Treaty of Münster and Osnabrück is signed, ending the conflict between the Netherlands and Spain.

The signatures of the Messengers under the Peace of Münster formally end the Eighty Years' War between Spain and the Netherlands.

1649/0130:イングランド、King Charles I 處刑(斷首)
With the execution of the English King Charles I in front of the Banqueting House in London by order of Parliament under Oliver Cromwell ends the English Civil War.


1649/0130:イングランド王 Charles I 160049、處刑(斷首)
With the execution of the English King Charles I in front of the Banqueting House in London by order of Parliament under Oliver Cromwell ends the English Civil War.

facing the High Court of Justice, 1649

1649年1月27日、裁判で彼の有罪が宣告された。死刑。1月30日、WhiteHall 宮殿のバンケティングハウス前で處刑は公開でおこなはれた。イギリス式の斷首。
彼は最後に「 I go from a corruptible to an incorruptible Crown, where no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the World.(朕はこの墮落した王位を去り、いかなる爭亂もない世界へと行く」と遺言した、とか。{折角、この世界で人間として最高の身分と境遇に生まれたのに、殘念なことであった。

Monarch of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649.

1652/0130:フランスの画家 Georges de La Tour 159352、死去

un peintre lorrain(フランスのロレヌ地方の生まれ),
Artiste au confluent des cultures nordique, italienne et française, contemporain de Jacques Callot et des frères Le Nain, La Tour est un observateur pénétrant de la réalité quotidienne. Son goût prononcé pour les jeux d'ombres et de lumières fait de lui l'un des continuateurs les plus originaux du Caravage.
La Tour était la première moitié du 17ème siècle. A cette époque, l'Europe était l'apogée de l'art baroque et dans les peintures françaises le propriétaire du classicisme Nicolas Poussin était actif, mais des régions comme la Lorraine ont leur propre style différent des villes comme Paris et Rome Les peintres qui existaient existaient

L'existence de La Tour a commencé à être reconnue au début du 20ème siècle, et c'est en 1915 que le chercheur allemand Hermann Foss a confirmé le travail qui était au Musée d'art de Nantes (France) comme La Tour Respectivement L'exposition "Les peintres de la réalité" à Paris en 1934,

・光と影の 「夜の画家」 キアロスクウロ

Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, is ritually executed more than two years after his death, on the 12th anniversary of the execution of the monarch he himself deposed.

On the anniversary of the execution of Charles, at the beginning of the Stuart Restoration in England, a posthumous execution is staged at London's Tyburn gallows square with the exhumed bodies of Oliver Cromwell, John Bradshaw and Henry Ireton.
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England is ritually executed more than two years after his death, on the 12th anniversary of the execution of the monarch he himself deposed.

二年前に死去した Oliver Cromwell 159958 の墓を暴き、國王 Charles I 160049 處刑の仇を討つため遺骸を斬首に處する。{あゝなんといふ イングランド人!と呆れはてたいところだが、日本人も同じやうなことをやってゐる。たとへば、

Die Uraufführung des musikalischen Dramas Atalanta von Johann Caspar Kerll findet in München statt.

The 47 Ronin, under the command of Ōishi Kuranosuke, avenge the death of their master.


1743/0130(寛保03/0105):歌舞伎役者 生島新五郎167143、死去



1781/0130(安永10/0107):日本の繪師 曾我蕭白173081、死去

Soga Shōhaku est un peintre japonais de l'époque d'Edo.
Son nom de naissance est « Miura Sakonjirō 三浦左近丞». Sa famille est aisée mais tous les membres immédiats meurent avant qu'il n'atteigne l'âge de dix-huit ans.


{曾我蕭白173081も Georges de La Tour 159352 同樣一度は忘れられた画家であった。

1781/0130:Adelbert von Chamisso 178138、誕生

(Louis Charles Adélaïde de Chamisso de Boncourt) est un poète allemand et un botaniste de France. Actuellement connu comme un littéraire romantique qui a quitté les œuvres littéraires en allemand.

As a poet, the work "Frauenliebe und leben" 1830 inspired by his married life was most famous and was composed as a song collection by Robert Schumann et al.

The first lifeboat is tested on the English River Tyne.

The original Lower Trenton Bridge (also called the Trenton Makes the World Takes Bridge), which spans the Delaware River between Morrisville, Pennsylvania and Trenton, New Jersey, is opened.



The British polar explorer Edward Bransfield lands on the Antarctic Peninsula and is probably the first person to enter the Antarctic.

The Menai Suspension Bridge, considered the world's first modern suspension bridge, connecting the Isle of Anglesey to the north West coast of Wales, is opened.

In the first assassination attempt against a President of the United States, Richard Lawrence attempts to shoot president Andrew Jackson, but fails and is subdued by a crowd, including several congressmen as well as Jackson himself.

Yerba Buena, California is renamed San Francisco, California.

mariage de Napoléon III avec Eugénie de Palafox, comtesse de Teba.


 Civil War. Launch of the battleship USS Monitor at Greenpoint, Long Island, New York, the first warship equipped with turrets. He became the first battleship of the US Navy.

Congress votes to abolish slavery, formalizing the proclamation of the emancipation of blacks by Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862.


Emperor Kōmei was the 121st emperor of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.

Kōmei's reign spanned the years from 1846 through 1867, corresponding to the final years of the Edo period.
During his reign there was much internal turmoil as a result of Japan's first major contact with the United States, which occurred under Commodore Perry in 1853 and 1854, and of the subsequent "re-opening" of Japan to western nations, ending a 220-year period of national seclusion (Sakoku 鎖國).
Emperor Kōmei did not care much for anything foreign, and he opposed opening Japan to Western powers. His reign would continue to be dominated by various other incidents and partisan conflicts that led up to the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate shortly after his death and the Meiji Restoration in the beginning of the reign of his son and successor, Emperor Meiji 122明治185212天皇.


西郷隆盛182877が主宰してゐた私學校徒が明治新政府に反撥、政府の武器を奪取=西南戰爭の發端となる ――
・以下は ―― 後はもう私の推測、憶測のはうが中心となり、歴史より物語となってしまふ。それも、部分ばかりの状態で、龍頭蛇尾といふか、蛇の尾っぽもない状態のまゝですので、ここらで中斷しておきます。

1882/0130:USA大統領 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 188245、誕生

commonly known as FDR, was an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945.
A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and emerged as a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century.
Roosevelt directed the United States federal government during most of the Great Depression, implementing his New Deal domestic agenda in response to the worst economic crisis in U.S. history.
As a dominant leader of his party, he built the New Deal Coalition, realigning American politics into the Fifth Party System and defining American liberalism throughout the middle third of the 20th century. His third and fourth terms were dominated by World War II. He is often rated by scholars as one of the three greatest U.S. Presidents, along with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

{日本人にとってはこれほど忌まはしい、彼への怨念は解きがたいものがあるだらう。その遣り口は卑劣と云ってもいいほどのものだ。 Wikipedia jp によれば、

Archduke Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian crown, is found dead with his mistress Baroness Mary Vetsera in the Mayerling.

during Mayerling's tragedy, the Austrian archduke Rodolphe was found dead in the company of his mistress, Baroness Marie Vetsera.

1895/0130:スヰスのナチスト Wilhelm Gustloff 189536、誕生

ein deutscher Nationalsozialist und Landesgruppenleiter der NSDAP-Auslandsorganisation (AO) in der Schweiz. Nach ihm wurden die Wilhelm-Gustloff-Stiftung und der wenige Wochen vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs versenkte KdF-Passagierdampfer Wilhelm Gustloff benannt.
He began political activities since 1921, became a member of the NSDAP in 1929, and established the Swiss chapter of the NSDAP Foreign Organization Department in Davos in 1932 and became its leader. In Switzerland he energetically carried out anti-Semitic books such as Die Protokolle der Weisen von Zion (the Protocol of the Elders of Zion)and incitement of anti-Semitism, and by 1936 he was recruiting 5,000 members.

In 1936, Gustloff was shot dead in Davos by Jewish Croatian medical student David Frankfurter.
彼の名は種々樣々な施設や団体に冠せられた。本來はヒトラと命名されるはずだったクルウズ船はヒトラ自身の申し出で「Whilhelm Gustoff」に變更された。この船は、1945/01、難民一万人を乘せてバルト海を航行中にソ連潜水艦に撃沈され、海難史上最大の死者を出した。

1899/0130:南アのウイルス學者 Max Theiler 189972、誕生

「マクス タイナ」a South African-American virologist and physician.
He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1951 for developing a vaccine against yellow fever in 1937, becoming the first African-born Nobel laureate.

彼はハーバード大学熱帯医学部で、アメーバ性赤痢の研究や鼠咬症のワクチンの開発に携わり、黄熱の研究を始めた。1926年、黄熱の原因が Leptospira icteroides という細菌とする野口英世らの説に異を唱えた。そして、黄熱の原因がウイルスによるものであることを立証した。

Première à Moscou de la pièce Les Trois Sœurs d'Anton Tchekhov.

Московская премьера трех сестер Антона Чехова

1901/0130:ニュウジイランドで世界最大の間欠泉、發見The Waimangu Geyser, located near Rotorua in New Zealand, was for a time the most powerful geyser in the world. 

The first Anglo-Japanese Alliance is signed in London.

Britain and Japan sign treaty guaranteeing independence of China and Korea.

By the opening of "Vladivostok - Khabarovsk" the Siberian Railroad is nearly all over.

1902/0130:パリでAフランス『Noces Corinthienne』初演
première à l'Odéon de Paris des Noces Corinthiennes d'Anatole France.

The British Discovery Expedition under Robert Falcon Scott discovers the Edward VII Peninsula in the Antarctic.

Indian pacifist and leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is released from prison by Jan C. Smuts after being tried and sentenced to two months in jail earlier in the month.

The Germans make a first attack by submarine, without warning, off Le Havre.

The McMahon–Hussein Correspondence between Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca and the British official Henry McMahon concerning the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire ends.

1920/0130:日本の漫画家 長谷川町子192092、誕生

Hasegawa Machiko was one of the first female manga artists.
She started her own comic strip, Sazae-san, in 1946. It reached national circulation via the Asahi Shimbun in 1949, and ran daily until Hasegawa decided to retire in February 1974.
She also created the comic strip Ijiwaru Bā-san (Granny Mischief). All of her comics were printed in Japan in digest comics; by the mid-1990s, Hasegawa's estate had sold over 60 million copies in Japan alone.

1925/0130:トルコ共和國人民黨政權、主教コンスタンチノスⅣ を國外追放

The Government of Turkey expels Patriarch Constantine VI from Istanbul.

Charlie Chaplin presents his film The Lights of the City. The talking film already exists but this film remains silent except for some sound effects.

1932/0130:日本の實業家 稲盛和夫1932--、誕生

Inamori Kazuo is a Japanese philanthropist, entrepreneur and the founder of Kyocera and KDDI.
He was the chairman of Japan Airlines. In 2011, he received the Othmer Gold Medal for outstanding contributions to progress in science and chemistry.


Adolf Hitler wird von Präsident Paul von Hindenburg zum Reichskanzler ernannt.

Adolf Hitler is sworn in as Chancellor of Germany.
Mit der sogenannten „Machtergreifung“, der Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler des Deutschen Reiches durch Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg, endet die Weimarer Republik. Vizekanzler wird Franz von Papen.

Mit dem Gesetz über den Neuaufbau des Reichs wird im Zuge der Gleichschaltung die Souveränität der deutschen Länder aufgehoben; diese werden direkt der Reichsregierung unterstellt.

With the law on the rebuilding of the Reich, the sovereignty of the German lands is abolished in the course of Gleichschaltung; These are directly subordinated to the Reich government.

Die reichseinheitlich konzipierte Deutsche Gemeindeordnung führt auf kommunaler Ebene das Führerprinzip ein. Demokratische Elemente wie die Bürgermeisterwahl oder Abstimmungen im Ratsgremium werden abgeschafft, die maßgebliche Stellung der NSDAP fest verankert.

The uniformly conceived German Gemeindeordnung introduces the Führer principle at the local level. Democratic elements such as the election of the mayor or votes in the council are abolished, and the authoritative position of the NSDAP is firmly anchored.

Vernichtung der Juden Europas. Adolf Hitler spricht vor dem Reichstag und sagt ihnen, wenn die Juden die Welt in den Krieg führen, könnte dies zur "Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa im Kriegsfall" führen.

Extermination of the Jews of Europe. Adolf Hitler addresses the Reichstag and tells them that if the Jews bring the world to war it could lead to "the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe in the event of war".

1941/0130:WWⅡ「Battle of the Atlantic」
 Germany declares that all ships of any nation supplying aid to the United Kingdom will be attacked by submarines or ships of the German navy.

1942/0130:WWⅡ、ドイツ「Barbarossa operation」
 Russian troops recover the city of Mojaisk, occupied by the Germans. The city is located 110 kilometers southwest of Moscow.

1942/0130:WWⅡ、日米太平洋戰爭「Battle of Ambon」
. Japanese forces invade the island of Ambon in the Dutch East Indies.
Some 300 captured Allied troops are massacred at Laha airfield. Three-fourths of remaining POWs did not survive at the end of the war, including 250 men who were shipped to Hainan Island in South China Sea and never returned.

1943/0130:WWⅡ「Battle of Stalingrad」
German troops surrender in the city of Stalingrad, after the violent battle of Stalingrad. Friedrich Paulus, named feldmarschal the same day by Hitler, is the first marshal captured by Soviet forces.

Second day of the Battle of Rennell Island. The USS Chicago is sunk and a U.S. destroyer is heavily damaged by Japanese torpedoes.

1944/0130:WWⅡ「Battle of Cisterna」
, part of Operation Shingle, begins in central Italy.

Charles de Gaulle amorce la décolonisation à Brazzaville (Consulter conférence de Brazzaville).

1945/0130:日本の國語學者 橋本進吉188245、死去

Hashimoto Shinkichi est un linguiste japonais
Il est particulièrement connu pour sa découverte du Jōdai Tokushu Kanazukai (en) qui indique clairement que l'ancien japonais faisait plus de distinctions syllabiques que les périodes ultérieures de la langue. Cette découverte a conduit à l'hypothèse que le japonais ancien avait huit voyelles tandis que le japonais moderne n'en a que cinq. Sa description systématique de la grammaire japonaise a également posé les fondations de l'enseignement du langage pour les enfants japonais.


 The Wilhelm Gustloff, overfilled with German refugees, sinks in the Baltic Sea after being torpedoed by a Soviet submarine, killing approximately 9,500 people.

le Wilhelm Gustloff est torpillé dans la Baltique. Sept à neuf mille passagers périssent. C'est la plus grande catastrophe maritime de tous les temps.

The Malta Conference begins.

 Raid at Cabanatuan: 126 American Rangers and Filipino resistance fighters liberate over 500 Allied prisoners from the Japanese-controlled Cabanatuan POW camp.

1946/0130:日本のマルクス經濟學者 河上肇187946、死去

Japanese economists. He was studying Marxian economics at the Kyoto Imperial University, but he quit his professor's job and entered into Communist practice. Became a party member of the Japan Communist Party, was arrested, sent a life in prison. Karl Marx 's "Capital Theory" translation (only part of Volume 1) and autobiography that became a best selling "Poverty Story 貧乏物語" etc.

1948/0130:インドの偉人 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 186948、暗殺
Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist.

(મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી), philosophe et homme politique indien impliqué dans l'indépendance de l'Inde, assassiné à New Delhi
an Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.
The honorific Mahātmā (Sanskrit: "high-souled", "venerable")—applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa—is now used worldwide. In India, he is also called Bapu (Gujarati: endearment for father, papa) and Gandhi ji. He is unofficially called the Father of the Nation.

Nehru and Gandhi in 1942

Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi

1948/0130:ライト兄弟の弟 Orville Wright 187148、死去

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur 186712, were two American aviators, engineers, inventors, and aviation pioneers who are generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane.

First flight of the Wright Flyer I, December 17, 1903,
Wright Flyer III piloted by Orville over Huffman Prairie, October 4, 1905.

1951/0130:ドイツ自動車設計 Ferdinand Porsche 187551、死去

ein österreichischer, tschechoslowakischer und deutscher Automobilkonstrukteur und Gründer der Firma Porsche in Stuttgart.

He is best known for creating the first gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle (Lohner-Porsche), the Volkswagen Beetle, the Mercedes-Benz SS/SSK, several other important developments and Porsche automobiles. In addition, Porsche designed the 1923 Benz Tropfenwagen, which was the first racing car with a mid-engine, rear-wheel drive layout.

African-American civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.'s home is bombed in retaliation for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

United Nations General Assembly calls on South Africa to abandon its apartheid policy.

1958/0130:ドイツの飛行機設計 Ernst Heinkel 188858、死去

ein deutscher Ingenieur und Flugzeug-Konstrukteur.
in the Third Reich, and member of the Nazi party. His company Heinkel Flugzeugwerke produced the Heinkel He 178, the world's first turbojet aircraft and jet plane, and the Heinkel He 176, the first rocket aircraft.

MS Hans Hedtoft, said to be the safest ship afloat and "unsinkable" like the RMS Titanic, strikes an iceberg on her maiden voyage and sinks, killing all 95 aboard.


The Tanganyika Laughter epidemic was a mass hysteria epidemic in Tanganyika (now part of Tanzania)

In a bloodless coup, General Nguyễn Khánh overthrows General Dương Văn Minh's military junta in South Vietnam.

Vietnam War: Tet Offensive launch by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army against South Vietnam, the United States, and their allies.

au Sud-Viêt Nam, début de l'offensive du Têt, du nom de la fête bouddhiste du nouvel an ; les communistes du Nord-Viêt Nam attaquent l'ambassade des États-Unis, à Saïgon.

The Beatles' last public performance, on the roof of Apple Records in London. The impromptu concert is broken up by the police.

The Troubles: Bloody Sunday: British paratroopers open fire on anti-internment marchers in Derry, Northern Ireland, killing 13 people; another person later dies of injuries sustained.

Pakistan resigns in protest against Bangladesh's entry into the Commonwealth of Nations.

In Washington, D.C., Gordon Liddy and James McCord are found guilty in the microphone case at the offices of the Democratic Party in June 1972; this will lead to Richard Nixon's resignation in August 1974.


1976/0130:ドイツ思想家 Arnold Karl Franz Gehlen 190476、死去

ein deutscher Philosoph, Anthropologe und Soziologe. Er zählt mit Helmuth Plessner und Max Scheler zu den Hauptvertretern der Philosophischen Anthropologie. In den 1960er Jahren galt er als konservativer Gegenspieler Theodor W. Adornos.



1978/0130:フランス歌手 Damia (chanteuse) 188978、死去

Marie-Louise Damien, dite Damia ou Maryse Damia,
une chanteuse et actrice française Réputée pour ses chansons et rôles tragiques, elle est très célèbre dans les années 1930.
1936年に録音・発表された“Sombre Dimanche” は世相を反映した内容で、フランス国内では放送禁止に、日本国内では発禁になるなどした。

à Téhéran, le gouvernement civil autorise le retour d'exil de l'ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, qui imposera une dictature.

A Varig Boeing 707-323C freighter, flown by the same commander as Flight 820, disappears over the Pacific Ocean 30 minutes after taking off from Tokyo.

1981/0130:日本の民俗学者 宮本常一190781、死去

Miyamoto Tsuneichi?, 1907 - 1981) était l'un des premiers grands ethnographes folkloristes japonais, disciple spirituel de l'ethnologue Kunio Yanagita.

1930年代からその死にいたるるまで、日本各地を巡遊(1200軒以上の民家に宿泊した)、膨大な記録を残した。 彼は、民俗学の分野では特に生活用具や技術に関心を寄せ、民具学という新たな領域を開拓した。

Richard Skrenta writes the first PC virus code, which is 400 lines long and disguised as an Apple boot program called "Elk Cloner".



{以來、今日に至るまで日本經濟は長い停滯状態を託ってゐるわけだ。失はれた十年どころか、三十年じゃないか。それでも持ってるんだから、敗戰後の經濟復興がどんなに物凄いものだったか ―― 私はすっかりその恩惠に浴した。親父のスネはたいしたことはなかったが、戰後日本のスネは囓りがひがあった。 ……

le prince Norodom Sihanouk annonce sa démission de la présidence de la résistance cambodgienne anti-vietnamienne.

Closure of the American embassy in Kabul, Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

1991/0130:USA科學者 John Bardeen 190891、死去

an American physicist and electrical engineer.
He is the only person who won the Nobel Prize in Physics twice: first in 1956 with William Shockley and Walter Brattain for the invention of the transistor; and again in 1972 with Leon N Cooper and John Robert Schrieffer for a fundamental theory of conventional superconductivity known as the BCS theory.

1992/0130:USA地球物理學者 Francis Birch 190392、死去

an American geophysicist.
He is considered one of the founders of solid Earth geophysics.
He is also known for his part in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
During World War II, Birch participated in the Manhattan Project, working on the design and development of the gun-type nuclear weapon known as Little Boy. He oversaw its manufacture, and went to Tinian to supervise its assembly and loading into Enola Gay, the Boeing B-29 Superfortress tasked with dropping the bomb.


Jiang Zemin published eight proposals to promote cross-Strait unification, which he called "Jiang eight points."

Japanese amateur astronomer Yūji Hyakutake discovers the "Great Comet of 1996", Hyakutake.

Off the coast of Ivory Coast, Kenya Airways Flight 431 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 169.

Microsoft released the operating system Windows Vista.

2011/0130:イギリス作曲者 John Barry 193311、死去

an English composer and conductor of film music.
He composed the scores for 11 of the James Bond films between 1963 and 1987, and also arranged and performed the "James Bond Theme" to the first film in the series, 1962's Dr. No. He wrote the Grammy- and Academy Award-winning scores to the films Dances with Wolves and Out of Africa,

{『Midnight Cowboy』1969、の主題歌ではない、ハアモニカを使ったメインテイマの曲がその映像とともに記憶に遺ってゐる。

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World


歴史暦:古今東西 01/29 今日の出來事

After the death of his grandfather Leo I Leo II is crowned emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Since he is still a minor, his father, the Isaurian Tarasicodissa, under the name Zenon simultaneously raised to co-emperor.

The Rashidun Caliphate ends with the death of Ali, and the Imamah of the Shia going to the second Imam, Hassan ibn Ali

The Rashidun Caliphate (Arabic: اَلْخِلَافَةُ ٱلرَّاشِدَةُ‎ al-Khilāfa-al-Rāshidah) (632–661) was the first of the four major caliphates established after the death of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. It was ruled by the first four successive caliphs (successors) of Muhammad after his death in 632 CE (AH 11). These caliphs are collectively known in Sunni Islam as the Rashidun, or "Rightly Guided" caliphs (اَلْخُلَفَاءُ ٱلرَّاشِدُونَ al-Khulafā’ur-Rāshidūn). This term is not used in Shia Islam as Shia Muslims do not consider the rule of the first three caliphs as legitimate.

An Lushan, leader of a revolt against the Tang dynasty and emperor of Yan, is murdered by his own son, An Qingxu.


Sergius III comes out of retirement to take over the papacy from the deposed antipope Christopher.

First Mongol invasion of Đại Việt:
Đại Việt defeats the Mongols at the battle of Đông Bộ Đầu, forcing the Mongols to withdraw from the country.

The Mongol invasions of Vietnam or Mongol-Vietnamese War refer to the three times that the Mongol Empire and its chief khanate the Yuan dynasty invaded Đại Việt during the time of the Trần dynasty, along with Champa: in 1258, 1285, and 1287–88


In the battle of Ulsan castle (the first), the Japanese troops dispatched by Toyotomi Hideyoshi 153798 battle with the Korean and Ming coalition forces. The second Ulsan castle battle is August of the following year.

The Dutch sailors Jacob Le Maire and Willem Cornelisz Schouten reach the Pacific for the first time on their way around Cape Horn.

Fondation de l'Académie française par le cardinal de Richelieu à la demande de Louis XIII. Elle se compose de 40 membres, élus et surnommés les Immortels.

Fedor III ascends the throne of Russia on the death of his father, Alexis.

Федор III восходит на трон России после смерти отца Алексиса.

1688/0129:スヱデンの思想家 Emanuel Swedenborg 168872、誕生

a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, mystic and founder of Swedenborgianism.[3] He is best known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell (1758).
 In 1741, at 53, he entered into a spiritual phase in which he began to experience dreams and visions, beginning on Easter Weekend, on 6 April 1744. It culminated in a 'spiritual awakening' in which he received a revelation that he was appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to write The Heavenly Doctrine to reform Christianity.{お筆先といふか、さういふのラクでいいね。こちとら、コトバになってない思想をコトバにしていかなければならない。
For the last 28 years of his life, Swedenborg wrote 18 published theological works—and several more that were unpublished. He termed himself a "Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ" in True Christian Religion

Sweden 出身の科學者にして神學者、神祕主義思想家{スゴイね。
彼は科學者としての萬能で、彼が精通した分野は数学・物理学・天文学・宇宙科学・鉱物学・化学・冶金学・解剖学・生理学・地質学・自然史学・結晶学など{ほんたうにものスゴイね、Isaac Newton 164227 や Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 164616 より四十年ほど後に生まれた人だから、一應近代科學に屬する人としては。しかも、神祕思想も兼ねてゐるとは。

この Emanuel Swedenborg 168872 と Franz Anton Mesmer 173415 の強い影響を受けながら、十九世紀にSpiritual Movement が起こり、Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 183191 ブラヴァツキ夫人の靈媒論や古代のグノシズムや新プラトン主義にもとづく神智學 Teosophy が加はり、二十世紀の NewAge や Ocultism などとなって、 …… いつまでもどこまでも續いていくのであらう。AIの登場にたいして、もっとも人間のチカラタカラとなりうるのはかうした神祕主義で彩られた身心論なのかも知れない。

In Utrecht, a congress of European powers begins with the aim of ending the Spanish War of Succession.
The Peace of Utrecht is closed as a result on 11 April of the following year, but by Emperor Charles VI. not accepted.

1718/0129(享保02/1226):Japan[江戸時代] 伊勢貞丈171884、誕生




The Gujin Tushu Jicheng (古今图书集成=古今圖書集成 "Complete Collection of Illustrations and Writings from the Earliest to Current Times"), also known as the Imperial Encyclopaedia, is a vast encyclopaedic work written in China during the reigns of the Qing Dynasty emperors Kangxi and Yongzheng. It was begun in 1700 and completed in 1725. The work was headed initially by scholar Chen Menglei (陳夢雷), and later by Jiang Tingxi.

The premiere of John Gay's comic singing play The Beggar's Opera takes place at Lincoln's Inn Fields Theater in London.

1737/0129:イギリスの政治思想家 Thomas Paine 173709、誕生

an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist and revolutionary.
One of the Founding Fathers of the United States, he authored the two most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution and inspired the rebels in 1776 to declare independence from Britain.
His ideas reflected Enlightenment-era rhetoric of transnational human rights.
He has been called "a corsetmaker by trade, a journalist by profession, and a propagandist by inclination".

His The American Crisis (1776–1783) was a pro-revolutionary pamphlet series. Common Sense was so influential that John Adams said: "Without the pen of the author of Common Sense, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain".
Common Sense (1776)

1761/0129:USA政治家 Albert Gallatin 176149、誕生

a Swiss-American politician, diplomat, ethnologist and linguist.
He was an important leader of the Democratic-Republican Party, serving in various federal elective and appointed positions across four decades. He represented Pennsylvania in the Senate and the House of Representatives before becoming the longest-tenured United States Secretary of the Treasury and serving as a high-ranking diplomat.

He studied Native American peoples closely and was also called "father of American ethnology" because he established the American ethnological society.

 a law on citizenship ensures naturalization after five years of presence on the territory.

la France et l'Espagne lancent un ultimatum au Portugal, le sommant de rompre avec l'Angleterre.

la Junta Central quitte le pouvoir en Espagne.

In the Napoleonic era, junta (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈxunta] or [ˈhunta]) was the name chosen by several local administrations formed in Spain during the Peninsular War as a patriotic alternative to the official administration toppled by the French invaders.
The juntas were usually formed by adding prominent members of society, such as prelates, to the already-existing ayuntamientos (municipal councils).
The juntas of the capitals of the traditional peninsular kingdoms of Spain styled themselves "Supreme Juntas," to differentiate themselves from, and claim authority over, provincial juntas. Juntas were also formed in Spanish America during this period in reaction to the developments in Spain.

1814/0129:War of the Sixth Coalition:
 France defeats Russia and Prussia in the Battle of Brienne.

Belgique : Napoléon est vainqueur de Blücher à Brienne.

Stamford Raffles lands on the island of Singapore.

Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles establishes port and settlement for the British East India Company in the fishing village of Singapore.

1829/0129:フランス革命家くづれ Paul Barras 175529、死去

Paul François Jean Nicolas de Barras, dit le Vicomte de Barras, puis Paul Barras est un noble français, homme politique révolutionnaire, général de la Révolution et de l’Empire.
Il est enterré au cimetière du Père-Lachaise.
Il était l'un des cerveaux du coup d'État de Thermidor et était le chef du gouvernement présidentiel. Il a été appelé "un homme du mal" de la corruption.

Caricature anglaise de James Gillray (vers 1805) dépeignant Mme Tallien et Joséphine de Beauharnais dansant nues devant Barras durant l'hiver 1797, tandis que le général Bonaparte observe la scène.

US President Andrew Jackson orders first use of federal soldiers to suppress a labor dispute.

 English ships occupy the Chinese island of Hong Kong. English attacks continue on the coasts of China, at Amoy (Xiamen) 廈門, Ningbo 寧波 and Shanghai 上海, to impose the opium trade アヘン貿易.

"The Raven" is published in The Evening Mirror in New York, the first publication with the name of the author, Edgar Allan Poe

The Raven
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."

Le Corbeau (traduit par Charles Baudelaire 182167
`Le Corbeau (traduit par Stephane Mallarme 184298

{どうして、フランスの詩人は(そして画家も)Edgar Allan Poe 180949 に魅惑されるのか、まるで分からないと英米の詩人たちはさかんに首を捻ってゐる。私は感じた。ポウはその散文とともに私が感應した最初の異國の詩人であった。

à la suite d'une manifestation contre le régime, Louis-Napoléon fait arrêter vingt-sept responsables montagnards.

1850/0129:飛行機に魅せられた Lawrence Hargrave 185015、誕生

ein britisch-australischer Ingenieur, Astronom, Entdecker, Erfinder und Luftfahrtpionier. Als erster Mensch Australiens hob er 1894 mit einem Flugapparat ab, der schwerer als Luft war. 

1853/0129(嘉永05/1220):日本の病理学者 北里柴三郎185331、誕生

Baron Kitasato Shibasaburō was a Japanese physician and bacteriologist. 
He is remembered as the co-discoverer of the infectious agent of bubonic plague in Hong Kong in 1894, almost simultaneously with Alexandre Yersin.

Kitasato was nominated for the first annual Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1901. Kitasato and Emil von Behring, working together in Berlin in 1890, announced the discovery of diphtheria antitoxin serum. Von Behring was awarded the 1901 Nobel Prize because of this work, but Kitasato was not.
{Why?、Racial prejudice?

Queen Victoria issues a Warrant under the Royal sign-manual that establishes the Victoria Cross to recognise acts of valour by British military personnel during the Crimean War.

The Victoria Cross is created in the United Kingdom, at the instigation of Queen Victoria, who wants to honor in a special way the perpetrators of acts of bravery.

1860/0129:ロシアの作家 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 186004、誕生

(Антон Павлович Чехов), nouvelliste, dramaturge et médecin russe
In 1879, he graduated from junior high school and moved to Moscow and entered the medical school of the University of Moscow. While studying, I started to contribute humor shorts to magazines with multiple pseudonyms.

Kansas is admitted as the 34th U.S. state.

1863/0129:USA南北戰爭「Bear River Massacre
 A detachment of California Volunteers led by Colonel Patrick Edward Connor engage the Shoshone at Bear River, Washington Territory, killing hundreds of men women and children.

Hundreds of Shoshone men, women and children were killed near their lodges, while only two dozen soldiers died. The number of Shoshone victims reported by local settlers was higher than that reported by soldiers.
南北戦争・太平洋岸戦線: ベア川の虐殺。


1866/0129:フランスの作家 Romain Rolland 186644、誕生

Écrivain français.
Il a élevé l'humanisme idéaliste, le pacifisme et l'antifascisme, a continué à crier le monde contre la guerre et avait beaucoup d'amis internationaux.

1867/0129:スペインの作家 Vicente Blasco Ibáñez 186728、誕生

un escritor, periodista y político español.
He wrote a novel between political activities, gained civilization globally with "Blood and Sand" which used bullfighting subjects, and "Four Knights of the Apocalypse" set in the First World War.

1878/0129:日本の言論家 吉野作造187833、誕生

Yoshino Sakuzō was a Japanese academic, historian, author and professor of political science.
This Japanese author active as a political thinker in the Taishō period. He is best known for his formulation of the theory of "Minponshugi," or politics of the people.


The surgeon Theodor Billroth succeeds in a stomach cancer patient for the first time a gastric resection.

Carl Benz meldet sein Fahrzeug mit Gasmotorenbetrieb zum Patent an.

Karl Benz patents the first successful gasoline-driven automobile.

Liliuokalani is proclaimed the last monarch and only queen regnant of the Kingdom of Hawaii.

In Hawaii, Lili'uokalani is proclaimed Queen. She follows her brother David Kalākaua and is the first woman on the throne.


1899/0129:フランス印象派 Alfred Sisley 193999、死去

un artiste peintre et graveur britannique, rattaché au mouvement impressionniste et vivant et travaillant principalement en France.


The American League is organized in Philadelphia with eight founding teams.

Charles Curtis of the Kansa tribe takes up his post as Senator for the US state of Kansas, becoming the first American Indian senator.

la Seine atteint la cote record de 8,5 mètres au pont de la Tournelle.

 Une délégation menée par Marguerite Durand et Séverine se rend au palais Bourbon pour obtenir le vote des femmes.

a delegation led by Marguerite Durand and Séverine goes to the Bourbon Palace to get the women's vote.

Premier raid d'un zeppelin allemand sur Paris.

Das Militärluftschiff LZ 79 wirft im Ersten Weltkrieg über Paris Bomben ab. Auf der Rückfahrt erhält der Zeppelin einen Treffer im Heck und muss im deutsch besetzten Belgien notlanden.
Paris is first bombed by German zeppelins.


1918/0129:Ukrainian–Soviet War:
 An armed uprising organized by the Bolsheviks in anticipation of the encroaching Red Army begins at the Kiev Arsenal, which will be put down six days later.

 Ende des ersten Nationalsozialistischen Kongresses.

1924/0129:イタリア前衛作曲家 Luigi Nono 192490、誕生

un compositore, politico e scrittore italiano.
One of the leaders in Electronic music and Total serialism.


Der Roman Im Westen nichts Neues von Erich Maria Remarque kommt in den Handel. Seine Erstauflage ist durch Vorbestellungen sofort vergriffen.

1934/0129:ドイツの化學者 Fritz Haber 186834、死去

ein deutscher Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger für Chemie.
He developed the "Haber–Bosch process" which synthesizes ammonia from nitrogen in the air. He was also referred to as "the father of chemical weapons" because it was in the leading position of various poison gas use including chlorine at the time of World War I.
Protestant that was a Jew, but converted from Judaism

When the First World War broke out, Fritz, who was strongly patriotic, volunteered for the troops. But that request was rejected and instead ordered the military to develop additives to prevent gasoline freezing. And Fritz was involved in the development of poison gas.
He worked diligently on the development of poison gas, and the army also trusted him and gave him full power on the development of poison gas. Fritz has secured the material of the poison gas by utilizing the connection with the company which was made at the time of ammonia synthesis and the like.

At that time, Otto Hahn 187968, who was in the laboratory, said that the use of poison gas would violate the Hague Convention. Fritz said that the French army used poison gas first, and additionally, using a poison gas to finish the war quickly would lead to saving a lot of lives.
There were many opposites to the development of poison gas.
His wife Clara also continued to oppose her husband in developing poison gas weapons. And finally on May 2, 1915, she committed suicide to reform her husband. But

Clara Immerwahr 187045


The German chemist Paul Schlack discovers the polymerizability of the aminocaprolactam and subsequently develops the polyamide fiber Perlon.


1940/0129:イタリアのフェンシング Nedo Nadi 189440、死去

uno schermidore e dirigente sportivo italiano.
He is the only fencer to have won a gold medal in all three weapons during the same Olympics and holds the highest number (5) of gold medals won in fencing in the same Olympics (edition Antwerp from 1920).

Alexandros Koryzis becomes Prime Minister of Greece upon the sudden death of his predecessor, dictator Ioannis Metaxas.

In den Räumen des Reichsministeriums für die besetzten Ostgebiete in Berlin findet die erste Nachfolgekonferenz der Wannseekonferenz statt, wo eine folgenreiche Definition von „Jude“ festgelegt wird.

In the rooms of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories in Berlin, the first follow-up conference of the Wannsee Conference takes place, where a momentous definition of "Jew" is defined.

1943/0129:日本のテロリスト 田宮高麿194395、誕生

A terrorist in Japan. New leftist activist. Red Army faction military committee chairperson. Yodo Group leader.

1943/0129:WWⅡ、In the Pacific War,
the Battle of the Northern Solomon Islands begins with the two-day Battle of Rennell Island between Japan and the United States.

The first day of the Battle of Rennell Island, U.S. cruiser Chicago is torpedoed and heavily damaged by Japanese bombers.

 Approximately 38 people are killed and about a dozen injured when the Polish village of Koniuchy is attacked by Soviet partisan units.


1946/0129:USA、CSS から CIA へ
the CIA succeeds the OSS in the United States.


the United States renounces its role of mediator in China.

London recognizes de facto the new State of Israel.

First recorded violent incidents, due to apartheid in South Africa.

Le film Les Diaboliques du réalisateur Henri-Georges Clouzot à Paris.

1956/0129:日本の俳人 日野草城190156、死去

Hino Sōjō est un poète japonais de haïku.




1956/0129:スヰス デュレンマットの『老婦人の訪問』初演。
Friedrich Dürrenmatt's "tragic comedy" The Visit of the Old Lady with Therese Giehse in the leading role premieres at the Schauspielhaus Zürich. The piece subsequently becomes a world hit.

the GDR is admitted to the Warsaw Pact.


Le film policier français Lift to the Scaffold de Louis Malle avec Jeanne Moreau dans le rôle principal, décerné l'année dernière avec le prix Louis Delluc, est créé.


Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty is released.
The cartoon Sleeping Beauty by the Walt Disney Company with the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky has its world premiere in the USA.

1962/0129:オウストリアのバイオリニスト Fritz Kreisler 187562、死去

ein aus Österreich stammender Violinist und Komponist.
Wien Sigmund Freud 185639と親しい町医者の子として誕生


le couturier Yves Saint Laurent présente sa première collection de haute couture.

1963/0129:USA詩人 Robert Frost 187463、死去

Robert Lee Frost was an American poet.
His work was initially published in England before it was published in America. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech, Frost frequently wrote about settings from rural life in New England in the early twentieth century, using them to examine complex social and philosophical themes.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

the Brussels Conference of Ministers rejects the entry of the United Kingdom into the EEC.

1964/0129:USA映画男優 Alan Ladd 191364、死去

Alan Walbridge Ladd was an American actor and film and television producer.
Ladd found success in film in the 1940s and early 1950s, particularly in Westerns such as Shane (1953)

Gスティブンス監督の西部劇『Shane』1953 の主人公を演じて、私にはもっとも印象的に記憶された映画俳優、といふかシェンとラッドとが一枚の男性像となってしまってゐる。
『Shane』には Movie の要素のすべてがある。純潔な英雄がゐて、それに匹敵する惡役がゐて、彼に好意を持つ夫婦(それがこの西部劇にふさはしからぬ戀愛感情の微妙な陰影をほどこす)がゐて、突然現れた英雄に魅惑される少年がゐて、解決しなければならない對立があり、拳銃があり、馬が出てきて、犬まで出てくる。すべての映画的な要素が、無駄のない、理想的な展開の起承轉結となって、少年の「Shane! Come back」の呼び聲が遙かなるワイオミングの山々に(觀客の氣持とともに)響き渡る。これは、映画の原本のやうな作品だ。これ以上の完成はない。大衆藝術の極致だ。

この『Shane』の奇跡的成功にもっとも貢獻してゐるのは、云ふまでもなく主人公の渡り鳥を演じたLaddであり、夫婦であり、その息子の少年であり、あるいはそれ以上に Jack Palance 演じる 黒づくめの殺し屋、Jack Wilson であり、Victor Yung の音樂であり、George Stevenson の演出であり、結局、すべての諸力が過不足なく集まって奇跡がおこったのだといふほかない。


Jack Palance 191906 と云へば、Shane と一對に Jack Wilson として記憶されてゐるのであるが、その一度見たら忘れられない強烈な風貌を、Jean-Luc Godard の『Le Mépris(輕蔑)』1963で見ようとは思ひもしなかった。
ゴダアルの『輕蔑』については、Michelangelo Antonioni 191207 の『l deserto rosso(赤い砂漠)』1964とともに、いつか語ってみよよう。この二本にさらに、日本の今村昌平192606の『赤い殺意』1964を加へて(かうして三作竝べてみるとフシギなくらゐに同時期に作られてゐる。私の直感も満更ではないな)、現代人の愛の不毛のかたちについて、などと題して。

The film satire dr. Strange or: How I learned to love the bomb by Stanley Kubrick with Peter Sellers in several roles is premiered in the US.

The "ultimate high" of the hippie era, the Mantra-Rock Dance, takes place in San Francisco and features Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, and Allen Ginsberg.


1968/0129:日本のフランス画家 藤田嗣治(Leonard Foujita)188666、死去

Fujita Tsuguharu, connu aussi sous son simple nom de famille, Foujita, ou sous le nom adopté à la fin de sa vie, Léonard Foujita, est un peintre, dessinateur et graveur français d’origine japonaise, également illustrateur, céramiste, photographe, cinéaste et styliste


1969/0129:USA行政官 Allen Dulles 189369、死去

「アレン ダレス」Allen Welsh Dulles was an American diplomat and lawyer who became the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence, and its longest-serving director to date.
As head of the Central Intelligence Agency during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état, Operation Ajax (the overthrow of Iran's elected government), the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
Following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dulles was one of the members of the Warren Commission. Between his stints of government service, Dulles was a corporate lawyer and partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. His older brother, John Foster Dulles, was the Secretary of State during the Eisenhower Administration.


Deng Xiaoping Visits the United States, U.S. President Jimmy Carter Welcomes Ceremony of Heads of State.

{かうした漢字だけやアルファベットだけの文字面を見てゐると、日本人がひらがなやカタカナを工夫してくれた有り難さをつくづく感じます。Jimmy Carter を「吉米·卡特」だぜ、中国簡略字では。ロシア人の名前なんか、もっと凄かったのを思ひだした。それに、漢字をこんなにハチャメチャにしてしまって、漢字の長所を台無しにしてしまって。

Jimmy Carter commutes the imprisonment sentence imposed on Patricia Hearst.

Cleveland Elementary School shooting (San Diego)

at a public elementary school in San Diego, California. The principal and a custodian were killed; eight children and a police officer were injured. A 16-year-old girl, Brenda Spencer, who lived in a house across the street from the school, was convicted of the shootings. 
A reporter reached Spencer by phone while she was still in the house after the shooting, and asked her why she did it. She answered: "I don't like Mondays. This livens up the day",


Hungary establishes diplomatic relations with South Korea, making it the first Eastern Bloc nation to do so.


Inoue Yasushi est un écrivain japonais.
Inoue reçoit de nombreux prix pendant sa carrière et plusieurs de ses œuvres sont adaptées au cinéma.

1991/0129:Gulf War: The Battle of Khafji,
 the first major ground engagement of the war, as well as its deadliest, begins.


Canada, Japan, Russia, the US and European ESA member states sign a contract to build the International Space Station (ISS).


le président Jacques Chirac annonce l'arrêt définitif des essais nucléaires français.
President Jacques Chirac announces a "definitive end" to French nuclear weapons testing.

Thousands of student protesters in Indonesia storm parliament and demand that President Abdurrahman Wahid resign due to alleged involvement in corruption scandals.

Chilean investigating judge Juan Guzman restores murder and kidnapping charges, as well as house arrest, against General Augusto Pinochet, in connection with a series of political murders committed under his dictatorship.

George Bush denounces the three states of the axis of evil: North Korea, Iraq and Iran. The president talks about the American Way of Life.

The first direct commercial flights from mainland China (from Guangzhou) to Taiwan since 1949 arrived in Taipei. Shortly afterwards, a China Airlines flight lands in Beijing.

The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt rules that people who do not adhere to one of the three government-recognised religions, while not allowed to list any belief outside of those three, are still eligible to receive government identity documents.

Earth-Mars-Soleil alignment, and with the Moon for a short time.

Alignement Terre-Mars-Soleil avec Mars en orange (le soleil est derrière le photographe). Photo prise le 29 janvier 2010 à 19h40 à Ham-sur-Heure en Belgique.

SCAT Airlines Flight 760 crashes near the Kazakh city of Almaty, killing 21 people.


{理化学研究所など日米共同研究チイムは、あらたな萬能細胞である刺激惹起性多能性獲得細胞(STAP細胞)の生成に成功したと發表 ―― そして、その後の大騷動についてはまだ記憶に殘ってゐるだらう。

2016/0129:フランス映画監督 Jacques Rivette 192816、死去

un réalisateur français
Comme ses camarades de la Nouvelle Vague, Rivette est d'abord critique de cinéma.

Avec Éric Rohmer, il fonde la Gazette du cinéma en 1950 avant de rejoindre les Cahiers du cinéma, revue dont il devient rédacteur en chef en 1963.
Il passe à la réalisation en 1958 avec Paris nous appartient.
Il connaît le succès avec Suzanne Simonin, la Religieuse de Diderot qui sort sur les écrans en 1967 après avoir été dans un premier temps interdit par la censure. Après ce succès, il se lance dans une série de films expérimentaux dans lesquels il laisse une large place aux acteurs soit par le recours à l'improvisation, soit par un travail en amont avec les acteurs sur le scénario et réalise Out 1 : Noli me tangere, un film de plus de douze heures, en 1971, puis Céline et Julie vont en bateau en 1974.

Quebec City mosque shooting Alexandre Bissonnette opens fire at mosque in Sainte-Foy, Quebec, killing six and wounding 19 others in a spree shooting.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

1557 Pieter Bruegel 152569

歴史暦:古今東西 01/28 今日の出來事

0598/0128:China[唐] 太宗 李世民059849、誕生

Emperor Taizong, second generation of Chinese Tang Emperor


The Rashidun Caliphate is effectively ended with the assassination of Ali, the last caliph.

0814/0128:Charlemagne 074214、崩去

, empereur d'Occident de 0800 à 0814
Karl der Große (lateinisch Carolus Magnus oder Karolus Magnus, französisch und englisch Charlemagne; war von 768 bis 814 König des Fränkischen Reichs (bis 771 gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Karlmann). Er erlangte am 25. Dezember 800 als erster westeuropäischer Herrscher seit der Antike die Kaiserwürde, die mit ihm erneuert wurde. Der Enkel des Hausmeiers Karl Martell war der bedeutendste Herrscher aus dem Geschlecht der Karolinger. Das Frankenreich gelangte unter ihm zu seiner größten Ausdehnung und Machtentfaltung.

He is succeeded by his son Louis the Pious as king of the Frankish Empire.

The 13-year-old Carolingian Charles II is raised in Reims to the antagonism of Robertin Odo of Paris, which leads to the civil war in burgeoning France.


Caliph Al-Mustakfi is blinded and deposed by Emir Mu'izz al-Dawla, ruler of the Buyid Empire. He is succeeded by Al-Muti as caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate.


The Chanyuan Treaty (澶淵之盟) in 1004-1005 was the pivotal point in the relations between the Northern Song (0960-1127) and the Liao Dynasties (0916-1125). The ruling class of the Liao were a people of nomadic origin known as the Khitan (Qidan in Chinese) who rose in the northeast around present-day Heilongjiang Province.

Robert de Comines(the Earl of Northumbria)is killed while attempting to subdue rebels in Durham, England.
This leads to the Harrying of the North by William the Conqueror.

1077/0128:カノッサの屈辱=Pénitence de Canossa.
 The excommunication of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor is lifted.



1393/0128:フランス「Bal des ardents」
King Charles VI of France is nearly killed when several dancers' costumes catch fire during a masquerade ball.

King Charles VI. from France hosts a wedding eve for one of Queen Isabeau's honorary ladies. The ball, later known as Bal des Ardents ("Ball of the Burning"), has a fire that kills four friends of the king. This then completely falls into madness.

シャルル六世は le Bien-Aimé とか le Fol, le Fou とか徒名されてゐた。

1457/0128:Henry VII of England 145709、誕生

King of England from seizing the crown on 22 August 1485 until his death on 21 April 1509, and the first monarch of the House of Tudor.
He ruled the Principality of Wales until 29 November 1489 and was Lord of Ireland.
He defeated Richard Ⅲ 145285 in the Bosworth fight, won the throne, and became the last King of England who gained the throne in battle.

1521/0128:ドイツ「Diet of Worms」
die Eröffnung des Wormser Reichstags, der von Karl V. einberufen wurde, um unter anderem die Frage der protestantischen Reformation zu regeln.

Emperor Karl V opens the Reichstag at Worms, which will last until 25 May, and on which, in addition to problems of the Reich administration, such as the Reichsregiment and the Reichstag, the Lutheraus is treated as the last item.
The Diet of Worms begins, lasting until May 25.
{Worms を「虫」だとばかり思ひ、Diet を「食事」とばかり思ひ、私は「虫を食ひ始めた」と讀んで、「五月二十五日まで續く」と讀んで、すこしく首を捻った。 Wikipedia で見ると、ドイツの神聖ロウマ帝國の imperial diet とあり、それでやうやく氣付いていく、diet が「國會」で、Worms とはドイツの都市「ヴォルムス」のことであることが解ってきた。 この時、the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt) が發せられ、Martin Luther 148346 に異端が宣告された。その事でこの日は歴史の日となった。
{しかし、「ワアムダイエットの方法の流行でも十二分に Historical Day になっただらう」と、これは恥掻いた私の負け惜しみ。

1540/0128:Ludolph van Ceulen 154010、誕生

「ルドルフ ファン コウレン」ein deutsch-niederländischer Mathematiker aus Hildesheim. Er emigrierte in die Niederlande.
After immigrating to Delft he taught fencing and mathematics, and in 1594 he opened a training school for fencing in Leiden. In 1600 he became the first professor of mathematics at Leiden University.

1547/0128:イングランド王 Henry VIII 149147、死去

King of England from 21 April 1509 until his death. Henry was the second Tudor monarch, succeeding his father, Henry VII.


Henry VIII dies. His nine-year-old son, Edward VI, becomes king.

But, Edwardは十五際で夭折し、後繼者は義理の妹となる Mary か Elizabeth かの選擇となり(これには宗教關係などの要素が複雜怪奇に絡まり)、Mary が卽位したが、Edward のプロテスタント改革を否定したこともあり、Elizabeth に代はった。
そして、エリザベス一世のイングランドの黄金時代が William Shakespeare 156416 によって黒々とした輝かしさで記録されることになる。


The Warsaw Confederation grants full religious freedom to minority denominations in Poland.
The term "dissident" was used for the first time in the Tolerance Edict created in France under the influence of Bartholomew's Night.

1596/0128:イギリス航海探檢家 Francis Drake 154096、死去

an English sea captain, slave trader, and privateer of the Elizabethan era. He achieved the first round of the world as an Englishman and destroyed the Spanish invincible fleet as commander of the fleet in the battle of Armada.
Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580, and was the first to complete the voyage as captain while leading the expedition throughout the entire circumnavigation.
With his incursion into the Pacific Ocean, he claimed what is now California for the English and inaugurated an era of conflict with the Spanish on the western coast of the Americas, an area that had previously been largely unexplored by western shipping.
He has also been credited for introducing the potato to England; one of the most important European staple foods during the Renaissance and Modern era.

1611/0128:ドイツ天文學者 Johannes Hevelius 161187、誕生

ein Astronom und gilt als Begründer der Kartografie des Mondes.

Karte des Mondes von zu Selenographia

Sir Thomas Warner founds the first British colony in the Caribbean, on the island of Saint Kitts.

1687/0128:Johannes Hevelius 161187、死去


1688/0128:イエズス會宣教師 Ferdinand Verbiest 162388、死去

「フェルディナント フェルビイスト」康熙帝に仕えたイエズス会宣教師 Father Ferdinand Verbiest was a Flemish Jesuit missionary in China during the Qing dynasty. He was born in Pittem near Tielt in the County of Flanders (now part of Belgium).
He introduced European astronomy, science and technology such as geography to China, and also worked in Chinese, contributed to the Oriental science and technology of those days including Japan.
He is known as Nan Huairen (南懷仁) in Chinese. He was an accomplished mathematician and astronomer and proved to the court of the Kangxi Emperor that European astronomy was more accurate than Chinese astronomy. He then corrected the Chinese calendar and was later asked to rebuild and re-equip the Beijing Ancient Observatory, being given the role of Head of the Mathematical Board and Director of the Observatory.

He published the Kunyu Quantu world map in 1674.

1701/0128:Charles Marie de La Condamine 170174、誕生

est un explorateur et un scientifique français, astronome et encyclopédiste du XVIIIe siècle.

The Russian Academy of Sciences is founded in St. Petersburg by Peter the Great, and implemented by Senate decree. 

Horace Walpole coins the word "serendipity" in a letter to a friend.

The term Serendipity is first used by the English author Horace Walpole in a letter to Horace Mann for a random observation of something that was not the original target of an investigation.

{Serendipity の意味は、 …… 自分で調べてみてください。きっと、探してゐるうちに豫想外の發見をしたり、さうした思ひもしなかった偶然に、幸運と出逢った氣分になれるかも知れません。

1794/0128:フランス英雄 Henri de La Rochejaquelein 177294、死去

「ロシュラクラン」Henri du Vergier, comte de La Rochejaquelein est l'un des chefs de l'armée vendéenne au cours des batailles de la Révolution française.


Along the Pall Mall in the City of Westminster, London, the first street lighting is set up with gas.

The Tyrolean freedom fighter Andreas Hofer is arrested by the French on the Pfandleralm near St. Martin in Passeier. His hiding place has betrayed Franz Raffl.

Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is first published in the United Kingdom.

Somerset Maugham 187465『世界の十大小説』で『高慢と偏見』を選び、「たいした事件が起こらないのに、ペイジを繰らずにはいられない」と評し、するどい感性とユーモアのあふれる文体は比類がない。平凡な生活の中で見出した真実味のある多彩な描写は非常に巧みである、と論じている。
夏目漱石186716は『文学論』で「Jane Austenは写実の泰斗なり。平凡にして活躍せる文字を草して技神に入る」と絶賛している。
一方で、同じイギリスの小説家、Sブロンテは「情感に欠ける」と言ひ、Mark Twain 183510は「動物的な嫌悪を感じる」とし、D.H.Lawrence1 88530も批判的であった。
―― と大作家たちのあひだでも評價はさまざま、アテにならないものです。

A Russian expedition led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev discovers the Antarctic continent, approaching the Antarctic coast.

Después de un levantamiento exitoso en Perú contra Simón Bolívar, quien gobernó en unión personal con la Gran Colombia, Andrés de Santa Cruz se convierte en presidente peruano.

After a successful uprising in Peru against Simón Bolívar, who ruled in personal union with Greater Colombia, Andrés de Santa Cruz becomes Peruvian president.

1829/0128:ドイツの発明家 Albrecht Berblinger 177029、死去

ein deutscher Schneider, Erfinder und Flugpionier.



On his Antarctic expedition, the British polar explorer James Clark Ross discovers the Ross Ice Shelf in the Ross Sea with his ships HMS Erebus and HMS Terror and begins the extensive mapping.

1846/0128:インド「Battle of Aliwal」
, India, is won by British troops commanded by Sir Harry Smith.

The Battle of Aliwal takes place between the British East India Company and the Sikh Army of Punjab in the First Sikh War.

A locomotive on the Panama Canal Railway runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean for the first time.

Prussia forces after the victory in the German war and the occupation of Frankfurt am Main the princely house Thurn and taxis, which holds since the postal shelf of 1597 the post office transport in the Reich, to the conclusion of a contract over the abolishment of the postal service, effective from 1 July becomes.

1868/0128:オウストリアの作家 Adalbert Stifter 180568、死去

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller, Maler und Pädagoge.
Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten Autoren des Biedermeier.
an Austrian writer, poet, painter, and pedagogue. He was especially notable for the vivid natural landscapes depicted in his writing and has long been popular in the German-speaking world, while remaining almost entirely unknown to English readers.

Mondlandschaft mit bewölktem Himmel, um 1850

「シュティフタは世界文学の最も注目すべき、最も奥深い、最も内密な大胆さを持つ、最も不思議な感動を与える小説家の一人である」Thomas Mann 187555

After dropping off in Halifax, the British passenger steamer City of Boston of the Inman Line disappears with 191 people on board without a trace on the North Atlantic.

Franco-Prussian War: The Siege of Paris ends in French defeat and an armistice.

Menacer la crise alimentaire à Paris après plusieurs mois de siège oblige le gouvernement français à céder à la guerre germano-française.
A Versailles, une trêve négociée entre Otto von Bismarck et Jules Favre est convenue, ce qui ne s'applique pas expressément aux départements du Doubs, de la Côte-d'Or et du Jura. En fait, c'est le début de la défaite française.


1873/0128:フランスの文藝家 Colette 187354、誕生

Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette est une femme de lettres française, connue surtout comme romancière, mais qui fut aussi mime, actrice et journaliste

代表作のひとつ『ジジ』1944h、後にブロウヱイで舞台化され、さらに1958年に映画化もされた。ブロウドヱイ版『ジジ』のオウディションには彼女自身も立ち會ひ、主役にAudrey Hepburn 182993を抜擢した。

The first public telephone booth is set up in New Haven, Connecticut.

1881/0128:ロシアの作家 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 182181、死去

(Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский), écrivain russe
русский писатель, мыслитель, философ и публицист.
Considéré comme l'un des plus grands romanciers russes, il a influencé de nombreux écrivains et philosophes.

Écrivain admiré après la publication de Crime et Châtiment (1866) et de L'Idiot (1869), l'auteur publie ses œuvres les plus abouties, Les Démons (1871) et Les Frères Karamazov (1880).

1884/0128:スヰスの科學者 Auguste Piccard 188462、誕生

un physicien, aéronaute et océanaute suisse.
Il avait un grand intérêt pour l'univers et l'océan profond.

1931、宇宙線やオゾンの研究のため、自分が設計し、ベルギイ国立科学研究基金からの資金援助で製作した水素気球FNRS-1にみづから乗ってドイツのアウクスブルク上空16,000 mの成層圏に達した。これは世界初の気球による成層圏到達であり、ピカルはこの業績によりハモントロフィを獲得した。


1886/0128:日本の発明家 八木秀次188676、誕生

a Japanese electrical engineer from Osaka, Japan. When working at Tohoku University, he wrote several articles that introduced a new antenna designed by his colleague Shintaro Uda to the English-speaking world.
The Yagi antenna, patented in 1926, allows directional communication using electromagnetic waves, and is now installed on millions of houses throughout the world for radio and television reception.

1887/0128:ポウランドのピアニスト Arthur Rubinstein 188782、誕生

a Polish American classical pianist. He received international acclaim for his performances of the music written by a variety of composers and many regard him as the greatest Chopin interpreter of his time.

1887/0128:USA死刑囚 Robert Franklin Stroud 188763、誕生

known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz", was an American federal prisoner and author who has been cited as one of the United States' most notorious criminals.
During his time at Leavenworth Penitentiary, he reared and sold birds and became a respected ornithologist, but because of regulations, he was not permitted to keep birds at Alcatraz, where he was incarcerated from 1942 to 1959.
Stroud was never released from the Federal prison system.

Mug shot 29 October 1951.


Début de la construction de la tour Eiffel.

1892/0128:ドイツの映画監督 Ernst Lubitsch 189247、誕生

a German American film director, producer, writer, and actor. His urbane comedies of manners gave him the reputation of being Hollywood's most elegant and sophisticated director; as his prestige grew, his films were promoted as having "the Lubitsch touch". Among his most famous works are Trouble in Paradise, Ninotchka, The Shop Around the Corner and To Be or Not to Be.

Rudolf Diesel setzt mit Erfolg den von ihm erfundenen Motor in Gang.

The Carnegie Institution of Washington is founded in Washington, D.C. with a $10 million gift from Andrew Carnegie.

Members of the Portuguese Republican Party fail in their attempted coup d'état against the administrative dictatorship of Prime Minister João Franco.


150 people are killed in a blast with subsequent coal dust explosion in the pit Reden in Landsweiler-speeches, today's Schiffweiler near Neunkirchen.

United States troops leave Cuba with the exception of Guantanamo Bay Naval Base after being there since the Spanish–American War.

1912/0128:USA画家 Jackson Pollock 191256、誕生

Paul Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was well known for his unique style of drip painting.


An act of the U.S. Congress creates the United States Coast Guard as a branch of the United States Armed Forces.

Após o golpe de Estado de 25 de janeiro em Portugal, o presidente Manuel de Arriaga nomeia o líder do golpe, o general Joaquim Pimenta de Castro, como novo primeiro-ministro.

Following the 25 January coup d'état in Portugal, President Manuel de Arriaga appoints the leader of the coup, General Joaquim Pimenta de Castro, as the new prime minister.

1917/0128:日本の女優 望月優子191777、誕生

Mochizuki Youko」une actrice japonaise,
Elle monte sur scène au Moulin Rouge Shinjuku. Marié en 1942. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Takizawa Osamu fonde la compagnie théâtrale "MinGei 民藝" et en 1950, elle signe avec Shochiku 松竹 et apparaît dans les films, jouant le rôle d'une mère japonaise dans la "Tragédie du Japon 日本の悲劇(木下恵介監督)", etc. 1958 "Rice(、今井正監督)" remporte le Blue Ribbon Best Actress Award.

Finnish Civil War: The Red Guard rebels seize control of the capital, Helsinki; members of the Senate of Finland go underground.

Der Spartakusbund um Karl Liebknecht und Rosa Luxemburg ruft zum Spartakusstreik für bessere Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen, das Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs und Demokratisierung auf.

Fondation de l'Armée rouge.

Фонд Красной Армии.

Foundation of the Spanish Legion.

Inauguration de la Tombe du Soldat inconnu à Paris.


1922/0128:USA「Knickerbocker Storm」
 Washington D.C.'s biggest snowfall, causes the city's greatest loss of life when the roof of the Knickerbocker Theatre collapses.

1927/0128:日本の前衛作家 勅使河原宏192701、誕生

Teshigahara Hiroshi est un réalisateur japonais, célèbre pour son film d'avant-garde La Femme des sables 砂の女, prix spécial du jury au festival de Cannes de 19641, adapté, comme une partie de ses films (Le Visage d'un autre 他人の顏, Le Plan déchiqueté 燃えつきた地圖) d'un roman de son contemporain Kōbō Abe 安部公房192493.

1932/0128:Japan vs China「第一次上海事變」勃發

The Japanese army attacked the Zhabei area by the Shanghai concession and encountered the resistance of the 19th Route Army of the Chinese National Revolutionary Army. The January 28 Incident broke out.
occupation japonaise de Shanghai.


・『戦争と人間 第一部 運命の序曲』1970 山本薩夫監督
・『紫蝴蝶(パープルバタフライ)』2003  婁燁(ロウ・イエ)監督


Nach einem Gespräch mit Reichspräsident Paul von Hindenburg tritt der deutsche Reichskanzler Kurt von Schleicher zurück und empfiehlt die Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler. Mit der zwei Tage später erfolgenden „Machtergreifung“ endet die Weimarer Republik.

After a conversation with Reich President Paul von Hindenburg, the German Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher resigns and recommends the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor. With the two days later "seizure of power" ends the Weimar Republic.

The name Pakistan is coined by Choudhry Rahmat Ali Khan and is accepted by Indian Muslims who then thereby adopted it further for the Pakistan Movement seeking independence.

Iceland becomes the first Western country to legalize therapeutic abortion.

The World Land Speed Record on a public road is broken by Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes-Benz W195 at a speed of 432.7 kilometres per hour (268.9 mph).


1939/0128:William Butler Yeats 186539、死去

an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, he helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served as an Irish Senator for two terms. Yeats was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival along with Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and others.

1941/0128:フランスvsタイ Franco-Thai War:
 Final air battle of the conflict. A Japanese-mediated armistice goes into effect later in the day.

 Supplies begin to reach the Republic of China over the newly reopened Burma Road.



1949/0128:日本の歌舞伎役者 七代目松本幸四郎187049、死去

Matsumoto Kōshirō VII est l'un des plus importants acteurs tachiyaku du genre kabuki du théâtre japonais, de l'ère Meiji jusqu'à la fin des années 1940.

as Benkei, in the 1943 production of Kanjinchō



Rediscovery of the Bermuda Petrel, a species considered extinct.


1956/0128:日本の政事家 緒方竹虎188856、死去

Ogata Taketora was a Japanese journalist, Vice President of the Asahi Shimbun 朝日新聞 and later a politician.
During the war, he joined the Imperial Rule Assistance Association. After the end of the war, he was purged from public service. Later, he became the Chief Secretary of the 4th Yoshida Cabinet, Vice President and then President of the Liberal Party of Japan of Japan, but he died before becoming a prime minister.



The State Council of Mainland China passed the "Simplified Chinese Character Scheme" and formally promoted the simplified characters on February 1.

Elvis Presley makes his first American television appearance.

American serial killer Charles Starkweather kills the family of his 14-year-old friend Caril Ann Fugate.

The Danish company Lego applies for a patent for the Lego stone in its present form.

1962/0128:日本の歌舞伎役者 四代目中村時藏192762、死去

Nakamura Tokizou Acteur Kabuki japonais



An unarmed United States Air Force T-39 Sabreliner on a training mission is shot down over Erfurt, East Germany, by a Soviet MiG-19.

Jimi Hendrix first appears in London with his Jimi Hendrix Experience.

1971/0128:イギリスの心理學者 Donald Winnicott 189671、死去

an English paediatrician and psychoanalyst who was especially influential in the field of object relations theory.
Winnicott is known for ideas such as real self and false self, migration target, ability to be alone.

彼の精神療法において決定的な主張となった「支持的な環境」(holding environment)、「移行対象」(transitional object)「安心感を与える毛布」(security blanket)など

ほどよい母親(good enough mother)とは、
移行対象(transitional object)とは、
独りでいる(いられる)能力(the capacity to be alone)とは

The first day of the Great Lakes Blizzard of 1977 which dumps 10 feet (3.0 m) of snow in one day in Upstate New York, with Buffalo, Syracuse, Watertown, and surrounding areas are most affected.


Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping visits the United States.

USCGC Blackthorn collides with the tanker Capricorn while leaving Tampa, Florida and capsizes, killing 23 Coast Guard crewmembers.

US Army general James L. Dozier is rescued by Italian anti-terrorism forces from captivity by the Red Brigades.

Tropical Storm Domoina makes landfall in southern Mozambique, eventually causing 214 deaths and some of the most severe flooding so far recorded in the region.

Supergroup USA for Africa (United Support of Artists for Africa) records the hit single We Are the World, to help raise funds for Ethiopian famine relief.

An artificial fertilization method was developed in the Munich Gynecological Clinic, in which the fusion of egg and sperm cell does not take place in the test tube, but in the fallopian tube of the patient.

1986/0128:USA「Space Shuttle program」
 STS-51-L mission: Space Shuttle Challenger explodes after liftoff, killing all seven astronauts on board.

Mikhail Gorbachev in his speech and closing remarks in the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU calls for reforms: the beginning of glasnost and perestroika.

Михаил Горбачев в своем выступлении и заключительном слове на пленуме ЦК КПСС призывает к реформам: началу гласности и перестройки.

1988/0128:東ドイツのスパイ Klaus Fuchs 191188、死去

ein deutsch-britischer Kernphysiker und sowjetischer Spion.
He is a theoretical physicist born in Germany. Contributing to the development of the atomic bomb in the United States in the Manhattan plan, but behind it was keeping confidential information flowing to the Soviet Union as a spy. After being convicted as a spy and being sentenced to prison, after being released it became an important figure of the theoretical physics of East Germany.

1989/0128:日本の鳥類學者 山階芳麿190089、死去

Yamashina Yoshimaro was a Japanese ornithologist. He was the founder of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology.

1989/0128:チベット 10th Panchen Lama 193889、死去

Lobsang Trinley Lhündrub Chökyi Gyaltsen was the tenth Panchen Lama of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism.
He was often referred to simply as Choekyi Gyaltsen (which can be Choekyi Gyaltse, Choskyi Gyantsen, etc.), although this is also the name of several other notable figures in Tibetan history.









Ishinomori Shōtarō was a Japanese manga artist who became an influential figure in manga, anime, and tokusatsu, creating several immensely popular long-running series such as Cyborg 009, the Super Sentai series and the Kamen Rider Series.
He mass-produced works in a wide variety of fields from SF manga to learning manga, and was described as "King of Manga" and "Emperor of Manga".


2002/0128:Astrid Lindgren 190702、死去

a Swedish writer of fiction and screenplays. She is best known for children's book series featuring Pippi Longstocking, Emil i Lönneberga, Karlsson-on-the-Roof, and the Six Bullerby Children (Children of Noisy Village in the US), as well as the children's fantasy novels Mio, My Son, Ronia the Robber's Daughter, and The Brothers Lionheart.

TAME Flight 120, a Boeing 727-100 crashes in the Andes mountains in southern Colombia, killing 92.

The crash of a Boeing 727-134 Tame Ecuador in Colombia, kills its 92 passengers and crew members.

The roof of one of the buildings at the Katowice International Fair in Poland, collapses due to the weight of snow, killing 65 and injuring more than 170 others.


In Dhaka, five military personnel involved in the assassination of President Mujibur Rahman and his family in August 1975 are being hanged.

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

よろしければ、Click おねがひいたします:


Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

Paul Klee 187940 『新しき天使』

歴史暦:古今東西 01/27 今日の出來事

0098/0127:012ロウマ皇帝 Nerva 003098、崩去

Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar Augustus was Roman emperor from 96 to 98.
Nerva became emperor at the age of 65, after a lifetime of imperial service under Nero and the rulers of the Flavian dynasty.
Under Nero 003768, he was a member of the imperial entourage and played a vital part in exposing the Pisonian conspiracy of 65. Later, as a loyalist to the Flavians, he attained consulships in 71 and 90 during the reigns of Vespasian and Domitian, respectively.

Trajanus 005317 succeeded his adoptive father Nerva as Roman emperor; under his rule the Roman Empire would reach its maximum extent.

An earthquake severely damages the Constantinople's protective Theodosian wall. Some sections are destroyed and 57 towers collapse.

The co-emperors Stephen and Constantine are overthrown. Constantine VII becomes sole emperor of the Byzantine Empire.


Emperor Gaozong 高宗 of Song Dynasty of China and Qin Hui 秦檜, the prime minister, are to be guilty of innocence and poison Yue Fei 岳飛 in Lin'an Dali Temple.

1142/0127:中國宋の英雄 岳飛110342、毒殺



Henry VI(the son and heir of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I)marries Constance of Sicily.


Dante Alighieri è esiliato da Firenze.

Dante Alighieri 126521 is exiled from Florence.

Pope Clement VI issues the papal bull Unigenitus to justify the power of the pope and the use of indulgences. Nearly 200 years later, Martin Luther would protest this.

1490/0127(延徳02/0107):08室町將軍 足利義政143690、薨去

Ashikaga Yoshimasa was the 8th shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate who reigned from 1449 to 1473 during the Muromachi period of Japan.
Yoshimasa was the son of the sixth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori 足利義教139441.
His official wife was Hino Tomiko 日野富子144096.


Akbar devient le troisième empereur moghol.


1593/0127:イタリア、異端審問 Giordano Bruno 154800
Giordano Bruno, who defended the Copernicus grounds movement, is handed over to the Roman Inquisition. In the following seven years, he was detained in prison and the Inquisition started in 1600.

1606/0127:イギリス「Gunpowder Plot」
 The trial of Guy Fawkes and other conspirators begins, ending with their execution on January 31.

1615/0127:フランス経済人 Nicolas Fouquet 161580、誕生

un homme d'État français de haut rang, surintendant des finances à l'époque de Mazarin, procureur général au parlement de Paris.
Il eut un pouvoir et une fortune considérables. Promoteur des arts au sens le plus noble du terme, Nicolas Fouquet sut s'attirer les services des plus brillants artistes de son temps. De nos jours, il est possible de mesurer la grandeur qui fut la sienne au château de Vaux-le-Vicomte.
Destitué et arrêté sur l'ordre de Louis XIV en 1661 pour malversations, condamné à la confiscation de ses biens et au bannissement hors du royaume, il vit sa peine élargie par le roi4, en vertu de ses pouvoirs de justice, à l'emprisonnement à vie.

Après sa disgrâce, Nicolas Fouquet connut une réhabilitation posthume par le biais des nombreux romans et films, notamment Le vicomte de Bragelonne d'Alexandre Dumas.


OhoOku(Seroglio)in Edo Castle is forbidden for men.

1646/0127(正保02/1211):日本の傑僧 澤庵宗彭157346、示寂

Takuan Sōhō (沢庵 宗彭. Né à Izushi dans la province de Tajima, il est issu d'une famille de samouraï du clan Miura 三浦氏 mais commence ses études de prêtre dès l'âge de 10 ans en étudiant le bouddhisme Jōdo 淨土宗.
Il devient plus tard une figure majeure de l'école Rinzai-shu 臨濟宗 de bouddhisme zen 禪.
En 1608, à seulement 35 ans, il devient le père supérieur du temple Daitoku-ji 大徳寺 de Kyoto au Japon. Selon la légende, il fut le maître du célèbre Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武藏158445 mais cela n'est pas établi d'un point de vue historique.
Il était en contact avec le général Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成156000, le daimyo chrétien Kuroda Nagamas a 黒田長政156823 , Yagyū Munenori 柳生宗矩157146, le chef de l'école d'escrime Yagyū Shinkage-ryū 柳生新陰流, l'empereur Go-Mizunoo 後水尾天皇159680, et le shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光160451. Il porta l'esprit du bouddhisme zen dans de nombreux aspects de la culture japonaise, tel que l'art du combat et la calligraphie.
Il est l'auteur de six volumes et son influence est toujours présente dans le bouddhisme Zen et les arts martiaux.




Fondation de l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture.

1687/0127:ドイツの建築家 Johann Balthasar Neumann 168753、誕生

Johann Balthasar Neumann, gemeinhin bekannt als Balthasar Neumann , war einer der bedeutendsten Baumeister des Barock und des Rokoko in Süddeutschland.

St. Paulin in Trier

Basilika Vierzehnheiligen

Mustafa II becomes the Ottoman sultan and Caliph of Islam in Istanbul on the death of Ahmed II. Mustafa rules until his abdication in 1703.

1731/0127:ピアノ発明家 Bartolomeo Cristofori 165531、死去

un cembalaro, organaro e liutaio italiano. Fu uno dei più famosi costruttori di clavicembali del suo tempo. È considerato l'inventore del "fortepiano", principale precursore del pianoforte.

1756/0127:Wolgang Amadeus Mozart 175691、誕生

ein Salzburger Musiker und Komponist der Wiener Klassik.
Sein umfangreiches Werk genießt weltweite Popularität und gehört zum Bedeutendsten im Repertoire klassischer Musik. Er selbst nannte sich meist Wolfgang Amadé Mozart.

o Rio de Janeiro substitui Salvador da Bahia como a capital do vice-reino português do Brasil.

Rio de Janeiro replaces Salvador da Bahia as the capital of the Portuguese Viceroyalty of Brazil.

1775/0127:ドイツ思想家 Friedrich Schelling 177554、誕生

ein deutscher Philosoph, Anthropologe, Theoretiker der sogenannten Romantischen Medizin und einer der Hauptvertreter des Deutschen Idealismus. Schelling war der Hauptbegründer der spekulativen Naturphilosophie, die von etwa 1800 bis 1830 in Deutschland fast alle Gebiete der damaligen Naturwissenschaften prägte. Seine Philosophie des Unbewussten hatte Einfluss auf die Ausbildung der Psychoanalyse.

In 1790, he was admitted to the Tubingen Theological Seminary (an institution of the University of Tübingen) by a special exemption at the age of 15 (regulations entered from the age of 20). Two years ago, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 177031 and Friedrich Hölderlin 177043, five years older than him, entered the same seminary two years ago, and he was in the dormitory with two people in the dormitory. They were enthusiastic about the French Revolution, showed interest in the philosophy of a new era represented by Immanuel Kant, craving for progress and freedom.
Schelling did not become a pastor, and chose the philosophy or the way of literature. The philosopher who he particularly took up at this time was Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214 and Baruch Spinoza 163277.
{その Fichte が1814年の今日、死去してゐる。

1776/0127:American Revolutionary War:
 Henry Knox's "noble train of artillery" arrives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The University of Georgia is founded, the first public university in the United States.

1807/0127:ドイツの宗教哲學者 David Strauss 180874、誕生

ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Philosoph und Theologe.
a German liberal Protestant theologian and writer, who influenced Christian Europe with his portrayal of the "historical Jesus", whose divine nature he denied. His work was connected to the Tübingen School, which revolutionized study of the New Testament, early Christianity, and ancient religions. Strauss was a pioneer in the historical investigation of Jesus.

1814/0127:ドイツの思想家 Johann Gottlieb Fichte 176214、死去

ein deutscher Erzieher und Philosoph. Er gilt neben Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling und Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel als wichtigster Vertreter des Deutschen Idealismus.

Hatte sich Fichte zuvor als Anhänger der Französischen Revolution bezeichnet, so profilierte er sich nun insbesondere durch die flammend patriotischen Reden an die deutsche Nation (als Text veröffentlicht bis 1808) als Gegner Napoleons.


1823/0127:フランス作曲家 Édouard Lalo 182392、誕生

un violoniste et compositeur français.
Les sources sont en désaccord sur leur ascendance espagnole puisqu'il y a une preuve du nom de famille de la mère: Wacquez, mais on ne sait certainement pas si cela correspond au espagnol Vázquez ou pas.

The U.S. Congress approves Indian Territory (in what is present-day Oklahoma), clearing the way for forced relocation of the Eastern Indians on the "Trail of Tears".

1826/0127:ロシアの作家 Mikhaïl Saltykov-Chtchedrine 182689、誕生

「シチェドリン」Russian writer, journalist, editor of the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski, Ryazan and Tver, vice-governor.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky 182181 のライヴァル的存在であった。

1827/0127(文政10/0101):日本の武人 河井繼之助182768、誕生

Kawai Tsugunosuke was a Japanese samurai of the late Edo period, who served the Makino clan of Nagaoka 長岡.
Kawai was a senior military commander of Nagaoka forces during the Boshin War 戊辰戰爭 of 1868-1869. He escaped to nearby Aizu 會津 after his domain's fall; however, he contracted gangrene from an untreated leg wound, and died in Aizu.

1827/0127(文政10/0101):海難漁師 ジョン萬次郎182798、誕生

Nakahama Manjirō, also known as John Manjirō (or John Mung), was one of the first Japanese people to visit the United States and an important translator during the Opening of Japan.

1832/0127:イギリス童話作者 Lewis Carroll 183298、誕生

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by his pen name Lewis Carroll, was an English writer, mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, and photographer.
His most famous writings are Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, its sequel Through the Looking-Glass, which includes the poem "Jabberwocky", and the poem The Hunting of the Snark – all examples of the genre of literary nonsense. He is noted for his facility at word play, logic and fantasy.

1836/0127:マゾヒズムの Leopold von Sacher-Masoch 183695、誕生

ein österreichischer Schriftsteller. Er schrieb auch unter den Pseudonymen Charlotte Arand und Zoë von Rodenbach.

二十世紀後半のフランスの思想家 Gilles Deleuze 192595 は『サドとマゾッホ』で、精神分析で二項対立的に語られた「サディズム」と「マゾヒズム」が、実は対立しない関係であることを主張した。{それじゃなんにもなるめえ。

1838/0127:USA, "Trail of tears"
Mandatory emigration to Cherokee Indians.


The Trail of Tears was a series of forced relocation, sometimes at gunpoint, of Native American nations from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to other areas, one of which was an area West of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Indian Territory. The forced relocations were carried out by government authorities following the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Many of the relocated native people suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route to their new designated reserve, and many died before reaching their various designated reserve(s). The removal included members of the Cherokee, Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Ponca nations. The phrase "Trail of Tears" originates from a description of the many Native American tribes removal; including the infamous Cherokee Nation in 1838

1841/0127:ロシアの画家 Arkhip Kouïndji 191041、誕生

Архип Иванович Куинджи est un peintre paysagiste ukrainien d'origine grecque-pontine.

1841/0127:China[清] 第一次鴉片戰爭:清廷向英國宣戰。
The First Opium War: The Qing court declared war on Britain.

1848/0127(弘化04/1222):日本の軍人 東郷平八郎184834、誕生

Tōgō Heihachirō was a gensui or admiral of the fleet in the Imperial Japanese Navy and one of Japan's greatest naval heroes.
As Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet during the Russo-Japanese War he successfully confined the Russian Pacific
Fleet to Port Arthur before winning a decisive victory over a relieving fleet at Tsushima. Tōgō was termed by Western journalists as "the Nelson of the East".

1853/0127:ドイツの地理學者 Johannes Justus Rein 185318、誕生

a German geographer, author and traveler in East Asia. On the title page of each of his books, his name is given as either J.J. Rein or Johann J. Rein.

この年の七月、彼は白山の自然と白山信仰について調査するため白山に昇った。その歸途、に石川県白峰村で、手取川右岸の当時「大崩れ」と呼ばれてゐた所で、十数個の植物の化石を見付け、友人の Geyler に調査を依頼した。ガイラは、この化石がジュラ紀中期頃の物と斷定、1877年に論文発表した。

1856/0127:イギリスの進化論者 Edward Poulton 185643、誕生

Sir Edward Bagnall Poulton was a British evolutionary biologist who was a lifelong advocate of natural selection through a period in which many scientists such as Reginald Punnett doubted its importance.
He invented the term sympatric for evolution of species in the same place, and in his book The Colours of Animals (1890) was the first to recognise frequency-dependent selection.
Poulton is also remembered for his pioneering work on animal coloration. He is credited with inventing the term aposematism for warning coloration, as well as for his experiments on 'protective coloration' (camouflage).

1859/0127:ドイツ皇帝 Wilhelm II 185941、誕生

Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert von Preußen war von 1888 bis 1918 letzter Deutscher Kaiser und König von Preußen

1860/0127:ハンガリの数学者 János Bolyai 180260、死去

a Hungarian mathematician, one of the founders of non-Euclidean geometry — a geometry that differs from Euclidean geometry in its definition of parallel lines. The discovery of a consistent alternative geometry that might correspond to the structure of the universe helped to free mathematicians to study abstract concepts irrespective of any possible connection with the physical world.


España y Perú concluyen la paz en la Guerra Hispano-Sudamericana, que, sin embargo, es rechazada por el pueblo peruano y el Congreso.

pain and Peru conclude peace in the Spanish-South American War, which is rejected by the Peruvian population and Congress.

Boshin War: The Battle of Toba–Fushimi between forces of the Tokugawa shogunate and pro-Imperial factions begins, which will end in defeat for the shogunate, and is a pivotal point in the Meiji Restoration.

Boshin War: Tokugawa rebels establish the Ezo Republic in Hokkaidō.


Thomas Alva Edison receives US Patent Number 223898 for his invention of a better bulb.

1885/0127:Jerome Kern 188545、誕生

an American composer of musical theatre and popular music. One of the most important American theatre composers of the early 20th century, he wrote more than 700 songs, used in over 100 stage works, including such classics as "Ol' Man River", "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man", "A Fine Romance", "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes", "All the Things You Are", "The Way You Look Tonight", "Long Ago (and Far Away)" and "Who?".

{私は Beatles の Yesterday よりもやゝ、この人の Yesterdays のはうが好きです。

1886/0127:ドイツの辯護士 Radhabinod Pal 188667、誕生

an Indian Bengali jurist, who was a member of the United Nations' International Law Commission from 1952 to 1966.
He was one of the Asian judges appointed to the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, the "Tokyo Trials" of Japanese war crimes committed during the Second World War.
Among all the judges of the tribunal, he was the only one who submitted a judgment which insisted all defendants were not guilty. The Yasukuni Shrine and the Kyoto Ryozen Gokoku Shrine have monuments specially dedicated to Judge Pal.

Established the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C.

élection du général Boulanger comme député de Paris.

セエヌ県の下院補欠選挙で Georges Boulanger 183791 が共和各派の統一候補に大差をつけて当選。これが、

犬猿の仲でである獨佛の感情が、普佛戰爭に負けたフランスでドイツへの憎惡は沸騰してゐた。國力は低下し、ドイツ・ビスマルクはフランスをさらに孤立させる外交を展開、こゝにフランスのナショナリズムは沸騰して政府に迫った。だが、多党連立の政権はなすすべもなく、右も左もそれぞれ深く分裂してゐた。そんななか、シャルルドフレシネ内閣の陸軍大臣として登用されたのが Georges Boulanger 183791 であった。彼は野心を抱いてゐた。後は、 Boulangisme でも


1891/0127:ロシアの作家 Ilya Ehrenbourg 189167、誕生

Илья Григорьевич Эренбург
русский писатель, поэт, публицист, журналист, переводчик с французского и испанского языков, общественный деятель, фотограф
Auteur prolifique il joua aussi un rôle important pour la propagande soviétique notamment durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il contribua avec Vassili Grossman à l'élaboration du Livre noir.

The developer liquid Rodinal for black and white films is patented. Momme Andresen invented the product that has since been sold by Agfa.

1893/0127:中國の孫文夫人 宋慶齡199381、誕生

In the 20th century, Chinese politicians, social activists and international activists were the second formal wife of the late Chinese revolutionist, the prime minister of the Chinese Kuomintang, and the founding father of the Republic of China, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Month smoked.

1893/0127:日本の經濟學者 矢内原忠雄189361、誕生

Yanaihara Tadao was a Japanese economist, educator and Christian pacifist.
The first director of Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūjo (Institute of Social Science or Shaken) at the University of Tokyo, he studied at Toynbee Hall and School of Economics and Political Science (London School of Economics).


All countries require the Qing government to suppress the Boxers.

1901/0127:イタリアのオペラ作曲家 Giuseppe Verdi 181301、死去

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi è stato un compositore italiano tra i massimi autori di melodrammi.
Verdi compose sia musica operistica, che musica non destinata al teatro; tuttavia la mole e la qualità della sua produzione lirica hanno fatto di lui il più grande drammaturgo musicale italiano, subentrando ai grandi protagonisti del primo Ottocento: Gioachino Rossini, Gaetano Donizetti e Vincenzo Bellini. Come il suo contemporaneo Richard Wagner, il più importante esponente e riformatore dell'opera romantica tedesca, interpretò in modo attento e originale, seppure differente, gli elementi romantici presenti nei suoi melodrammi.

Das Deutsche Kaiserreich weiht als Kolonialmacht in Lome die Landungsbrücke ein, mit der die tückische Brandung in Ufernähe überbrückt werden kann. Bis 1914 erfolgt hierüber der Großteil des Schiffsverkehrs von und nach Togoland.

The German Empire inaugurates as a colonial power in Lome the jetty, with which the treacherous surf near the shore can be bridged. Until 1914, most of the shipping traffic to and from Togoland takes place here.

British astronomer Philibert Jacques Melotte discovers another moon of Jupiter, later called Pasiphae.

1918/0127:USAブルウス演者 Elmore James 191863、誕生

an American blues guitarist, singer, songwriter and bandleader.
He was known as "King of the Slide Guitar" and was noted for his use of loud amplification and his stirring voice.

The Finnish Civil War begins in Finland, which has only recently become independent, and will last until 5 May. The Red Guards bring Helsinki under their control during the night, while the White Guard Corps encounter little resistance in the north.

1922/0127:イタリアの小説家 Giovanni Verga 184022、死去

Giovanni Carmelo Verga è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e fotografo italiano, considerato il maggior esponente della corrente letteraria del verismo

「ヴェリズモ」と呼ばれる十九世紀イタリアのリアリズム文芸運動の代表的作家の一人。シチリア島を舞台に、市井の人々の生活を描いた一連の小説、なかでも後にピエトロマスカニがオペラにした短編『Cavalleria Rusticana』が有名。

1922/0127:USA女性記者 Nellie Bly 186422、死去

「ネリ ブライ」Elizabeth Cochran Seaman, better known by her pen name Nellie Bly, was an American journalist who was widely known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days, in emulation of Jules Verne's fictional character Phileas Fogg, and an exposé in which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from within.
She was a pioneer in her field, and launched a new kind of investigative journalism. Bly was also a writer, industrialist, inventor, and a charity worker.

1888年に、Jules Verne 182805 の『八十日間世界一周』を、実際に世界一周させるといふ企画に、彼女がその役に選ばれた。1889年11月14日に彼女はニュウヨウクを出発し、24,899マイルの旅に出た。

Italian-Yugoslav pact, Italian annexation of Fiume.

With the Treaty of Rome between Italy and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Free State of Fiume is dissolved. The city of Fiume becomes Italian, while the neighboring town Sušak goes to Yugoslavia. The exile government Fiumes does not recognize the contract.

1926/0127:スヱデンの女優 Ingrid Thulin 192604、誕生

a Swedish film actress.
Elle était, avec Greta Garbo et Ingrid Bergman, la plus connue des actrices suédoises.
Elle incarna l’archétype de la beauté nordique, froide et mystérieuse. Une des égéries du cinéaste Ingmar Bergman, elle a également travaillé sous la direction de Luchino Visconti, Vincente Minnelli et d'Alain Resnais.


In front of members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, John Logie Baird performs functioning mechanical television.

1930/0127:USAブルウス演者 Bobby Blue Bland 193013、誕生

Robert Calvin Bland, known professionally as Bobby "Blue" Bland, was an American blues singer.
Bland developed a sound that mixed gospel with the blues and R&B.[1] He was described as "among the great storytellers of blues and soul music..



Ice plates floating in the Niagara River press on the fighters of the Canada and the United States connecting Upper Steel Arch Bridge; this breaks down then.

Adolf Hitler setzt per Gesetz den Z-Plan in Kraft, einen von der deutschen Kriegsmarine unter ihrem Oberbefehlshaber Erich Raeder entwickelten Flottenrüstungsplan, der über das deutsch-britische Flottenabkommen hinausgeht.

Adolf Hitler enacts by law the Z-Plan, a naval development plan developed by the German Navy under its Commander-in-Chief Erich Raeder, which goes beyond the German-British naval agreement.

First flight of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning.


With an air raid on Wilhelmshaven, flown by 55 bombers, the bombardments of the American air force begin on the day. From now until the end of the war Germany will be attacked almost daily by airplanes.

The Eighth Air Force sorties ninety-one B-17s and B-24s to attack the U-boat construction yards at Wilhelmshaven, Germany. This was the first American bombing attack on Germany.

Mit der Vertreibung der letzten deutschen Soldaten aus dem Südteil von Leningrad endet die 900 Tage andauernde Belagerung der Stadt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Einschließung durch die deutsche Wehrmacht während des Russlandfeldzugs hat rund eine Million Menschenleben gefordert.

The expulsion of the last German soldiers from the southern part of Leningrad ends the 900-day siege of the city during the Second World War. The encirclement by the German Wehrmacht during the Russian campaign has claimed about one million lives.

1945/0127:日本の作詞家 野口雨情188245、死去

Noguchi Ujō est un poète et parolier japonais de chansons pour enfants et de musique traditionnelle folklorique min'yō.
Il est l'auteur de quelques-unes des pièces les plus aimées et familières pour enfants et chorales de jeunes telle que Akai Kutsu 赤い靴 (Chaussures rouges ).
Avec Kitahara Hakushū 北原白秋188542 et Saijō Yaso 西条八十189270, il est considéré comme l'un des trois grands poètes et compositeurs de chansons pour enfants du Japon


The Red Army liberates the remaining inmates of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

the Red Army liberates the remaining 7,500 prisoners of the largely evacuated Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. The date of this event is commemorated in 1996 as a day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism for the National Day of Remembrance in the Federal Republic of Germany and 2005 proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on the International Day of Remembrance to the victims of the Holocaust.


Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with Operation Ranger.

At the Nevada National Security Site, the first of a total of 119 above-ground atomic bomb tests will be conducted.

US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles gave a speech on "reworking policy" that insists against military confrontation with the communist zone

The Soviet submarine S-80 sinks when its snorkel malfunctions, flooding the boat.

rétablissement des relations diplomatiques franco-chinoises.


Military coup in South Vietnam. General Nguyen Khan has a real power.

1965/0127:日本の柔道家 三船久蔵188365、死去

Mifune Kyūzō est un judoka japonais, classé comme l'un des plus grands pratiquants de l'art du judo 柔道 après son fondateur, Kano Jigoro 嘉納冶五郎186038. Il est considéré par beaucoup comme le plus grand technicien de judo, après Kano. Il était 10e dan.

 Mifune (à gauche) avec J. Kano.


Assassinat du Premier ministre iranien Hassan Ali Mansour.

Il fut Premier ministre d'Iran sous le règne de Mohammad Reza Chah durant la Révolution Blanche, et fut assassiné par un membre des Fedayin de l'Islam.

Astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee are killed in a fire during a test of their Apollo 1 spacecraft at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union sign the Outer Space Treaty in Washington, D.C., banning deployment of nuclear weapons in space, and limiting use of the Moon and other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes.

The United States, Britain and the Soviet Union sign the Treaty on the Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, or space contracts, to regulate their activities in outer space.




1972/0127:USAゴスペル歌手 Mahalia Jackson 191172、死去

an American gospel singer. Possessing a powerful contralto voice,[2] she was referred to as "The Queen of Gospel".
She became one of the most influential gospel singers in the world and was heralded internationally as a singer and civil rights activist.

The Paris Peace Accords officially end the Vietnam War. Colonel William Nolde is killed in action becoming the conflict's last recorded American combat casualty.


Chinese archaeologists unearthed the sites of Xia Dynasty capital in Dengfeng area of Henan province.

1980/0127:USA & Canada
Through cooperation between the U.S. and Canadian governments, six American diplomats secretly escape hostilities in Iran in the culmination of the Canadian Caper.

The pilot shaft of the Seikan Tunnel, the world's longest sub-aqueous tunnel (53.85 km) between the Japanese islands of Honshū and Hokkaidō, breaks through.

1985/0127:日本のヤクザ組長 竹中正久193385、暗殺(射殺)

the short-lived 4th kumicho of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's largest yakuza gang.
He took the role of kumicho (supreme Godfather) in 1984, but was assassinated at a girlfriend's home in Osaka early the next year by a rival faction, the Ichiwa-kai. The killing sparked a massive yakuza war, the Yama-Ichi War, in which more than 20 people died.



le président somalien Siad Barre fuit la capitale, Mogadiscio, conduisant ainsi à l'effondrement du régime de la République démocratique somalie.

In a military coup Colonel Ibrahim Baré Maïnassara deposes the first democratically elected president of Niger, Mahamane Ousmane.

2000/0127:オウストリアのピアニスト Friedrich Gulda 193000、死去

ein österreichischer Pianist und Komponist.

In the Indian state of Gujarat, an earthquake measuring 7.7 calls for some 20,000 lives.


An explosion at a military storage facility in Lagos, Nigeria kills at least 1,100 people and displaces over 20,000 others.

The first selections for the National Recording Registry are announced by the Library of Congress.

All Nippon Airways' Boeing 767-300 aircraft causes an overrun accident at the Narita International Airport due to mishandling.

2008/0127:インドネシア大統領 Suharto 192106、死去

, 2e président de la République d’Indonésie de 1967 à 1998
General of the Army Hajji Suharto was the second President of Indonesia, holding the office for 31 years from the ousting of Sukarno in 1967 until his resignation in 1998.


2009/0127:USA作家 John Updike 193209、死去

John Hoyer Updike was an American novelist, poet, short story writer, art critic, and literary critic.
One of only three writers to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once (the others were Booth Tarkington and William Faulkner), Updike published more than twenty novels, more than a dozen short-story collections, as well as poetry, art and literary criticism and children's books during his career.

2010/0127:USA作家 J. D. Salinger 191910、死去

an American writer known for his widely-read novel The Catcher in the Rye. Following his early success publishing short stories and The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger led a very private life for more than a half-century. He published his final original work in 1965 and gave his last interview in 1980.

The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. 未熟な男の特徴は、理想のために高貴な死を望む。一方、成熟した男は理想のために質素たらんと望む。

I’m sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. 完全な無名氏になる勇氣を持てない自分にウンザリしてるんだ。

Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It’s history. It’s poetry. 幸福なことに、彼等のうちの何人かが彼等の苦惱を記録しておいた。それから君は學ぶことができるだらう、キミが望むなら。同じやうに何時の日か、キミが何事か書き遺せば、それで誰かが學ぶことになる。それは美しい相互援助といふものだ。これは教育じゃない。歴史だ。詩だ。

Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody. 誰にも何も話さないはうがいいぜ。話したら、誰も彼も失踪を

The 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis ends when Porfirio Lobo Sosa becomes the new President of Honduras.

Arab Spring: The Yemeni Revolution begins as over 16,000 protestors demonstrate in Sana'a.

242 peoples die in a nightclub fire in the Brazilian city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul.

2014/0127:USAフォウク歌手 Pete Seeger 191914、死去

an American folk singer and social activist.
A fixture on nationwide radio in the 1940s, he also had a string of hit records during the early 1950s as a member of the Weavers, most notably their recording of Lead Belly's "Goodnight, Irene", which topped the charts for 13 weeks in 1950. Members of the Weavers were blacklisted during the McCarthy Era. In the 1960s, Seeger re-emerged on the public scene as a prominent singer of protest music in support of international disarmament, civil rights, counterculture, and environmental causes.

2015/0127:USA科學者 Charles Hard Townes 191515、死去

an American physicist and inventor of the maser and laser.
Townes worked on the theory and application of the maser, for which he obtained the fundamental patent, and other work in quantum electronics associated with both maser and laser devices

Townes was religious and believed that science and religion are converging to provide a greater understanding of the nature and purpose of the universe

Art of Heart ∈ 思考 69 空想 ∋ Word of World

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